End of arc 1

3rd point of view.

"Wait for me, my wife. Just a moment, you will be perfect" Dr.Nimbus treated his swollen wound with disinfectant drug. After that, he applied a bandage on his wound at his belly. It's miracle that he was shot right into belly still have enough strength to run away. This is out of his expectation. Who know the bullet-proof mirror can be penetrated.

However, his obsession of his dream girl saved him one life.

When looking at him right now, it reminded him his pity self in the past. He gnashed his teeth making noisy sound.

"Since you can't accept me, you can be mine in another way." he gently touched the corpse laying on the operating table.

"Damn it. I will choke you to death with my hands." he looked at his bloody hands. Feeling frustrated, he clenched his fist and punched the wall. His breath was panting.

"Calm down. He will be dead for now. No need for me to keep him in mind. Let's go to main point." he made his way to Rei and Saeko. Two of them was drugged before taking to this place.

He placed two of them on operating table and took out surgery tool. He threw it on the ground and knelt to pick the tool up.

"It's show time. Time to make masterpiece become more masterpiece." he took a scissor and cut the clothes Rei's off first. He started to cut from skirt to collar. Revealing the porcelain skin, he continued cutting the underwear. Now Rei was completely laying naked.

"It's splendid. It was my right choice to leave you alive." he reached out a marker to draw a line where to cut and where not to cut. In order to keep it in good condition, after cutting it off, he will keep it in container which have special liquid to keep it fresh.

"It won't be long that you will have a delicate legs." he licked Rei's leg while imagining that is his (delusioned) wife's leg.

He knelt on the ground. His hand fumbled through the tools on the ground. Some needle was stabbed into his fresh but he felt nothing excepting excitement of completion his art.

"Where is scalpel when I really need it." his hand started to bleed from small cut.

"Damn" he stood up and angrily kicked the surgery tools.

He held his face with one hand revealing only one eye to stare.

"This. Is frustrated" his eyes bulged out as if it want to leave the eye socket. His sick started to kick in. His sick is anger without condition. Just know that he become very angry to surrounding. This is a sick that he have from born. Because of this, many people isolated him. Only she reached for him. However, unknown to her, this is the big mistake of her life. It's not wrong to help people but she unluckily helped someone not normal. After this, he started to observe her everyday, every night. As time passes, his obsession become bigger. He can't endure this anymore so he confessed to his girl that he likes in hope searching the answer that he longs for.

To his anger, she refused him. He unaccepted her refused so he killed her in spot and kept it in refrigerator for many years without being discovered by police.

Until the discovery of this virus, he saw that virus had a potential to resurrect the dead so he placed a big beg in this. Before resurrecting her, he need to make her become the most beautiful person.

His line of thinking broke when a scalpel appeared before his eyes's sight.

"Ha ha. There you are. You know I'm searching for you all time" A voice full of rage spoke. He gabbed the knife's blade tightly. A drop of blood ran on his hand and fell to the ground.

When he tried to pull it, it won't move even a little bit. His eyes followed the knife's handle and found a hand was holding it.

"You motherfucker."

The moment he said that, a knife stabbed into his eye.

He screamed and rolled on the ground in pain.

"You are so sick. Even god can't save you." a strange person spoke to you.

"Who are you? Dare to say that to me."

"Me. Doesn't matter. You will be dead anyway. It's waste of my energy to say this to the dead."

"You dare" he immediately was shot into his legs rendering him knelt on the ground.

"I dare. You are just a crazy dog while I have gun so why no."

"You are just a mongrel."

"Fuck man. Talking to you make me tired. Let me give you a painful death like I promise."

He was pressed on the ground by attacker's body.

"Let me tell you one thing that you know. Human's body have 106 bones, right. That means I can give you a hellish circular of pain in 106 times."

"First let start with rib first." an attacker picked the hammer up from the ground.

"According to my understanding, it's around the chest."

"You piece of shit."

*Crack* a sound rang out.

"Come on. I was lecturing you. Don't interfere" he was threatened with hammer.

"%&#$%^&%" He started to swear in unknown language.

"What's a mad dog. Let me help you shut your mouth." Dr. Nimbus was gagged with fray.

"Bite it. Don't worry. I have a day. First is for me. To relieve my anger that I hold so long."


"Second for people all the world. Many people were dead because of craziness."


"Third for children who are innocent"


"Forth for me, again. Cause I can't think any excuse for now"

His bone was broken from 1 to 106.

"Last. For my friends." he was biting with bloody mouth.

"Good. You have endured the trial. You must have a big will or big madness to keep your mind conscious. How do you feel? Do you feel penance in you?"

"I do not regret doing this. This is all for best for my wife. They should thank me for bringing new age."

A powerful punch landed on his face.

"I will send you to Jesus Christ." he received endless rain of punch on his face. His face started swollen to the degree that his mother can't recognize him.

A teeth was knocked out from his mouth.

"No one ask you to kill million people just to create new age. Still no penance, fine. I will give you a quick death. I'm bored with you now." an attacker drew a gun and pointed at his forehead.

