
As the morning sun gently peeked through the curtains of the hospital room, Jean, a pool teacher was shot by intruder, slowly opened his eyes. Blinking several times, she took in her surroundings, her groggy mind trying to piece together the events leading up to her hospitalization.

A nurse entered the room, her cheerful demeanor contrasting with Fred's confusion.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?"

Jean rubbed his temples, his head throbbing. "I want to die. So embarrassing."

The nurse smiled sympathetically. "You were brought in after an unfortunate encounter with intruders in your own house. But don't worry, you're going to be just fine."

She laid a cup of fresh water on table.

"So how long I have slept since then"

A nurse gave 1 finger.

"1 day. Then it's fine." Jean tried to sit up but the body.

"No" nurse shook her head.

"1 weak"

"Nope. Actually you have been unconscious for 1 month."

"What. How can it be. Aren't I got stabbed by only arrow?"

"You did but as time passes, your condition became unstable. Sometimes your temperature reach 60 degrees. We have no choice but giving you a best care."

As the nurse spoke, Jean's attention was drawn to a sheet of paper resting on the bedside table. With a trembling hand, she picked it up and began to read. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is…"

"Your hospital bill" nurse said "Also with your fine of owning gun illegally. You are lucky enough to not be in prison. This country's law is very strict about gun."

147000000 yen. That is total price that I have to pay.


"You are the winner" the arcade box's voice said. After receiving the enormous bill, I went to arcade store to relieve stress.

My house was confiscated for investigation. Thank to this, I'm homeless now. Not only that, I'm now facing to lose my job.

To be honest, those are not a big problem for me. I can find new job but it's hard with my criminal record.

"Look like I have to bargain with that bald principal"

Thinking this, I can only breath heavily in tiredness.

Now back to the topic, who the fuck are they?

From the report, no valuable thing was stolen.

Although I lost consciousness that time, my brain was still working. I'm sure something hit me badly but I can't see it.

Do they belong to Esper or something similar to that. I met many strange thing so it's not wrong to draw conclusion that they had superpower.

As for arrow, I thought that just a normal arrow that they want to play with.

No matter what I see and how I understand, the only answer that I came to is Strange. Very very bizzare.

I sat at cluttered desk, staring at the mounds of paper spread out before me. The case I had been working on had been baffling, with seemingly no leads or connections to follow. But since when I'm easily to give up.

As I sifted through the evidence once again, my eyes caught something I had overlooked before—an obscure reference in one of the witness statements. It was a small detail, easily missed by anyone not paying close attention. But I had a knack for spotting the tiniest breadcrumbs that could lead to a breakthrough.

My curiosity piqued, I delved deeper into this newfound clue. Hours turned into days as I tirelessly followed every lead, tirelessly piecing together a puzzle that seemed impossible to solve. The more I dug, the more the intricate web of the case began to unravel before my eyes.

One evening, while poring over old surveillance footage, I spotted a familiar costume lurking in the background of a crime scene. It was a fleeting glimpse, barely noticeable to an untrained eye, but Jean's intuition told her she had stumbled upon something significant.

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Jean's excitement grew. I tirelessly pursued every lead, leaving no stone unturned. Finally, the clue arrived when I had gathered enough evidence to make her breakthrough this case. With her heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through her veins

Below are 3 clues that she had interpreted.

-The uniform belong to Budo-ga Oka school which I taught students. High school is more exactly.

-One person seems to be low intelligent comparing with the other. He even said their relationship before my ears.

-Arrow is an abnormal object. Assuming this giving them superpower then everything is clear.

Connecting all clues with a straight line, I made a next step.

"Keep my job. Check student one by one. Taking their arrow and research."

"Sorry, customer. We are going to close the store. So packing your stuff." a waiter said waking me back to reality.

"Ok." I packed my stuff. While I was packing, a card hidden among paper was revealed.

"What is this" I picked it up and inspected "Tarot card."

Tarot card is believed as a card can read your future. I'm hardly believing something like this.

"Library of heaven" that is what is written on the card.


I left the store with excitement even though I will sleep in the cold of night.