Mission complete

I followed the path surrounded by darkness. To be honest, there is no other path excepting this one. Although this one looked like the road in horror movie, I still continued. I went until I found a strange decoration door. Seeing that I reached the end of road, I chose to push the door. Unexpectedly, the door was heavily than I thought.

I summoned all my strength to open the door fully. Then it revealed the pure white. Literally, it was completely white. I can't see anything beside the white in here.

I looked at my feet and the white ground before me. I stepped on it to test. Turn out that I can stand on it. I thought there is a pit drawing in 3D.

"This room is weird." I walked forwards. I was immersing myself in thought until I bumped something.

"Hmph. What is this." I used my legs trying to discern what I bump. Using my legs not enough, I used my hand together with leg.

"Soft, big, elastic."

"Another uninvited guest coming. What day is this?" a mysterious voice spoke. I looked around but see nothing.

"Are you the one making the world become like this?" I went to the main point.

"If I say yes, then what you will do. Kill me. Mongrel."

I can discern the truth from his way of talk and breath.

"Kill is really mercy for a person like you. However, the situation doesn't allow to detain you. Let's give you some painful death instead." I took out the skull mask and wore it.

"An imbecile dare to raise voice against me. Know your position. If you behave like previous group of people, I will happily show you."

"Previous people"

"Right" he clapped his hands. A white disappeared. I discovered an injured person lying in front of me. So she is the person that I touched all the time. Her body is good. She must have practiced well.

"Them" I pointed at her. Only seeing one person.


There is a momentary pause between me and him.

"Right. Do you mind telling me why you do this?"

"I don't mind sharing my greatest plan to the fool like you."

I can only stared at him because I'm out of words to say.

"But first, let me ask. How can you pass my traps and my subordinates on the way here?"

"Whew. It's not very hard."


"The security here is not difficult than above" I dismantled the sentry.

"All thing here is easy to solve" I continued what I am doing.

Suddenly, something fly towards me. I raised my hand to catch it.

I grasped the object flying towards. I turned to the source of attack. The attackers were ninja. They were facing me directly.

This is surprising me a lot. First is guard, second is machine, third is ninja. This base is diversity.

He performed his handful skill of handling his katana. I felt tired of this so I pulled the gun and shot at him. Without saying any word, he fell down to the ground. This made surrounded people spread every corners. Of course, I'm not stupid to let them change position. I drew machine gun and fired at them.

No one can escape my muzzle. In the end, they all became dead body.

"You should have aimed for me head" I said while looking dead body scattering through hall.

"Who think this plan. Whatever, it's benefit for me anyway."

*End flashback*

"It's just they are stupid."

"Whatever, they are garbage from the beginning. Then I shall accept your offer to enlighten the fool like you what is my greatest plan."

I can subtly hear him mumble that he hates to repeat this second time in one day.

"Okay" I said with poker face. His negative words can't affect me much.

"My plan is to eradicate the evil of human."

"Sound ambitious. Carry on."

"The greatest evil is human themselves."

"Eliminate human's evil by killing human." I looked at him with fish eyes. I'm trying my best to catch the same frequency to understand him.

"So how to effectively eradicate humanity. The answer is here. In my hand." I saw nothing except white color.

"This bible says nature once trying to eradicate human by greatest tsunami. But it's failed."

'What is this. Killing million people just because reading the book. This is even worse than killing people because of play game. In my opinion, book and game don't cause violence. Only very very and very small part of it was affected and he is belonged to this categorize' now I treated him not different from mental patient.' I scratched my head because I met troublesome person.

"That is just a book. Don't take it too serious."

"You are the fool know nothing. This book proves that human need to exterminate. Not only that, many kind of disease also appear to eliminate human like black death kills roughly between 75-200 million life, flu kills 50 million people. Not stop at that, many disease also appear after that. And then it appeared, it gives me a chance to purge the human's sin."

Now, I don't have any word to express.

