Mugan train 4

"System. Where are you." I ran in a strange alley which covered a lot of status of zombies made from fresh meat. It looked not different from backstage of walking dead movie.

"I'm here. My esteem host." a cold mechanic voice rang out.

Behind me, a sparking blue light appeared.

"So this is you how you look like. Who is inside me" I saw an entity that had a shape of balloon. Inside it was covered with letter 1 and 0 numbers.

"I thought you would be. Something more special." to be frankly, I thought I am going to witness inexplicable object. Now I looked at system again. I have a second thought when looking at it again. It looked like some kind of gas more than sphere.

"This is my default shape. And also sphere is universal form. So it's not strange to see me have an appearance similar to its."

"Thank for that explain. So can you wake me up by force." I asked.

"No. If I do that, you will die and so do I." system said but I don't see its mouth.

"So what can I do. Kill him."

"I'm afraid it's close to impossible for you."

"What." I exclaimed in surprise when hearing this statement.

"It's not like I'm telling you are weak. It's just that you don't have any advantage to fight 1vs1 for a person like him."

"By what"

"My calculation. By the way this is your dreamland. Parts of your inner world."

"This is my world. Why I can't defeat him." My pride was damaged when my system claimed that I can't kill that pathetic guy who always said philosophy.

"According to my calculation, your chance to win is nearly 0%. Mainly why you lose because this is no longer your world anymore."

"Whoooaaa what. Why and how."

"Because he already touched your spiritual core. Although I already secure most part of it, some of it was lost during my evacuation. So I would like to ask you, do you feel something was lost."

"Ah. Let me see" I used part of my time to check what I lost.

"Ah whew. I don't think I lose something. My enthusiasm for manga still there. Spirit of gamer also still there. Family memory also there. My time of military training is still there. Knowledge also there. My most boring past is still there too. I don't know what I lost."

"That's because what you lost is just a copy of your spiritual core that I made for a case like this."

"So I didn't lose anything." if this case, I didn't lose anything.

"Not really. You are going to lose yourself forever." a theme of horror music entered.

"What do you mean?"

"Look around. Do you notice those cracked?"

I looked around and indeed I saw it. "I thought It was there from the beginning."

"No it's not. The situation was very serious right now. If he kills you in this state, you will die in real life. If you stall time, you will be corrupted."

"I guess I will play hide and seek with him and find a chance to turn table."

"The only possibility of your win is you are successful in keeping your precious life while he is killed in real life."

"While run not fighting back."

"Do you know your soul strength is not equal to him?"

"How much"

"1:100. You are 1 and he is 100"

"That's embarrassing."

"Don't worry. This is 2 vs 1. Not 1 vs 1." the system calmly said.

"That's great. So what we do now. Just you know, this is my first time to battle like this. The soul battle."

"First, we need to drain his strength as much as possible. Facing him directly is out of table cause he is invincible like he said. Your only choice is in your own memory."

"Do you mean those picture?" I asked.

"Yes, in those picture, you have a chance to inflict damage to his soul since at there, you and he stand equal ground."

"One more question. How many time do I need to defeat him. Do I need to defeat him 100 times because ratio was 1:100" My brow deepened into frown."If that so, I can do this forever."

"Good new for host. You don't have to do this 100 times like you say. Just 3 times is enough. When he is weak enough, I will attack him. So try your best, my host. I go preparing for surprise attack."


The surround went silent after the beep sound.

"I guess It depend on me now. So which one I should choose." Looking all picture displaying on alley, the image was moving itself. Some is dangerous and the other is peaceful and less dangerous.

Enmu's POV

'It beyonds my interesting' he thought. 'She was original my prey. Who know she had such an interesting history like this.'

He touched the picture where Jean used high-tech gun to kill bandit.

"Such a person like this. It will be wasted if I kill her like my other prey." He touched the edge of picture. Immediately, the picture turned black showing it was corrupted.

"It's pity that she stands on neutral thinking. Luckily for her, I will drag her to the better place than walking between protecting and eliminating human." he caressed the picture that he turned black.

"She will hold hatred for human forever. Her memory will be twisted enough to make herself believe that this is her original emotion. Not this kind of weak emotion." he lightly laughed at his masterpiece.

"It's fortunate for her but also unfortunate for me." he shook his head in disappointment.

"After using this art, I will never exit her inner world. That is why I only sent part of my conscious. And also, I can only use this once a year" he muttered.

"But this is worth. I can't exit at my will but at least, I can witness her nightmare from here. Just imagine that she is fighting for a fail idea. How hilarious it will be?" he laughed maniacally.

"Let not waste my time, I should move to my new target." he walked towards new picture. The scene washed back behind him revealing only 1 picture.

He could see that she was making a weapon and an armor. Those are weapon that he never sees before.

"Such an interesting memory, I should corrupt it." he raised his hands ready to touch it. Suddenly

"Surprise kick." a strange voice rang out behind him. Catching off guard, he was kicked into the picture.

He fell the height of 10 metres from the sky. Until he crashed to the ground.

"That's an interesting. Out of my expect, you are here, our main character" he laughed at new comer.

"Get out of my head." she demanded.

"Sorry, I can't do." he chuckled.

"This is also in my expectation. I never imagine that you will give in without fighting."

"That's not true."

"Whatever your reason. I will banish you to hell" She drew an spherical object from her clothes hurling towards him.

"Flashbang" a bright light blinked his eyes.

The light was subsided, he opened his own eyes. His eyes met an another spherical object coming for him.

The object was brightened but it wasn't like the one before.


A loud sound rang out sweeping dust around him.

"foolish" he appeared without harm. He stretched his arm towards attacker but no feeling on his hand.

"Already escape." for a moment, his face showed disappointed expression.

"That makes me more excited. Now where did you go?" he followed the empty alley to the main street. The sunlight greeted him but he wasn't affected by it.

"Such an beautiful sunlight. It was so long that I meet this again."