Engage Kokushibo

3rd POV

"Yo six eyes. Are you the one called Kokushibo? A upper moon 1" a man called Jeano said breaking the intense atmosphere between among pillars and upper moon 1. Kokushibo looked at new comer with killing intention.

"Don't look at me like that with your 6 eyes. It's very menacing and disgusting." he arrogantly said.

"Since when there is a person like courting death" Serpent pillar, Obanai Iguro, showed his disdain for this newcomer.

His face frowned ugly as if he said who do you think you are facing. Even 6 pillars attack together can't do anything to him but where the fuck your confidence came from. Are you stupid when you was born or due to practicing too much.

"Who are you by the way." Mist pillar asked. Obviously he was confused by this guy. Not knowing who is this guy and where his confidence came from. Even those support units and range units also shivered before upper moon's aura.

"I'm forgot to introduce myself. I'm a captain of unit called Surprise attack. My name is Jeano. And I'm coming here to support demon corp in final action."

"You indeed give surprise… Both sides." he commented with poker face.

"Tell me you guys have a plan." Love pillar said with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah. I have a plan. It's simple. You guys distract him while I will give him a surprise attack"

"Ah… Ok" her face is frozen. Even for her, who is famous for friendly attitude, can't go on well with this… Stu… not good and lack of meticulous step.

This guy named Jeano is very good at annoying. Not only everyone who is fighting on battlefield even who is in charge command behind battle.

"Brother. Do you know who is this?"

"Ah no. I don't know" young master of Ubuyashiki said with profound sweat on head. The battle is already intense and exhausting both his body and mind.

Now, some stranger entered and said something that is beyond his current understanding.

"He doesn't affect original plan. Let ignore him."

"But he disrupts our original plan." His sister added.


In battle, Jeano gave Kokushibo a back-stab behind his back under everyone's surprised eyes. This action undoubtedly added more fuel into fire.

From the beginning, he already ignored this guy or it should be said that he did want to cut his head due to his rudeness but other pillars won't allow that. Hate or not. Small fry is still a small fry.

They are not harmful to him but very annoying.

Kokushibo had already mercy enough to cast this guy aside but ghost doesn't know how. Sky don't have eye.

He got back-stab unexpectedly. Just one second ago, this guy was in front of him. The moment his mind ignored him, that guy appeared behind him. Called back-stab is still not correct enough. The moment when sword was coming for his head, he moved back to reduce range of attack.

Like what people saw, he got back-stab.

"Make a mistake … make a mistake" Kokushibo muttered.

However, Kokushibo didn't hate for it but blaming him instead.

Before him maybe a swords-master. Why he drew this conclusion hastily. Every creature has their own unique intent. Even a newborn baby also have this. In short, sentinent being has while non-sentinent being don't.

While his opponent don't give off any sign, it's like he is fighting a stone. No. A stone is still underrate comment for his opponent. It should be rephrased that he is fighting an air.

Yes, air. No killing intention. He can't feel anything in it. This put him in difficult situation. He didn't know when he was attacked again. This intense. This awkward situation. Is what he longed for after his genius brother death.

He took off his clothes and raised all his sense against this swords master. He adjusted his sword lever.

"Excuse me to ask this."

"Yes. Go ahead. I don't mind."

"How can you achieve this realm of sword? In mortal body but me can't" Kokushibo asked curiously.

"Simple. Just do it" he replied half-hearted.

"What do you mean by do it?" Kokushibo looked at his opponent's movement. Breath. Hands. Eyes… all were locked into his eyes.

"Nature doesn't give me any talent about sword. I am called failure by many people. My sword's skill is like a child play before their eyes. I have lived under judgement of people around me. I fell. I'm sad. I even cry" He answered in sad voice."But hard work does."

"Hmm. Care to elaborate." He is even more curious now.

"How far can a talent go with one step? Can you answer that?"

"Don't know. And what is your answer?" he used uno-reversion card.

"Just assume one step of talent is equal 100m. Then how far can a normal person without talent go" there is a moment pause."1m. 1m is what person without talent can go."

Not only Kokushibo listened, also all Hashira listened their conversation aside.

"There exists statement that some people says. 99% hard work can decide your bright future and remain is your talent" he added."For me, it's more like a encouragement slogan. However, it still holds some truth. 1m then I just take 100 steps. Problem's solved."

"I swing the sword everyday, every night. Until my heart has a sword."

"Your heart has a sword" Kokushibo repeated.

"That moment, I was enlightened. I saw the realm beyond mortal. Allow me to show you something." Jeano lightly touched the handle of sword.

In a blink of eyes, Kokushibo felt countless slash of sword coming from behind him.

He drew sword and deflected incoming attacks. However, when he turned, nothing was there.

"This is what I was enlightened when my heart contains sword will."

"Interesting. Interesting. Sorry for my impudent. I will show you my sword skill. Maybe I can learn one or two from you" he laughed it off.

Kokushibo now judged this guy as his worthy enemy. He must be serious or else the one who fell here is himself.

His sword sprouted more blades on its body.

"Then come, I will show you what beyond of this mortal realm." Jeano confidently said.