"The ancient virus or rather god's present. The moment I see it, I use it for my greatest goal and greatest glory. Cause I know, this is my destiny"

"Right, then can you tell me your plan that you spread virus everywhere. Mrrrrr. Genius"

"Right. I forget to introduce my name. My name is Dr. Nimbus. Carve it deeply into your brain cause I won't repeat it."

"To answer your question. I will demonstrate now."

A screen gradually emerged from the ground.

"First. You need to know its weakness. Its contagiousness is not really high. I can only transmit directly like injection or saliva of the infected."

"I thought a solution to solve this. I just weaken the virus and keep it in inactivate state. I set its incubation period in 2 years and here, what we got. Unknown disease suddenly appears, governments collapse one by one. High executives, military, police, scientists get infected even they don't know why."

"This is just my first step. Now step 2 is operated. I will eliminate the bases of survivor as long as I know they exist."

"That's all."

"Only step 1 is completed. I will spare you so that you can witness my final stage."

"Then done"

[Congratulation host. You complete your first task.]

[You can move to next world.]

"It's easy like eating the cake. Right. Thank Dr. Bimbus. I will take my leave then. Have fun with your … greatest plan"

"What. You come here just only listening my plan. You massacred my man and you leave whenever you want."

"Yike. There is nothing much I can do for now. Killing you won't make the world better. You know. From my point of view, you are just a neuropathic patient or trash in human form. If not then explain the other subordinates that you have. Are they loyal to you or they are just simple using you."

"You dare to blaspheme me. Of course, they are loyal to me" suddenly, a phone's bell rang out.

"What's this time." I can hear him grumbling

Without hearing the content, I can guess what is that.

"You. How dare you say that to me."

"You mongrel dare to bite the owner. Fuck off. I will prove that I'm the new god of this world."

He crushed his phone into million piece even without seeing it.

"Get betrayed, right. Amateur." I smirked when knowing him get abandoned by his own subordinates.

"Dare to do this to me. They will pay for this. And you. I will kill you in here because your present make my eyes sore." an angry voice shouted out.

[Beast V-1 release. Standby if you don't want to die.]

"You are dead meat now." a maniac laugh reverberated the room.

A thundering iron gate fell behind me, barricading this place to suite. Then another door appeared before me.

"I'm intrigued. What's behind that door."

Suddenly, a pair of hand grabbed my leg.

"You. Run. You can't defeat it." Rika said while groaning in pain.

"Hmm. Is that thing strong?" I pointed towards the shadow standing the door.

"Run while you can. You little shit."

"You hear what she said. You should have run but just for you know. You can run but you can't hide."

"Hmph" I squinted trying to see what's behind the gate. I can see something vaguely lurking in darkness.

"No, I won't run." I said.


"Because your eyes tell me that you want to live so here I am. I'm here to save the day. But first, let me kill some insect before go to stage." I quickly drew the guns and aimed towards the source of voice. The bullets were released from the muzzle flying fast to the target. The sound of something broke reverberating through the room.

"AHHHHH. How can you do that? The mirror is ammo-proof."

"I have anti-armor bullet."

"Even so. You can shatter the glass like this."

"Look closer, how many bullet are there?"

"3 shot in row. How can you do that?"

"Yeah, I do it with my two hands and fake arm." my hands held 2 guns right and left together with my fake arm held another gun.

I can hear the scream of pain and smell the blood rustling the air..

"You all will pay for this" wincing in pain, he ran away.

'Don't know which part I hit him but I guess he won't die from this shoot.'

'So what I do next. That thing is going to come out. I must make my battle more impressive before this person.'

I haven't done with drawing the picture where I emerge out with perfect victory. The door wasn't fully open already blasted flying into the air. A big thing leapt and landed before me.

It roared like a beast. Its saliva splattered on my mask and suit which is I'm very annoying with.

"Do you need my help?" Rika said while struggling to stand back up.

"No. I can handle this myself." I drew dual sword. I'm waiting for this so long. An epic battle that only happens in anime. I once stayed awake at night just only imagining that I engaged epic battle. And now, it's finally come to me. I can't hide this excitement. My opponent is really big monster. With 4 arms, each arm's muscle is really enormous enough to put the shame on gymner. For some reason, there is a hole in its chest but that thing can't be a weakness. I tried to analyze my opponent.


