like a sub boss in game

*Bang bang*

"Why the hell your skin is too tough"

"How can you hide so much mag in such small frame body"

"It's my secret"

"Then it's also my secret."

"It's boring. Here take this" I tossed grenade at him.

He dodged backwards to avoid my grenade. It proved me that his skin can only endure bullet not grenade. I don't know why he can't endure before explosion but at least, I can wound him.

While he moved back, I fired at his critical points, his eyes for example. With intention that I can make him blind.

Of course, he won't let me do that. He raised his arms up to block. Using this short moment, I reloaded another mag.

This is my first time I fought this so called superman. Never before have I believed that there is such a person like this exist in the world who can block bullet with body.

This experience refreshed my world view. That guy is very challenge for me and I love it.

"Such a cheap trick." he stomped the ground and threw the rubble to me.

Having limited my view, he made a quick bee line to me.

He punched straight into the smoke where my shadow was illuminated. A perfect hook was sent into stomach which can cause people paralyze for short period.

"Way to go Thomas."

"I love you Thomas"

"Show that bitch our strength"

Everyone was cheering him since they are sure that Thomas stroke me while the people who followed watched in tremble. Opposite to them, Thomas didn't express any happy upon this. Until the smoke was clear, everyone's smile was disappeared. All turned into the frown. What they expected that it's me who got punched but it's actually my coat.

"I don't believe your ear hole is invulnerable" I whispered next to him.


A very sharp loud rang out.

"Oh no. Thomas"

"Oh my god"

Until the smoke was cleared, I appeared with many ammo and grenades hanging on body. And Thomas was barely knelt on the ground.

"How dare that bitch uses underhanded move"

"The invincible Thomas was wounded"

"No. He is still there"

Despite his subordinate's shout and warming, he still kept his eyes contact on me.

"What a surprise" I exclaimed.

Thomas was still alive. His ear hole was bleeding very hard but somehow, it can't directly kill him. At least, he lost balance.

"You know what. You like a mini boss in video game."

"Disrespect. I'm more than that. Beside."

"What a cunning move. Using smoke to laugh a sneak attack." he laughed at me after seeing my effort was fruitless.

"Only coward do this. Definitely not like who follow and trust my path." he ridiculed my way of doing.

"Yeah, cannibal's path. I'm coward so what. I will survive to the end." I drew my battle knife to combat with him at close range. Knife and fist. Usually knife will be the winner but this thing can't be applied in this guys.

It's apparently Thomas who had better advantage over me. I can only direct his attack and dodge to take some distance.

Knowing my intention, he won't give me a chance. He stroke on me with incredible speech. Making a dent on the wall behind, even the stone can't endure his punch. While I was dodging, he had an intention to bite me.

"You should be sent to mental hospital from the begin." I commented at his fighting style.

"And you shall be my meal"

"You crazy bastard" when I said this line, I realized that I was cornered.

"This is the end." his arm aimed at my head with kill intention. Facing this dilemma, I jumped on the wall and flipped forwards. As a result, the wall was collapsed after receiving his punch.

"It has been long that I can play my prey happy like this" he showed his heinous smile which caused people having hope to run was extinguished.

"Since you want to play, why don't you play in my area." I tossed grenade at him.

He vigilantly dodged aside. However, the thing that I threw was smoke grenade. The smoke was quickly covered area. Covering the room with white color, no one can see anything beside themselves.

"Let me reveal a little secret. My specialized strength is sneak-attack in smoke."

"No way you can deceive me again" he raised his right arm to protect his eyes while the rest was protecting his ears.

"Let me enlighten you why." a voice reverberated from the smoke. Even though the voice was loud, he can't know where the sound come from.

Immediately, an attack was launched. His head was received consecutive attack by arm and leg. He raised his defensive hand to punch at me again.

But I was fast, I used this smoke to cover my presence. His effort was useless. No punch hit the target.

"Look who are punching. Like a child who don't know anything." I laughed out loud in this white screen.

"Hmm, when the smoke disperse, it will be your doom" he provoked but no response was replied.

A shadow was moving very fast behind the smoke which left its afterimage.

"Look who is this coward. Moving around and do nothing."

He continued provoking me while I kept attacking him from every angle.

This lasted for 2 minutes. After that, the smoke was dispersed.

"Look who you are. Are you tired" he looked at me while I was sweating a lot. My clothes was wet by my sweat.

"Let properly give you a rest." he made a dash towards while raising his both hands. He intended to implant me into the ground.

Seeing him coming near, I didn't move even a slightly. This action boasted his arrogance.

He clenched his hands into a fist and placed two hands together into one. He hammered my head into the ground with enormous strength.

"Yes this is my victory" he claimed. However, the reality was reversed with what he thought. The moment that he hammered my head wasn't appeared. It stopped only 1 cm from my face.

"What is this? " he was confused why he can't move his hand forward even a little bit.

"This is" he narrowed his eyes to see the shiny thing on his hand.

"That's right. This is my string. A special string which can't be cut even with your special muscle." I said.

"Nonsense. See me getting out from this" he mustered his strength to cut the string. He tried this with his best. His vein was bulging all over body.

"It's useless. By the way, looking at your subordinate." I pointed at people behind him.

When he turned back, people who is his discipline was all lost conscious.

"Those people can be dead or lost conscious. Whatever. It's my win." I pointed the muzzle at his eyes.

Without waiting anymore, I fired without stopping. His eyes went blind from this.

He is grunting in pain. Finally, he was unable to contain the pain. He screamed in pain.

"Eat this" I stuffed my grenade into his mouth.

He can't see it but he can feel it. Immediately, the grenade was exploded.

"Sweat dream. M**********" I bid goodbye.

"You win"

"We actually win" 'Hey, it was only me do all this.'

"Yes, we actually win" I humbly replied to them.

"Okay, everyone. Move fast. There will be an evacuation at Shintoko third elementary school. Going there." I observed those people escaping this hellish gym.

"Where is that girl?" the person I want to find wasn't found in the crowd.

I grabbed Billy.

"Where is she? The girl I said before"

"She leave before."

"Holy crab" I relieved my grip.

"I do this again from zero" I held my face in embarrassment.