Unknown attacker 2

Gun and bomb sound rang out everywhere in this abandoned military base. Or at least this is a secret base for unknown variable now. Fire and explosion spread out everywhere. The battle happened in this place like the small version of WW. Building and structure collapsed one by one while accompanying with the scream of fear,pain, despair. They don't know why this happens and what that thing want but they know particularly one thing. Today, they absolutely can't escape with their own life. Despite this, they still resisted with their best like their life depended on this.

"Die. Die." a guy controlled sentry fired through the smoke fueling with rage.

"For the fallen. You deserves to suffer in 9 floor of hell."

"Don't be fall behind. Keep pushing. He's weak now" the commander had a dispensable role in battlefield. And that is raising spirit.

"If we keep doing this, we will be victory." having ended his sentence, immediately he received right into his mouth. Blood splattered on the ground gushing endless. He knelt on the ground while assessing the situation.

"Damn. Where is the back up when I really need."

He looked left and he saw his subordinate is fighting fiercely.

He looked right and he saw the corpses of his subordinate were laying haphazardly.

He, the captain, didn't know whether this is a retribution or not. In fact, he knew one thing that other captain don't know. The virus turning human into zombie was caused by his superior. It's purely accident when he went out to take a rest. Because of this, he eavesdropped unexpected thing. He could have killed them or blackmailed or whatever benefit for but he chose no. Maybe at that time, he thought he can't escape from here. Cause they are the one dominating the world at the moment. It's not joke to say that they are the strongest in this age.

"Is this my fate? How bloody? How hellish" he said in low voice.

He could see attacker was coming for him. Each step stomped the ground even he can feel the shock from here.

"It seems like a perfect end for guys like me." he smiled while looking at smoke screen.

The smoke revealed the leg. Attacker appeared before him.

"Now. This is an epic battle." he mustered all his last strength to stand up.

"One that I don't even know you." that thing replied.

"You. Big asshole. Come and get me." he drew a knife and charged at it. However, this is life not a dream. His action made many mistake like going towards gunman. Luckily for him, as if seeing his brave action for his last moment, that guy decided to put the gun down and raised hands in defence.

"I will let you taste the power of veteran soldier experiencing on battlefield for 40 years." he shouted out loudly while dauntless charging.

He slashed the knife aiming the hole on helmet but he received a kick in return. A powerful one. Sending him flying 10m and rolling until he crashed into rubble.

"Taste like sh*t. It will leave aftertaste for me." that thing picked the gun up and moved towards him.

"Any last word." it was pointing the gun at his forehead, he smiled for last time.

He spat the saliva stained with blood.

"Go to the hell."

"I'm already in the hell" *Bang*

Gun sound reverberated once again. One more life was lost.

Nonetheless, this is the fact of war. People was bound to this since born. War existed in many form but the primary one is still violence. Since they experience violence, the only thing that they can't avoid is despair, nightmare, trauma, PTSD. It will haunt them the rest of life if their sanity wasn't strong.

"It's over. What's the point now." one person didn't want to taste the gruesome death like his fellow. He chose to end his life by himself. He raised his handgun aiming his head. Pulling the trigger and bang. He died as a mob.

Of course, this don't happen only to him. Those fighting also received panic-stricken like this guy.

"Don't leave me John."

"It's no hope. Save yourself. My best friend."

"No John. Don't close your eyes"


"No no no. I don't want to do this. AH ah" First person to throw the gun and run away. There is no way it will let him go. He met the same fate like the other.

"Let me in. Let me in" other guy's just banging the door.

One by one followed his action. They were running away like coward. They are now in mire of despair so they don't have mood to care their duty anymore. That is why leaders have an dispensable role in battle. They lead people through obstacle and guide to victory. They are the one controlling the battle. Without them, people will throw away the discipline that they practice for years.

The battle ended with majority running with their life. Some jumped over the fences, some took the car, some suicide themselves. That thing wasn't shooting or chasing them anymore. It only shot at those who still have spirit to fight.