"Oh. You can talk."

"U… ma…st … ra…vg..er.." its accent wasn't easy to place but I still catch some important part.

"You mean you must revenge." I repeated its word.

"kiLL" it swung its gigantic arm horizontally.

I slid to dodge attack. I even slashed some before took distance. Seeing not hitting me, I used other hand smash my way.

I quickly stood up and jumped. The punch was powerful. Even the ground appeared several crack.

"Wow. If I weren't wearing this armor, I would become the blood pulp"

I landed on its arm and slashed fiercely towards its head. Its head suffered heavy damage but showing no symptom that it was weakened.

Other hand aimed for me from behind. Instinctively, I jumped off its arm and sliced vertically. It held its face in pain.

"You can feel pain. You make me so interesting."


I can vaguely hear it speak my name.

'Strange. Why does it know my name?'

I felt a rush of adrenaline. An killing intention surged from that monster. Unexpectedly, a rotten arm emerged from the ground grabbing me.

"What are you? Luffy"

I used all my strength to break this lock but its power was too strong.

*Bang bang* the injured person started shooting at its head.

"Thank but it's useless." 'Yeah. It's useless cause it don't cause any damage'

It grouped two hand together into one big hammer hand.

"I think I play enough" my suit started to appear shining strife. The suit started to break limit. When using this, the suit will be permanently broken. I used this because I believe this is the right choice.

Gradually, I broke the lock. Holding tight the sword, I severed its arm.

It groaned loudly. However, it didn't stop it from hammering me.

I blocked it with 2 swords. Receiving heavy force, the ground under me cracked. I mustered all strength to block. It wasn't stopped at that. It started beating me consecutively. Right then left. Left then right. It repeated doing this until the ground appeared spider like crack. Of course, I analyzed its pattern of beating to find the interval. And the chance was here. I moved to side and sliced a big line on its right hand. Bisecting it into 2 part. It was like machine killing. However, grasping this opportunity, I severed the remain arm. After it lost all hands, I aimed its legs next. I brutally cut its leg off. Without its leg to support big body, It fell down shaking the ground. It can't do anything beside watching me cutting its flesh into million piece.


"No I can't. I was in maniac mode. I will be deeply disappointed if you don't do anything."


"What. Say it again." I heard it repeated.

"Shido, right."

It nodded when hearing my word. However, I still continued slashing its fresh.

"Where is your high-esteem? First time meet you, you want to kill me that badly and now you beg my mercy. How laughable."

"You live like a cockroaches, you know. Let me end you properly"

I destroyed zombie mutant's head with shotgun. I fired with several shot.

'To be honest, I think this thing is not Shido. But It entertains me well'

"Brain transplantation. It's possible or clone technology. Whatever. I won't deem it as Shido" I thought.

Rika looked at me with shock. She was fascinated in my armor. Probably trying to persuade me to share method of produce but I will say no. She reached to me.

"You. With this weapon. You can help citizen. Why you don't do it." As I expected, she said this to me.

"I just happen to appear in wrong time. However, I will help the country rebuild."

"You can just share this to military so military can protect citizen better."

'Share it to military. The answer obviously is still no'

"I can't do that. This weapon is too advanced to share it. This will cause a huge harm if it fall to wrong hand."

'War where one side is slaughtered is something that I don't want to see.'

"If that so" Rika can only accept this excuse.

"Let change the topic. That guy mention that there is other people and where are they."

Rika pointed behind me.

"When I was almost lost consciousness. I saw they was moved that way."

I turned and looked. It's still white. I hated this room now.

"I will save them. You can wait here."

"No I will go with you."

"You can't even walk properly. How can you help me?" I watched her limp all the way to me.


I snapped her neck putting her in unconscious state.

"She must have a big will to move with this body." I princess carried her to safe place. After ensuring no danger, I went after Dr. Bumbus who always adds greatest in his sentence.