Kokushibo's death

Jean's POV

'As expected first rank of upper moon.' I thought while guarding any attack coming from him.

Just his presence is enough to intimate everyone. Even my hand was shaken before his overwhelmed aura.

Luckily, what he saw was just my camouflage. Or else, he realized that I was just a weak chicken in a second with eyesight 60/20.

"What are they doing?"

"They are observing every move."

'By the way, what are those pillars doing? I thought we together gang-bang him why only me facing him now.'

"Why they are not fighting yet." Mist pillar confused asked. It's already 10 minutes but none of them made a single move.

"They are foreseeing each other move and calculate the best method to eliminate opponent fast and clean." Rock pillar added.

"Wow. That means they can see the future."

'????' my heart jumped out of my chest when hearing their conversation.

First of all, I'm not a swords mater or something like that. Secondly, what I told to Kokushibo is totallyl lie. Only small part of it is truth.

What is sword will, sword in heart? I don't know. I just exasperated it by using strange words and my advanced knowledge.

Beside, What Kokushibo tried to deflect was System's energy. System condensed its energy behind him. His sharp sense and fast intuition deceived himself. There was no thing called sword intent here. Nonetheless, now I knew his strength. Still in my control. Not too overpower or broken.

"Let me help him." Giyu, water hashira, decided to help this stranger.

"Wait. Let observe for now" A raven said.

Immediately, they spread out leaving me solo 1vs1.

"Now no one will interfere our battle. Is this what you long for. A fair fight. You have my respect"

"I don't want to see them die in this place so I chase them away. And I will carry this heavy burden for them." I said like an old man who cared the live of youngster. Outside I looked very calm but inside was the whole of chaos making my stomach sad. My body wasn't fear of him but rather my body was already near my limit. 4 different kind of upper moon demon's blood was fighting in my blood. As if they want to take control my body.

It's annoying.

'Speaking of which, why I'm so stupid back then' flashing my recent past, I realized how stupid I am.'I really want to punch my past self'

I thought that by combining 4 cells of rank demon then I can go face to face upper moon rank 1. Result is before fighting Kokushibo, my body had crisis war. My cells actually.

'It's fine. I still have that destruction technique' I reassured my self.

Breath of Celestial. If I use that, my win is in my hand.

The problem is that I wasn't familiar with this kind of breath yet. Last time, I was lucky enough to perform full potential of this breath. For now, I don't know I can achieve what I did in the past.

Killing one upper moon directly and also mountain as bonus.

"System. Inject memory."

"Right away."

Immediately, Akaza, Daki, Gyutaro, Hantengu memories all were flashing in my head. I tried to filter all information to search Kokushibo.

Breath of moon. Flesh control ability. Was a best swordsman when he is a human. His blood is special.

Good grief. This guy is Muzan's right hand. He is the one who drinks Muzan's blood most and also the strongest.

"Just standing here and watching is boring. Allow me go first." it was Kokushibo's voice breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I was also boring. You first. Let me see how far can you go by your own"

A lightning sparked, a sword appeared in front of my eyes. His sword was so fast that even air caught fire.

However, I successfully blocked his attack. Realizing this, he changed his stand.

'This. He is going to use breath of moon.'

A different sizes of moon were emanating from his blade making it difficult to dodge. It may look delicate but it's very deadly. One touched like baby touch can make my skin bleed. My skin is hard like a stone thank to enhancement but that doesn't prevent from being cut by him.

Seeing his attack effectively, he gave a chase. Unknowingly to him, that was a big mistake.

His body was splitted into 2 parts from the head to stomach.

Kokushibo raised his brows in surprise. He doesn't know that I know this move.

Akaza's memory played a big role in helping me defeat him. All Akaza's movement, practice, counter-attack against this guy were imprinted deeply into my brain.

Although his speed is so fast that my eyes can't see it. However, to compensate the big gap of speed, I developed one skill called prediction.

Prediction allowed me to move 1 step ahead. That is why at first he overwhelmed me cause I don't feel familiar with his attack yet. Now I can give him some hits in return. The only way for me to win is win fast.

His sword raised archly creating a big horizontal moon slash. I deflected and chopped his hands in the same time.

I gradually pushed him back into the corner. Seeing his attack ineffectively, he moved back to formulate a new attack. This action payed a big price.

His head was fallen from his head. I successfully cut his head.

Everyone on the field also stunned by this scene.

The big mountain that they must eliminate was destroyed right before their eyes.

Mouth formed into O, eyes shaped into A.

Before his head was attached back, I adjusted my body according to memory.

'Feet, back, eyes, mind and soul'

"Breath of Celestial: 1st form"

In a blink of eyes, a massive destruction crushed the ground where Kokushibo stood.

This gave them a big O on their mouth. This technique. So dangerous. With this attack, Hashira is no longer a dream.

Their conversation was heated. However, I wasn't happy about that. This time is weaker than before. About 1/5 compares before.

Also Kokushibo is still alive.

[ Kokushibo

Health: 10000/ 95000]

In the smokes that I created. I'm pretty sure that he was in those. Just don't know where he hid.

Suddenly, a red liquid flew before my eyes.


That was my blood. My right arm was cut off.

My eyes looked down and saw Kokushibo was there.

My feet were cut off that I don't know when. Seeing this new raising dilemma, I kicked him with all might.

However, he caught it with his hand. Only after the smoke was clear that I understood why.

"This disgusting creature."

6 eyes, 4 big teeth, 4 arms. This image is completely a monster.

I swung my blade to end his life fast. In an unexpected way, he bit my sword breaking it in many pieces.

Not stopping at that, he bit at my neck trying to finish my life too.

Hashira realized something went wrong so they attacked together.

Head, arms, body were sliced, cut, chopped, crushed. However, he showed no signs of stopping.

"So this is what you want. A monster right." Kokushibo's memory flashed before my eyes.

I drank a bit of his blood and system did his duty.

"Your goal is sword-master and surpass your brother. Now looking at you, this is what you want" I said in hope that his human memory can bring some change.

His eyes now looked alive. His conscious came online. Looking at me, and then looking at broken blade on ground which reflected his image. His pupil had some vibration. His tear fell off from his cheeks.

"No, this is not I want. I'm so ugly" As if his humanity came back, he accepted his death calmly.

He turned into ash right before my eyes and others.

Looking his ash followed the rustling wind. This announced that Kokushibo officially died.

"Nah. You are still handsome when compare to that fish face." I said while being bandaged the wound by Shinobis.

"Hey. This face is my masterpiece why you dare to talk badly at it." Gyokko said in deny at hell.