"Kill me. Come on. Do it. Cowards."

Without waiting anymore, the bullet was shot. Penetrating his skull, his brain was blown off.

"That's the end for mad dog."

Jean's point of view.

"That's the end for mad dog." I spat saliva on his face.

"Have fun in hell."

I killed him because he was dangerous. As long as he is alive, he will cause more harm to the world than benefit.

"Anyway. Let's escape this place." I reached for Rei and Saeko. I carried them to the pushing cart that I found on the way here. In the cart also had Takashi, Kohta, Asami, Shizuka sensei, Saya.

I found Takashi and Kohta were placing on guillotine. They were lucky that I arrived in time. If I arrive late one second, they will get beheaded. I used my body suit to block the blade stalling me more time to get them out of it. By the time, they get taken out. The body suit was broken in piece. Get rid of my body suit which I poured a lot effort. I made a short and small memorial for my suit for accompanying me to this place.

Now think of this, my eyes started to wet again. That combatant suit is not easy to make. Losing it was a big loss for me.

"You are lucky to not die here" I slapped their cheeks to relieve some tiredness.

And for Shizuka and Asami, I found them in the cage. They just suffered minor damage while Kohta and Takashi had their bone broken.

"I hope Kohta can endure this" Kohta's left arm was broken beyond saving. I assumed that he will lose his arm in the future.

I placed the last two people on the cart and counted again to see I forgot someone.

"Now I need that military girl then done." while I was immersing myself in thinking, the light were suddenly turned red.

[Self-destruction operate.]

[10 minutes before this place was collapse.]

"What." I was in great confusion.

"Since I'm going to die. I will drag you go with me" a voice full of rage spoke from behind me.

It was Dr. Musmus did this. He pressed self-destruction button on control panel. What I didn't expect that he had a hole on his head, he can still move.

"Crap. Why there is many surprise today?" I drew the gun and shot his head again. Now his head is completely crushed.

[9:30 left. Run for life.]

"Oh god."

5 minutes later.

"OH god. Help me. Please." I was running on the long hallway.

On the way, I picked up Rika. Now, I was running with my life on line.

[4 minutes left. It's too long. Do you want to shorten it?] A cold machine's voice said.

"No. Absolutely no."

[You choose yes.]

[4 minutes]

[1 minute and 30 seconds left. Have a nice day.]

I was speechless when hearing this.

"What kind of this computer." thank to this, I had less time to leave this place.

I ran with all my might through the darkness and falling debris. I kept running until I show a light at the end of tunnel. It was the elevator that I came down here but if I remembered not wrong. The elevator that I went was destroyed then why there was an elevator here.

[30 seconds left]


My brain was operating at full speed. Without thinking, I entered the elevator and presses the button to the ground.

The elevator was ascending at incredible speed. Fortunately, the elevator was going faster than when it was descending.

"Come on. Faster. Faster." I looked the number on bar.

[10 seconds left.]

The door was opened. I pushed the cart first. The cart arrived the safe place. Then when it was my turn. The elevator was shaking violently. The cable was cut one side. The elevator lost balanced. Seeing this is only my chance, I jumped out of the elevator.

I made it in time but I also paid a price. I lost my left foot. Even so, it can't stop me from running. Wincing in pain, I started to use all my remain strength to push the car. I can see the light from far off.

The moment the facility collapsed, I was already out of that building.

Falling down on the dirt ground, I turned back. I can see the whole facility crumbled and collapsed.

"Ah. It's hurt." my entire body was shivering in pain. I can't bear this.

"I guess I will lost conscious for a while." my sight was gradually turned black. I painted on the ground.

When I opened the eyes, I'm already in the room.

"You wake up, Jean" a voice rang out.

I turned and saw Rei was peeling apple.

"Yes, I am."

"I hope you are not sad when losing your leg." Rei said with sympathetic eyes.

"Leg. I'm fine with this. At least, I still keep my life" I said with a smile on my face.

"So what are you guys planning to do."

"We plan to go back Saya's estate."

"When are you going to depart?"

"Tomorrow, morning."

"Right, before going there. I have a place want to go. Do you mind?"

"We don't mind."

"Right, nice to meet you again."

"Me too."

I looked out the window when the sun is rising.

After match.

I regrouped with my friend and went to pick Alice and Marie Curie up.

Then Saya met her father and mother. They're still lively and healthy.

The shelter was almost complete and ready to receive survivors.

I, Jean Sophia, together with Souichiro cooperated under banner new government to rebuild social again.

This shelter grew very fast under clever and agile mind of Souichiro. The base quickly connected to other shelter into one bigger.

After the base is strong enough, I proposed to eliminate the remnant of organization that caused this world become like this.

After long years of fighting with a lot of scheme and spy, the remnant finally gets rooted in Japan. Japan have overcome the hard time and regained the previous peace. Accompanying with that, other country gradually regained the authority.

I used the rest of my life in this world to learn new knowledge under Marie Curie guidance. With my hard-work, now I know about medicine and cell.