Red light district 2

Tomorrow morning

"That's really embarrassing" I walked away in wet clothes in middle of people's murmur.

I chased after the demon that killed a poor lady. In the middle of my chase, I bumped into a lady who hold a bucket of water. Even more unfortunate for me, that bucket of water smelled like rotten eggs.

I couldn't wash away that terrible smell.

My target was slipped away in that moment. Even some wild dogs came to bite me which completely made me lose her.

Even that wasn't enough. Some people poured water on my head because I was too noisy.

I was standing in the corner of building to hide myself from people and their bad mouth.

I heard they talk a lot about me. Mostly in bad way.

"Anyway. Forget about infiltration part and secret observation." after thinking the whole night, I came up a better plan.

"I better find her nest rather than looking for her in every corners." I murmured while looking at the brothel before me.

Instead of me finding her, I would rather her find me instead.

A mysterious smile appeared on my face.

"After that, she will be welcome with a lot of traps."

Play dirty is always my habit. I'm not like Sengoku who can fight demon head on.

I caught a servant who went outside to throw garbage and knocked out her.

I dragged her to the blind spot and I exited as a new person.

I entered the brothel as a fake servant.

"Stop. Who are you" a voice suddenly rang out.

"I'm a servant working in this place." I touched my clothes to indicate that I'm working here.

"If that so, why I never see you around here"

"That is because I was temporarily on vacation."

"Why was you allowed to have vacation?"

"I was hit by costumer. With a tray, right at my head"

"Assume that my memory wasn't wrong but still. I never see you around this place." his eyes inspected every details on my face

"That is because I work at a position that rarely people knows me. That's why I'm always lonely."

Two pairs of eyes were looking at each other.

"Bullshit. I don't believe your joke. Follow me to meet boss." he dragged my arm.

"Wait." I came close to him and whispered.

"Are you scared now?"

"Believe me." I looked at him with sincere eyes but his eyes weren't on me but rather on my chest.

No. Rather than the shiny thing on my chest.

"Of course, I believe you now." his face formed into business smile.

"I know you can believe in me" I coughed lightly.

"Allow me to lead you."


"Heh you. Are you okay?" I looked at him lying on the ground unconsciously while foaming.

After I stuffed a gold bar into his mouth in hurried manner, he became like this. Unconsciously.

Thank to him that I knew what is going on at this brothel. There is a rumor that circled around this brothel. A servant or people working in this place self-inflicted damage on their body, ran away or even committed suicide. Even a boss of this place was dead yesterday.

What a coincident. If it was in the past, I might believe this was a competition among prostitutes so that they can achieve higher rank. But no matter what I'm looking at this matter, I still felt something wrong in this place. The moment I entered in the place, my skin went goosebumps as if my body want to inform me this place is dangerous.

"Coming here is correct choice or mistake." I murmured. This trip is not simple like I thought.

I killed many demons and imprisoned them as white rat. Mostly a weak one. Not like this time.

Rarely something can give me this degree of fear. Goosebumps is one of sign that this demon is overwhelming me.

Intuition is one of my ability that helped me live to this day. I have this when I was living in apocalypse world where one bite can send you to death. Living under high pressure of apocalypse trained me this survival skills.

Especially, after the time when I was punched through my stomach. My intuition have made a big breakthrough.

I can foresee an incoming a danger which can threaten to my life. Just like at this moment.

I started to sweat profoundly since I entered this brothel.

My body want to run but my brain tells not.

"What to do now? I'm stuck in this paradox for so long"

Whether to run away or stay here. Even so I choose staying here, which road I should take to have better win chance.

I can choose to call demon corp but I'm only afraid that demon will run away after that.

But if I play solo like this, I will be a corpse soon.

When I was in demon corp, I belong to the lowest rank. My sword skill is not strong and my breath of water is not master. Sometime, I was in difficult position to fight against demon because lacking of skills.

"Let's observe for now." I choose the safe way.

I can hear servants talking to each other lively but I wasn't working in here from the beginning so I avoid interacting to them.

I followed my intuition leading a road for me.

