Josuke Higashikata meeting

After spending the whole night thinking about my future, I decided to continue on my old road. That's becoming a teacher.

As for the condition to hold my position as teacher, principal only gave me one condition. That condition is "assurance all student graduating". It sounds simple. However, I was a teacher long enough to understand every student's study in school.

There is one person that I don't want to engage early in this challenge. Cause he likes a final boss blocking this condition. A big rock that is hard to move.

Despite that, I wasn't exhausted but instead, excitingly taking that guy as my challenge.

So to widen my knowledge and understanding about student more, I decided to tutor someone first.

Currently, I made my way to student name. Josuke Higashikata.

Now, the sky is raining heavily. I was walking towards his house with umbrella on my hand. His house wasn't so far.

"So this is Higashikata's family house" reading a name tag hanging on the door, I read it again to confirm.

I rang the bell and waited.

"Hello. Who is there"

"Hello. Josuke's mother. I'm his teacher and I come here to tutor him for this week"

"Oh. Josuke-kun did say this to me" she said "Come in. Outside is very cold now."

"Thank you" I replied kindly.

Taking off the raincoat, I went to the living room.

"Stop playing your game, your teacher have come." Josuke's mother gave her son some gently kick touch.

"Wait a minute. I'm going to break record" Josuke said. He still continued playing despite his teacher was already standing at door.

The TV went black suddenly. It was Josuke's mother doing.

"Bring a cup of water to your teacher while I prepare snack."

"OK. Mom." he limped his own body to the kitchen.

"Please wait for a second." she smiled at me with friendly attitude.

"I don't mind about that." I also smiled back.

Josuke's mother left the room. Only I was present at this room now. Feeling a little bit tired, I sat heavily on the chair spreading out all document written by my own hand.

While sitting, I noticed a bottle of water on table.

"Do my eyes look wrong?" I rubbed my eyes to look again. There was a shiny point on bottle. At first, I thought It was reflected by the ceiling light.

But when I changed perspective again, that point light still was there. When I held the bottle at dark place, the bottle dot is still shining.

"Strange" in the end, I laid the bottle back on the desk despite question storming in my head.

"Here. A cup of water, teacher. Please enjoy."

"Thanks. You are generous. How about we start our lesson today right now?"

Josuke was a student with a lot of potential. I saw his unique in the way of thinking and solving problem.

However, he was only good at dealing at real life. On paper.

"So. Do you have any idea to solve this math."

"Ah. Sorry teacher. I still don't understand why it like this."

He is very terrible. Should I say to him that math is math or not.

"For now, just write down your answer. Wrong is okay. I will adjust my way of teaching according to what you write."

Instead of forcing him to understand me, I forced myself understanding his way of thinking.

"If that so then this must be this" he started to write something down on paper. I took a small walk around the room to relieve stress accumulating in me.


The bottle of water. Did I see it move?

Looking at the bottle with vigilant, I pretended my look was on Josuke's paper.

For 10 minutes straight, the bottle didn't move a single bit.

"Was I wrong?"

I turned my gaze back to Josuke's paper. Only see scribbling on it, he wrote it down and thought that was wrong. He crossed this answer and wrote another one. He repeated this action many time.

While looking every single line on paper, I saw a shiny dot on his neck. One like on the bottle of water.

Feeling sightly curious, my attention was on that shiny dot. I reached out for that dot. Blinking in surprise, I felt a hard object. I pulled it out and saw a corner of book coming from Josuke's neck.

"Sorry, Josuke. There is some mosquito on your neck"

"Ah. It's fine." he continued solving math.

Slowly, a book was pulled out by me. I held my book to my eyes level and read the title.

[Josuke Higashikata]

"Josuke. That's enough. Go break 15 minutes." I talked to him while wondering the book holding on my hands.

"Whoa. Finally some break." he went back to the living room to continue playing game while I made my way to kitchen.

"What is this thing?" observing the cover which had Josuke's picture on its, I opened the book to read.

What greeted my eyes rendering me unbelievable.

"A picture was moving" I exclaimed. Not only picture, some words appeared and disappeared according to the moving picture.

[Long ago, on the road was covered with snow and snow. Little Josuke caught a fever suddenly. His high temperature may threaten his life so Tomoko Higashikata must bring him to hospital. But road is covered snow making it impossible to come hospital in time. Tomoko cried in helplessness. At that time, from a far appeared a man with pompadour hair. In a blurred vision, he saw mother seemed to be vigilant again this man. His vision blacked out for a while. When he opened his eyes again, mother's car is moving. Watching rear mirror, what caught his attention was pompadour hair. Because of this event, he admired the style of that mysterious man.]

"This is." I'm out of word to express my thought. Reading context then nothing suspicion was found but when I looked at picture, the mysterious guy that Josuke admiring looked very similar. No. It should be said that they are the copy. That's right. The mysterious guy looks like Josuke at presence. No matter how I changed my way of looking. He and Josuke currently taught by me looked like a drop of water.

Thinking this logic, do future Josuke make his way back to the past to save his young self.

Sound similar to science-fiction movie like "Back to the future" movie.

Although, it sounds reasonably, there are still many holes that denied this statement.

"Very headache." I pinched my nose in headache.

I flipped another paper. It showed me a image of pink indescribable creature. It looked humanoid.

"Crazy diamond. Stand" I read its name. "Ability: Restore". This is full content.

[Ability: Restore

Can restore objects and organisms to a previous state in their history]

"What does it mean?"

While I was interpreting this fact, behind me appeared a small pond.

"Keke. I will make you become another victim." a voice suddenly rang out drawing my attention.

A puddle leapt towards me. I looked at it flying towards me.

It's a surprised attack and I was caught off guard.

"Hehe. Killing you surely make that kid sad."

A hand blocked its way punching it like a sand bag. Its water body flew away.

"Crazy diamond." I looked at the being called stand floating in front of me.

"Teacher. Are you okay?" Josuke entered the kitchen with worried expression.

"I'm fine. What is that" I pointed the thing that had just escaped.

"That's a stand. From a murder. By the way, my name is Jotaro Jujo." A white hair guy answered my question.


"You can see it. Meaning you are also stand user like us." he added. "It's dangerous now"

"Teacher. It's all my fault for letting him out. I promise I will protect you." Josuke said.

"What have just happened." My eyes blinked twice in surprise. The situation escalated too fast that my brain can't catch up with what happened.