Tanjiro ... Lost

The city is on fire. People was shouting in panic and fear.

"Damn. Even so. I'm still late. The party have already started." I looked at the roof.

On the roof, there was 2 shadows facing each other. One is a demon that want to use me as waste and the other is Tanjiro.

"Even so. I arrive at right time." I hid in the corner of wall to observe the situation.

I can see Tanjiro was drawing his swords.

"Do it. Tanjiro. I will cheer you from behind" I said in low voice.

On the way coming here, I had century question. It is said that demon was once human right. A human received a blood from demon zero will become demon. That's said all demon blood come from one person.

Because of this, I had another question. If it comes from one person, doesn't that mean the more you got blood from the said person, the stronger you become.

I can understand why demons eat humans but I don't understand why demons don't eat their own kind.

The more blood you got, the stronger you become. Why those demon doesn't attack and consume their meat for the sake of power.

Do they have consciousness of human?

Probably not.

Then I come to an answer. If I were him, a zero demon, I will do anything to stop this thing from happening. This action will stop them eating each other. And also, I don't want a demon created by my blood become stronger than me and back-fire me. If one is okay, but many. I don't know what to say.

So I assume those given blood can sense their action. If someone violates his silent rule, he will be executed without hesitation.

But what if I, do that crazy things. By consuming demon blood to become stronger so that I can kill him. At first, I oppose this plan because some dangers is hidden.

After second thought, I will try do this. Valuable knowledge is obtained from accident and year of research.

It's time for my brain to exercise science a little bit.

My plan is like this. Collect upper moon demon's blood, experiment and inject it into me. And the demon before me is perfect target for my first project.

"Ah. They start to fight"

2 shadows disappeared. Their movement is so fast that my eyes can't follow. A demon attacked both close and range forcing Tanjiro approach her.

Her sash continued attack Tanjiro. Although she was at advantages from the beginning but it was Tanjiro who performed NVm at this time. It's forced her to step back.

"I thought Tanjiro's breath is water"

Tanjiro was overwhelmed Daki with fire. Or at least, I think so.

"He is really a hidden gem" he learned 2 breath in short time while I didn't even master breath of water. This made me feel inferior.

"Never mind. I'm weak at this but better at other aspect." I can only comfort me like this.

I can see he is aiming for her head. Her head is going to fall down.

In this dire situation, she raised her sash to block attack. Unexpectedly, Tanjiro stopped his attack.

"You are very good" Daki said with a ridiculous tone. Her sash was hanging around woman.

"As expected her. She is so cruel" I commented. Using a human as a human shield, no wonder this demon can exist for so long. Not just one but using 4 people's life.

"But human is still a human." Daki raised her sash attack immediately. She want to finish this uncertain match as soon as possible.

"What do you do now? You dare to force me using this move." Tanjiro was holding back because Daki threatened him with that poor woman's life. If Tanjiro dare to do anything, that woman will be dead.

Tanjiro's body started to bleed hard. Even so, he still want to save that woman.

"Tanjiro seems to have problem at this time" I said.

If it were Tanjiro in the past, he will go beyond limit to slash those sashes and save people's life. But Tanjiro at the moment seemed to be in weakened state. From those bruises, I assumed he tried to go over his limit many times not just one time. As a result, he is exhausted very quickly.

"You're a good man. That is why I respect you" indeed, he is a hero. That's why I will try my best to help him this time.

If I were in that situation, that woman will be dead in my hand not that demon. I admitted that I'm not a hero. Hero is too tough for a person like me. I tried to be a hero last world and to be honest, it's not a happy moment.

I'm going to back stab Daki now. Suddenly, Nezuko appeared to help her brother.

"She is a special demon. Should I borrow her blood for experiment." looking at her growing to a mature woman, I hoped she can defeat Daki.

"Oh. Another demon. What's wrong with this day. And also. You protect a human" Daki said viciously.

Nezuko stared at Daki as if she is her life enemy.

"I guess you didn't taste human's blood to fully. I don't mind helping my junior" Although Daki was interrupted, her voice showed that she is not angry at all.

"But a demon like you should be disciplined" She attacked Nezuko. And Nezuko tried her best to protect her brother and hostage.

10 minutes later

Both Tanjiro and Nezuko was beaten too hard that they can rarely stand back up.

"Play time is over. It's time for you to pay with your life." Daki devoured 4 women and all her wounds quickly recovered.

"In the end, you save no one. " Daki looked at both unconscious Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Let me end your pain." A sash raised ready to behead Tanjiro's head.

Suddenly, a sharp sound tore the air.

"Ah" Accompanying with the sound of confusion of Daki who didn't understand what interfered her in this moment.

"You. How dare you?" a voice was full of killing intention.

"Who are you?" she asked.

When I hearing this, my head flinched in disappointment.

"Serious. You have just met me a few moment ago."

"What are you saying. I don't know who you are."

Her words crushed my delicate heart. My passive ability have activated.

In the past, I was always treated as an invisible person. If I don't impress them or don't talk, I will automatically disappear in their eyes. To solve this, I actively talked and engaged the conversation. Although in their eyes, I looked like a fool.

"Nevermind. Give me your blood and be my white mouse." I said.

In a blink of eyes, I was sent to opposite building.

"What have just happened?" in my mind, I thought she was deadly poisonous.

The syringe I injected into her contained wisteria liquid. I want to weaken her so that I can obtain her blood easily but different from what I thought, she is much more stronger than I expected.

"What's a monster. 2 doses is not enough." I spat blood in my mouth to the ground. Slowly standing back up.

"Hmm. She doesn't attack me." I looked up to the place where I was kicked.

"That is a positive feedback" On the roof, Daki was holding her melting face as if she tried to fix her face. She looked very pissed and angry.

"You … you are going nowhere" Daki gnashed her teeth when seeing me.

At this moment, I knew I can't avoid this fight.

"I'm fucked"