Until it led me to the isolated room.

I observed around the room that looked very normal for me but intuition led me to this place. It must have something.

I closed the door and started to make a hole on the mat. After I made a little hole on mat, there is a hole on the ground.

At first, I thought It was animal who dug this hole but I had second thought. That hole is what demon made.

"It's pity that it's too small." the hole wasn't big enough for me to enter. If I went in, I'm afraid I will get stuck in middle way.

"For now, just leave it there." I changed the mat to the new one and left the room to find new clue.

I pretended cleaning every room in this brothel before people's eyes while I checked every corner. Even a stone wasn't spared.

So far, I didn't meet demon. I must wait until night so I can know exactly.

Night time

I was cleaning the room but in fact everything in the room is still covered with dust. I was scolded a lot because of this but I'm still doing that anyway. Being lazy.

Until there was a cry of girl that attracted me. As a person full of curiosity, I want to come there and watch drama.

"I wonder why woman at this age like to cause trouble." I arrived the scene and saw a girl crying. The furniture inside was messed up.

Instead of comforting her, I just stood there and observed. My body just sent a warning message to me all time after arriving this place.

"That demon must be here" I said in excitement. I don't know why I'm excited. Usually I will stay away from this.

While I was immersed in my thought, there was a person coming towards the crying girl.

'Zenitsu' I thought. If I ignored those makeup, I can be sure that this is Zenitsu. If he is here, it means other 3 people also here.

While he comforted the girl, a lady stepped from behind.

'This lady is a demon' the moment I see her, I can only describe her like this. Beautiful but poisonous.

I tried my very best to make my face looked normal.

"Hey are you deaf. Clean the room quickly" demon said with angry tone.

I thought this will attract someone but only I was standing here.

"Where is the group of gossip people when I need?" I muttered.

"Hey. You over there. Come and clean this mess." she commanded me.

"Yes, my lady." I can only reply with the common line. I tried my best to be a NPC this day. Please don't notice me.

I went inside to clean but avoid eyes contact with her. Who knows she will kill in random rage.

"And you. Stop crying." she picked the crying girl's ear up. The girl is crying even more louder than before.

"Shut the hell and clean the room" she still pinched her ear more tightly until it started bleeding.

"I understand why no one come here."

The girl's ear looked like start to be torn from her head.

Zenitsu interfered.

"Get your hand off" he said in mild angry tone.

And he was slapped outside the room.

"Don't touch me so casually" that sound already attracted people.

And they looked at her with fear.

"Please give us a rest. The house will open soon and the customers will come. I will punish her heavily" a man tried to soothe the situation.

I can feel the atmosphere in the place. It's very heavy and pressure.

"I think I was rough today. Treat the girl's wound" she said and left.

"And you."

I flinched when I heard this.

"Carry this girl and come to my room"

Can I say no. Looking at her eyes, I know I don't have much choice.

"Right away, my lady." I picked Zenitsu up and followed her.

'What to do. What to do' I was panic when I followed this demon into her own nest.

All of people, why she chose me. Did I just raise the flag when I entered this place?

While I was thinking how I should escape this situation, it was her voice bring me back to the reality.

"Leave her here"

I threw Zenitsu to the ground as she said.

"I have a lot of thing to talk about you. How about we are talking in my room" she smiled like a poisonous snake.

I don't have no choice so I agree.

"You are new here, right"

"Yes, madam"

"What's your previous job before coming here"

"I was … a hunter" that's not completely wrong for me.

"Hunter. Interesting. What kind of hunter are you?"

"Hunter that hunt dangerous species that harms the innocent." I can hear her ridiculous laugh.

"Why do you leave that job?"

"Because I'm sad."

"Sad. Funny. What's your sad like?"

"A long hunt with no kill"

"So you come here to find the joy."


Now, she laughed out loud even with my presence.

"Do you know why I call you here?"

"I don't know" this is also a question that I asked myself on they way.

"Why a lowly demon like you dare to enter my territory without my consent?" she said in angry voice.

Me: ?????

'What do you mean?' I want to ask her this question.