Meet again

"So tired and sad. I have to do it again." I signed heavily after my long finding was fail.

The person I want to investigate was disappeared from my eyes. Again.

"I was so close." I placed the core on table.

Thinking that person running away, I want to dig a hole for myself.

When that person ran away, I knew it would be useless to trace her. Those survivors want me to go with them but I refused with an excuse that I need to find my parents.

Although they were disappointed, they can't force me to go with them. In the end, they chose to move in group while I moved the opposite.

"What have happened can't change. Let's complete this armor soon. I feel like each second this world go wrong. Especially that mutant zombie and that man. I have no idea such a person like this exist."

"Too bad. He's a cannibal."

I looked tools on work desk together with my armor.

"This time is my time" I started to upgrade the armor.

I used wrench, driver, steel cutting saw, … to fix the core without protection suit. I must be careful. The moment this core leaked a little radiation, it will be my death. I intensively focused each detail. I knew I played with dangerous material but this is only my choice.

"I don't want to stay this world anymore."

After doing it for 3 hours, I finally remove the core into new framework. I turned on the engine. The gear started moving. Each robot hands continued my crafting the armor while I controlled it. If I am going at this rate, I can complete it in 5 days or less. Maybe.


10 days later.

The clock rang out next to table. It rang out annoyingly. I fumbled the table to turn off the clock. Unexpectedly, I accidentally made it fall. Feeling unable to endure that sound, I waked up. Dazed, I looked around me. Making a clumsy bee-line to the sink, I splashed the water onto my face. Feeling not enough, I brought my face to the sink drowning myself. After feeling my lung out of oxygen, I raised my face. Looking at mirror, I saw myself was untidy and weary.

"I deserve the long vacation" I talked to me in the mirror.

I can see the dark circle under my eyes. Thing went out of my plan. I expected to do it in 1 week but it's complete in nearly 2 weeks. Maybe. I don't know. I'm isolated myself in this factory with no sun light entering. Not knowing the time outside, my sense of time was messed up.

After washing my face, I opened canned food to eat. Providing energy for new day or new night. I made my way to the work. What welcomed my eyes is a new upgrade armor using nuclear energy as a core.

When looking this armor, I remembered my time of doing that. There is a time it leak a little bit but I soldered it quickly. No harm. There is time that energy in that core was unstable. I almost created a mini nuclear bomb and blew this place but that thing wasn't happened. My life is still big. If I were like the past, I will die from heart attack instead radiation or explosion.

"At least, I can roam around the world without scaring anything. Even zombies or military" I burst out laughed.

The laugh reverberated the room. Gradually, the sound reduced in volume.

"I'm happy too fast. Let's test it now" I wore the armor.

The energy in armor was charging, I could see the screen stating the status of armor

[Booting the system.]


I tried to wield it. I raised my hand, punched, walked around. Its function like my previous life. It proves that my skill didn't get dull after many years without touching it.

I picked my weapon and went out the factory.

On the road, there is motorcycle parking. I jumped on it and rode it.

My first destination is evacuation place. I believed I was late but I want to confirm again to be sure. I cleaned the zombies in the area so the evacuation should be gone well. I hope so.

Did the evacuation succeed? I want to know.

I pulled the handle to go faster.

It's a short travel. I ignored zombies on road. They are just small in number so I don't bother to take care of them.

When I arrived, I saw the collapsed structure everywhere. Many tents were crushed, many blood pool on the ground, many military body were lying on the ground with their gun. I assumed the operation was fail. How the hell it fail? I don't know. That's what I'm going to find out.

I went around to check. Obviously, no survivors was found. Seeing the result was clear, I intended to leave this area soon but suddenly, something moved behind me. When I turned around, I saw the box is moving to move

I lift the box and found a little girl. She looked very calm for a girl at her age. She looked at me with innocent eyes.

"Are you a hero?"

Hearing the question, I thought a while.

"No, I'm not"

"Are you lying? I once saw people like you on TV"

'Haiz, TV shows. Probably cartoon like power ranger or kamen rider.'

"Maybe yes. Maybe no. So can you tell me your name and what had happened in this place." I politely asked her.

"Yes, my name is Alice." 'Alice, same name with that little girl.'

" 7 days ago, there is a mysterious light on the sky. After that, I and my mom were ordered to stay in the tent."

"I slept with my mom. Suddenly, there were many scream rang out. Waking me up. Feeling curious, I went outside the tent and saw my mom with a box. She told me to hide is here. I don't know what is going on but I still do as my mom say."

"So Alice, can you give a description or something I can recognize."

"I don't see but I heard people said that is a monster. Let me think. If I'm not wrong, I heard they said that monster have shark and human head."

"Ouch. So painful. Are you sad or something?"

"No, I'm not"

"Good" 'That monster. From her describing, it must be a monster that chasing me in sewer.'

'Suddenly, I feel like there is my fault in this.'

When I ran away that disgusting thing, a hole appeared and separated me and that thing. Because of this, I was alive until this day.

"Are you here to fight the monster, brother?"

My new armor was repaired some part so it's not easy to distinguish the gender.

"Yes, I'm here to kill that monster."

"Can I follow you?"

"Yes but you must obey me"

"Okay. Oh. The monster that you are going to fight is behind you." a girl said.

Without turning back, I can feel it was already behind me.

"Run away. I will fight that thing."

"Yes, brother."

I slowly turned and saw that monster was staring at me.

"Ready for second match" I brought my dual swords forwards. With heavy killing intention, I prepared to turn this bug into dust.

Receiving the question, it replied me with the roar.

With that, I lunged at that thing.