Underground lab

"Haiz. Where are all people?"

It has been 2 hours since I breached this place and I found no researchers nor scientists in this place.

"Maybe they had evacuated this place before. How pathetic"

I just followed the long hall not knowing where It lead me to. If I describe this lab in simple way then it looks like half life underground lab.

"How reminiscient. It was my favorite game with legendary crowbar. This lab just lacks crowbar and parasite and alien. Instead of parasite, my guess is zombie or something like that."

I have been explored this place every corner. Even a rat hole was even checked.

"Since no clue is found, then maybe I should think in another way. I have a card that old woman give. This maybe a key that can help me but how."

There is no door that requires a card and this makes my head hurt.

"I don't like using brain too much but I have no choice to use it."

I went back to the center control where a lot of corpses laying in here. I had inspected those and drawn conclusion that they were killed by their own comrade. The fact that their eyes were full of shock and horror tell me this. Beside those corpses, I couldn't find other trace. Unless, there is a secret door hiding in this place.

I had to go back with inspection this room. I got a card and this room. Now is time to solve this puzzle. I went every panel that can sweep card. After doing this to all sweeping machine, nothing can be found.

"This is frustrated. That is why I don't like puzzle which doesn't have any clue"

I tried to calm my mind and observed surrounding again. I tried to draw any conclusion from interior.

"This control panel, door, screen. What is the right place to hide something."

After racking my brain, I will check the door again to make sure I'm not missed something important. And I found nothing. Again.

This time I will check the screen. I reached my way towards the screen. I inspected and found a button. I only found this button behind the screen. It must be something suspicious. Out of curiosity, I pressed the button. Immediately, the light turned to red and the horn was rang out at same time.

[DTD activate]

I was still confused what is DTD anyway.

The ground emerge a stage to dance. All hologram control were moved out. The ceiling appeared a disco ball.

[Sweeping your card to start]

I stared the words on screen. Then I moved to sweep the card.

[The challenger today is Marie Curie. Now let's get started.]

[Level 1]

I heard the song played by computer. The ground was changed color to the tone of sound.

"This is like step dance game. This will be easy."

[Left] I stepped left

[Right] I stepped right.

"As I expected. This was easy."

I danced according to its guidance. It lasted for 3 minutes.

"Phew, it's not too hard but wait. Does I need to dance? I here to end my mission not to play."

[Level 2. It's show time]

"Maybe play a little bit don't harm."

This time was faster and more tone appeared. Even so, still in my grasp.

[Congratulation Marie Curie. You beat your record. Do you want to challenge more?]

"Yeah. Just raise the hard. It's too easy."

[Oh right then. Level 3. Difficult.]


All list of word appeared endlessly. The color changed crazily. I tried to best to follow but I still missed some tones.

While dancing, I remembered the red bar. I don't understand what does this bar mean but now I will know since my bar went beyond red.

[Look like someone was going to die here.]

"What the" I exclaimed when I heard that cold mechanic voice said.

Something flew at high speed towards me. I dodged that unknown object.


Something stabbed into the wall. But this is metal wall. I glanced that thing. And that is a spear. A metal spear.

"Something's wrong. Oh. I get it. DTD means dance to death."

A wave of spear was flying to me. I dodged and danced at same time hoping to make my bar not red anymore. It's hard to move with heavy armor.

It lasted for 4 minutes until it's over.

"It's over, right."

[Congratulation, you are the first person to complete this level.]

*Applaud sound*

"Wait. I'm the only person."

I haven't done with my confusion. A rank board appeared.

[Rank 1: Marie Curie (lv3)]

[Rank 2: Lee Nimbus (lv2)]

[Rank 3: XXX-XXX(lv1)]

[Rank 50: XXX-XXX(lv1)]

"A rank list. I'm top 1. That's mean I'm the world best of DTD." I danced triumphantly.

"Hold up. Something's wrong. Excepting me lv3 and Lee Nimbus lv2, everyone else only reached lv1. To be honest, lv1 even baby 5 years old can complete. Then why"

I tried to make up a reasonable fact.

"Maybe they are all deskworker so they are bad at this." I nodded my head repeatedly.

