Mugan train 5

"So you invite me to a dating. How cute." Enmu said with a ridiculous tones.

"Yeah. Since you're my guess, I must give you a present. A very hot one." Jean said with smile.

"Oh. What is that?"

"You will see"

[5 minutes before nuclear protocol. Please exit to a safer place] a speaker annouced.

"That's completely a foreign for me." Enmu looked at the screen which showing remain time. Completely doesn't understand what it's mean, he turned his eyes to Jean.

"You think this can kill me. How naive. 5 minutes is enough for me to end your life. Or you want me to play you within this time." he said with sightly ridiculous tone.

"Who say I will be the only one who will play with you. Do you see that steel door behind you?" She pointing at the closed door behind him.

"What are you waiting for?"

"You will see. I have done this before." Jean said confidently.

"3…2….1" immediately, the door's light turned green indicating that the door was opened.

Along with that, a slam sound was reverberating.


"Fuck. Let me in." a slam sound became louder each time.

"Who design this door?" after a period of time, the door was finally opened, a figure revealed to 2 of them. That figure wore a high-tech armor carrying a lot of weapons on back.

"Ah. Uhm. So me not the only one here."

"Yeah, do you mind if you help me a little bit." Jean chuckled a bit. Undoubtedly, this is her in previous world.

"Why you cosplay Edo costume and who is he." past Jean's voice was full of vilgilant.

"No time to explain. He is simply an enemy of humanity." Jean explained to the past Jean. Although this is only memory, the past Jean still had its own knowledge and judgement.

"Is what she said is truth?"

"Greeting you. It's my interesting to say that I'm indeed enemy of human. What she said is all the truth." Enmu added. The moment he did this, he already digged for himself a hole.

"So you are the one behind all this"

"Indeed I'm. Those human's heart is weak and fragline. They are entertaining me to their last moment."

"So you kill human just for your perverted habit."

"Yeah. Human's life is just a toy for me to play. They must be blissful in their own dream." Enmu said with arrogant and disdain voice.

"Even billion lives were involved in that incident. Just to satisfy your dream."

"Yes. Just for my entertainment."

An awkward atmosphere covered the space. Jean didn't have any words to express. Past Jean just silently stood there as if she was observing Enmu.

"Oh right. I have been thinking for a while. It's time for judgement." Past Jean drew the gun from her back.

"Oh. Show me. Your foolish." Enmu chuckled. At the same time, Jean also chuckled behind Enmu.

"That's idiot. He didn't know what he is facing now." she whispered. After seeing the gun started roaring, she moved far away from Enmu.

"Useless, useless. Human is weak. They…" a loud roar interfered his speech. His standing place was shattering into dust. Even the wall behind him was also destroyed along the trajectory.

"They are weak but they have a will to live no matter what they are facing. They fall to the deep of abyss and they rise again. Once again, they created miracle" Past Jean said with angry voice.

"Great show. You over there. I give you 10/10."

"Thank. But who are you."

"I know you won't believe what I say but I still say it. I'm your ally"

"Are you sure you are not his accomplice" Past Jean pointed gun at current Jean.

"Yeah. I assure you that but first, he is not dead yet."

"How is that possible?" a hand sent her flying into the air. Until she slammed to the wall, she was aware what she is facing.

"Fantastic. That is the strongest attack that I have ever tasted." a roar of maniac laugh rang out.

"What are you." A great confusion hit Past Jean. An enormous figure with countless hands and mouths stood before her.

"Did I introduce myself? Oh, I forgot. Allow me. My name's Enmu. My hobby is watching people's suffer. My delicious dish is human's meat." a menacing aura emitted from him.

[6th form: whirlpool]

A powerful current of water tornado cut Enmu's body. Engulfed by the terrifying power of tsunami, he can only withstand it. With end up, his head was severed.

A rain of blood fountained into the air. It fell to the ground creating a blood pool.

"Do you need a hand?" Jean offered a hand to her past.

At first, she hesitated but she still accepted it in the end.


"I admire your persistence and will but the fight didn't end" Jean looked at blood pool on the floor. As expected, those blood gathered forming into Enmu.

"No matter what you do. You can't kill me." Enmu said while smirking at us.

"So that is the true."

"What is the true?"

"He can't be killed" remembering the system said, it was true. Demon has 2 critical weakness. Head was cut or sunlight. But this is the dream world which also means those 2 weakness was out of table.

"That's terrifying. How can we kill him?" Past Jean asked.

"I have an horrible idea. Do you want to listen?"

"Let hear it."

"I think we can only kill him by reducing him to atom."

"That's blatant impossible."

"I know. Do you want to do it with me?"

"100% I will cooperate with you."

"As expected of me" Current Jean whispered in low voice enough only she can hear.

"What you said."

"I say let fight to the end." Jean drew the sword and Past Jean drew her strongest gun.

[3 minutes remain]

The room's lights were all turned to red.

"Small fry always is small fry to their end of life." Enmu raised his gigantic arm slaming both of us. Separated each other, they both moved to the better angle to strike.

"I say useless then it's useless" a lot of hands sprouted from his body. Interfering our way and attack but in exchange, we slashed his arm.

[2nd form+ 3th from of water breath.]

A barrier of arm was destroyed by single move.

Seeing the chance, Past Jean launched a rocket at his eyes. An explosion roared out. Not stop at that, she also threw all explosives that she carried on her.

"An interesting toy." Enmu said.

Behind a scene of smoke, Jean appeared cutting his body into half.

"Such a high spirit. I will be happy to see your face struggling in agony and misfortune. Allow me."

He raised both of his hand.

"Demon blood art. Greatest nightmare."

The surround changed to dark suddenly. Even both of Jean also felt something very threatened.

A consecutive sound of footstep came from behind. No. Everywhere.

From the wall, it was emerged. A countless figure from horrible story and game.

"Oh shit. Is that nemesis from Resident Evil? And also that monster from stranger things." Past Jean said with worry tone.

"I understand your feeling." The current Jean once saw them on game, movie, story. At that time, she was entertained not feeling any fear. Except. One day. She once asked herself if those monster are real. Does she feel fear? Even it's the short moment. The answer is yes.

But this fear's not coming from the current Jean but rather the past Jean.

The current Jean saw Past Jean held gun tightly. She was feeling fear but was extinguished at last moment.

"Are you good?"

"Yes. I'm good. It's just that I'm surprised."

"I'm surprised too. Let end this nightmare together. Shall we."


Past Jean and current Jean stood beside each other. Back faces back. Face to face. Eyes on enemy.

"I want to see your despair" Enmu chuckled.