The rest was still fighting because they had belief that they can take down this demon. The evidence is the hole on its helmet. Only one bullet right in that place and they win. Sadly, they will never kill it because of invisible shield.

Not really their defeat since that guy is still there.

"Come on. Why the smoke's not disappeared yet." he looked through the scope. All he saw were smoke and smoke.

"Deadeyes, why don't you shoot him. Many men die out there."

"I'm waiting for a clear shot. I can't see anything from this angle."

"I can just change your f*cking position and why not do that."

"Can't. That guy's now aware the danger of high ground. He always observed those position first."

"You better do this or else, I will kill with my hands."

"SHESH, Don't be hasty and wait for my good new." he pressed hard on switch-off button and focused on his task.

"Go out there and let me claim my price" he intensely watched for the target.

A smoke scene blocked his view. This is the biggest obstacle for him right now. The previous shot arrived target but didn't kill. At least, it stunned the target and that is why it can't point out his position.

"F*cking smoke. Keep obscuring me. Can you send helicopter to disperse smoke? Manager." he turned on the radio.

"Negative. You do it all yourself. I have placed many hope on you and you fail me."

"Old grumble" saying in low volume.

"Nothing. I think I can solve this" this time, he threw the radio.

"Let see what I got here" he checked his toolbox to see what can use in this dilemma.

"Only one bullet left." he found the same bullet like previous.

"This means this is my last chance"

The strong wind blew from the east dispersing the smoke.

"Look like god help me this time" the smile returned back.

"And now, where is my prey?"

He observed the situation with scope. What he saw was corpses and rubble piling up.

Tracking the trace left few minute ago, he pinpointed the position that attacker possibly chose to hide for a while. Not out of his calculation, there is a shadow of said person. The only easy thing to notice is his helmet. He never forgot the helmet that he failed to kill.

Detecting the target, he held the gun towards it.

"Stable gun, slightly raise and"



A deaf sound rang out once again. Tearing the air with its high speed, it arrived the target in less than half of a second. The bullet impacted its helmet again. Blood splattered on the wall.

Although he shot precious this time, he want to check again to confirm that it's really dead.

"Blood run like a river. Brain part on the floor. No movement. Okay he's dead for surely."

Despite saying this, he still looked for few second.

"Haha. This is will be written in my glory book." he said in a voice full of triumphant tune.

"No. You're wrong. It should be my glory." a voice rang out to deny his statement.

Deadeyes, without turning, can know the owner of that voice. His hand were still holding his favorite gun. If he act right moment, he can turn the table.

"Man. You are on fire out there. Can you tell me how you can do that?" he tried to stall time.

"First, my gender is female. Second, I have better weapon so I win."

"The attacker is female. Hmm. You must be demon in female skin."

"Man. You have just hurt my unexisted feeling. However, don't try something funny. I know what are you doing."

"You must be proud for destroying whole base. Can you tell me why you know me here."

"Experience and book. The conversation is fun but sorry that I have to kill you."

"How about you calm down, put down your gun and I will talk to my superior to be lenient your punishment."

"Don't need. By the way, do you know something important in this place."

"Ah no."

Immediately, he imaged that girl drew the finger near trigger, his forehead was covered with sweat. Never before he feels humiliating like this one.

"Wait. I know something. There is batch of people were detained here."

"And where is that"

"Underground base. Only arriving that place through elevator. Any other way can't."

"Hmm. Good. Maybe I can spare you this time." it seemed like his answer satisfied her.

"Now, go out of my sight." she lowed her gun and turned to leave.

"Yes. I will" 'Like hell I will'

Seeing no hostile from enemy anymore, he decided sneaky attack and regained his honor.

His hand reached to hidden gun in his shoes. Ready to draw and fire in second.

*Bang* his head exploded.

"Like I said. Don't try something funny. I have eyes on my back."

His lifeless body dropped to the ground while his eyes fulled of horror.

"You should have run."

Finishing his life, that girl walked towards the place that he pointed.