"To my dismay, there is no clue." I looked around just only seeing spears stabbing everywhere.

"Seem like I waste my time here. I must go to other place to research now."

I took a step then stopped. After looking again, I realized something strange.

The corpses which were scattered every corners of the room were now grouping into one place.

"This thing is suspicious."

Now I inspected the room again. I realized one thing. That is the interior was changed. The door behind me was disappeared since when I don't know.

"If corpses are laying here from the beginning, the door was also disappeared. This room is mechanic. Wow. I discover a new clue."

"Then that rank board's also a clue for me." I observed again the rank list and matched the legal reason.

"It maybe this. Since the game appears, the room is already changed. Those people on board only complete lv1 since lv2 and lv3 were difficulty."


"If I think logically, they only need to complete lv1 then a door already appear. Now speaking of this, how that person passes this with that age."

"The room. It must have a door somewhere." I turned around trying to find thing out of place.

The only thing out of place is this dancing stage that I danced with flying spear.

I touched the stage and looked closer. There is a hole to pull. I inserted my hand in hole and pulled it on.

The hole revealed me an another way. A stair leading to the darkness.

"This is … no must be this way."

Without thinking, I jumped down into the hole.


At same time, an another development happened at same time with Jean jumping down the hole.

"Saya. Are you sure this is the way?"

"Yes. I'm 100% this is the way they were dragging to detain."

"I hope so because I think Asami can't endure this place anymore." Kohta went forwards like a shield to protect Asami.

"Kohta. Hug me more tightly" Asami hugged Kohta like a mother doesn't hug her son for many years.

"Asami. Don't do it. Everyone look at us." Kohta scratched his head in embarrassment. He never thought that he will have a beautiful girl hugging him like this before.

"I'm also scared too" Shizuka sensei said while hugging her friend Rika.

"Don't worry. I will protect you from bad guys." she cocked her gun in mannish way.

"It's good to be regroup again but guys. Can you focus on task? we don't know what will happen to us." Takashi interfered.

"Don't be harsh like that. I think we almost arrive when I subtly remember."

"Are you sure? That time, we are all drugged. Our consciousness at that time is not clear."

"Like I say. Genius like me even drugged can still remember a way back. You should be thankful to have a teammate like me."

"Look. There is a door. That is our ticket to escape this place."

Saya pointed at the door with strange style of decoration.

"What a strange design door. This is my time seeing a door like this."

"Who care. Just open it. I'm sure we will escape this place."

"Kohta. I and you open it together" Takashi offered.

"Right." Takashi and Kohta touched the door.

"Now, push"

"What a heavy door."

The door gradually moved a little bit. It's enough for one person to enter.

"Right. Let me explore first" Takashi suggested.

They both nodded their head.

Takashi tried to enter through the gap.

After waiting for a while, Takashi gave a sign.

"Okay, everyone. No zombie or bad guys. You can enter."

"Let me go in" Kohta offered.

"I will go with you" Rika said.

Kohta and Rika entered the room.

"You can enter"

The rest of people followed them.

The room is so dark. The lights here are too weak to illuminate entire this place.

"Ok. Just go forwards. Towards that light" Saya pointed at the door was lightened by LED.

They all went forwards in the darkness surrounding.

Luckily, nothing happened.

"Phew. It's not so scared than I thought."

"Guys. I don't want to spoil this but all horror movie will reveal that all monster were hiding in darkness while behind the door is mastermind." Kohta said this before Takashi opened the door.

"Don't say like that. You scare sensei" Shizuka pouted after hearing what Kohta said.

"Sorry. Just open the door. Takashi."


Takashi opened the door and all of them entered the room. White room. Because everything here is white.

"What is this. Everything here is white."

"Yeah. This is a first time I see something white like this."

They all moved forwards.


"Guys, I think I bump something"

"What is that Kohta."

"let me see" Kohta touched the object but can't describe it because it's white.

"What is that"

"Let me see. From what I know. This is a sofa."

"What. Let me see" Rei and Takashi touched invisible sofa.

"Whoa. It's indeed a sofa."

"Uninvited guests. How rude to trespass my place without asking for permission."

