Red light district 3

"You have a gut that you dare to enter this place." Daki looked at me with disdain and disgust.

"Please pardon for my foolish. I can do anything for you so that you can forgive me." I said like a mob begging for mercy.

Trying my best to shrink my existence by making me look normal like everybody.

"Please give me another chance to fix my mistake" I said while slamming my head on floor repeatedly.

I slammed too much even my head started bleeding.

"Shh. Stop your stupid deeds. Your filthy blood stain my precious mat" her voice was full of killing intention.

The moment she says so, that means she treats me as an air. But also as a small fry that need to be crushed. I can even feel her indifferent towards me.

"I give you a small task. Do a favor for me?" her aura immediately chance 180 degree. Now she looked like a gentle lady.

"Anything will do. My lady"

"Anything, right." she smiled like a poisonous snake.

"This is obviously a trap." I looked at the house before me.

This house is full of blood scent. Or more exactly, her trace left in this place. I know why she sent me here.

She want me to be her scapegoat. She knew there were demon hunter lurking in her area but she didn't know who are they. Also. She didn't know that I also know there is demon hunter in this place.

And she didn't know that they were once my comrades. She thought she can fool me but unfortunate for her and lucky for me.

"So what should I do next." although Daki wasn't here, I can feel something observing me. Probably her.

I entered the house and waited.

While waiting, I will do something that I should do.

"System. Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here"

"I have many questions"

"I know what you want to ask. I know I should tell this as soon as you awake. So you want to hear bad new or good new first."

"How about good new first?"

"Good new is. Congratulation on your survival. Your body is healthy and no problem. Despite your bad condition, you are still alive. I thought you are dead for sure back there"

"Quite offend. The other."

"The bad new is your life will become little difficult. According to my calculation and scan, your race is no longer pure human anymore. "

"What does that mean?"

"You are slowly turning into demon. Just like other human turn into demon."

"That's a very shocking new for me." opposite to normal people that they will be panic upon hearing this, Jean expressed as if this is normal for her.

"You're not panic"

"Wew. I'm the person who is hard to be panic."

"Good. At least, your mind is stable. I will tell you an interesting fact."

"That is"

"You are also not a pure demon too."

"That's interesting indeed. Why demon cell is stronger than human cell but they can't dominate the rest of my human cell. Although my science is not strong, I still can't explain this thing logically."

"I discover some strange substance running in your blood. That maybe your answer."

"So are there any other effects." I asked.

"You are not afraid of burning in sun light. You can walk among demon without them recognizing you. You can eat human food. You can eat human meat too but this doesn't make you stronger like traditional demon. Your smell like demon that can make you become the target of demon hunter. And another bad new for you, no strange ability for you. You are like ordinary human but stronger than them."

"Like walking between 2 races"

"Yes" system replied.

"That's so cool though."

While Jean and system are talking, Daki is very confused why Jean talking to the air but pay no mind to it. She continued observing the situation in her surround.

She still watched Jean but felt bored after seeing her self-talking. This stopped when she caught the person that she suspects a spy from demon corp.

She was going to torture her and eat her so this so called lowly demon will be ignored for now.

Because of this decision that Jean can act more freely.

"That feeling is disappeared. That means she gave up on watching me."

"So what now. Should I go and back-stab her when the time is come." a thought of her expression when a pawn didn't move like what she thought made me feel somewhat satisfied.

"It's payback time" I cut my wrist and let the blood staining the floor and making it look like a demon hunter come and kill me at same time.

After making a fake slaughter scene, I dropped a candle on floor and let it burn the house.

And then, I quickly escape the scene before some curious people come and shout in panic.

"So where is her place again?" I disappeared in the dark alley.