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"Who's that." Rika raised the gun aiming the source of voice.

"Saya. Are you sure this is the place to escape?"

"Whew. I'm not sure"

"You're not sure"

"Silence, imbeciles. When I give you a right to talk then you can talk."

"Who are you. Show yourself."

"You imbecile dare to ask me. Alright. I'm only saying this once time so open your ears widely."

*Applaud sound*

A man suddenly appeared in the middle of room. In the middle of white, only Takashi and his friends and that man was unique in this.

"Let me tell you. I'm, the greatest scientist and evolutionist of the world, Dr.Nimbus."

"Saya. Instead of escaping this place, you lead us meet a troublesome person"

"Who are you." Rika raised the gun aiming at Nimbus.

"You imbecile. What did I say? I don't repeat my word."

"No, you are misunderstanding. It's just we don't understand the part that you said you're the greatest scientist and evolutionist of the world"

"What. You don't know. Even after you see my masterpiece. How imbecile. That's why I don't like interacting with stupid people."

Takashi and Rika stared at Nimbus with anger while others looking in disdain.

"Fine. Let me rephrase in the way that your pig brain can absorb. I make people become immortal. No need to thank me."

"Immortal. You means those zombies out there"

"Zombies. Impudent. I make them immortal. They don't need to eat, feel pain and even theu can work without concept of tiring."

"YOu. Turn out it's you who make the world like this" Rei cocked her gun at Nimbus

"Calm down, Rei. There is possible that he lie. The world nowadays's full of guys like this." Saeko said.

"You're right. I let my anger control me."

"You don't trust. This is acceptable. Because I'm going to show you that I was the one who make the world become more beautiful with my glory of evolution."

He clapped his hands. Immediately, the white disappeared. What appeared after that make them can't close their mouth.

The white was erased. The dark appeared. This time wasn't the dark of shadow but the dark of the world. Tube after tube revealed. What inside it is a deformed human. And the last tube was a girl which many parts attaching together.

Someone vomited after watching this. And it was Kohta. Usually it will be a girl.

"What. You don't like her. How dare you show that kind of manner to my wife. She is beautiful, isn't it? I personally make her. She has the world most beautiful lips, eyes, face. I even sever someone's hand to make her have the world most beautiful hand. She also has the finest ass and boobs. She just lacks delicate legs and waist and you. You are the perfect candidate to fill her lack. Rei and Saeko. You are the chosen person. You should be happy."

"What. I'm happy to be a corpse."

"She must be disgusting you."

"She's never disgusting me. Just." he shouted out loudly.

"She doesn't understand me. Just for you know. She is my sun that brighten my dark side. She is my source of strength that provide me a reason to live. She is a motivation that helps me do this impossible project." He licked the corpse that he called his wife.

"Just a little bit. I will complete her. She will have eternal beauty."

An awkward air was spreading the room. No one said a word to him anymore. Because they decide that he is crazy and stubborn. Combining with those personality, he never changes even million year.

"I feel bored now. Let end this pathetic guy's life." Rika broke the silence. She pulled the trigger.

The bullet was shot towards him. Rika's experience told her that this guy must be eliminated as soon as possible.

However, a bullet hit something instead.

"I forgot to tell you that I have invisible wall. Anyway. Let test my subject before that guy's coming. You should be honored to be the first person to witness my glory of evolution."

A door appeared behind them.It gradually opened. A shadow of something's strong and ominous stepping forwards.

Rika's instinct told her to run away but she can't leave her best friend here.

Each step shook the ground.

"Guys. Let me say my last word. I love you guys so much, especially you, Asami" Kohta said while cocking his gun.

"I also love you. My otaku." Asami gave a hot kiss to Kohta.

"Takashi, I'm scared."

"Don't worry. I will protect you."

"Also protect me, Takashi" Shizuka said.

"Under my guide. We can overcome this dilemma" Saya said while hiding behind Shizuka-sensei.

That thing was gradually illuminated by the light of room.

"No freaking way"

"How can he be here"

"It's so ugly and strong. Very strong"

It roared a deafening sound. A glass surrounding broke into million pieces.

It leaped towards Takashi's group. Seeing it jumping, they open fire.