Players and their system


"Passenger. Are you sure that you still want to go there anymore?" taxi driver asked in nervous voice.

"I'm 100% sure. Here are 3 gold bars. If you drop me there sooner, all yours." Jean held the gold bar but dropping due to the shaking of car.

"What's the hell is going on?" looking through the window, the street is full of chaos. 9 out of 10 Jean seeing on the street were on fire or were stolen.

"You reporters are crazy. Same with those guy. But luckily for you, I am also crazy." he stomped the pedal. Like a mad bull, a car sped up piercing through one after another obstacle.

Jean opened the phone to watch the news. All news were written in Italy. She couldn't understand but she can understand through the video recording by native.

Not only Italy but also other country also suffered the same situation.

[What are they?]

[Which organization bears responsibility for this disaster?]

[Ghost is coming to rob us !!!]

This title of new attracted her attention. She clicked on it. There was a video recording one police killing a terrorist. When police shot this terrorist to death, his body lowly reduced to particle until nothing was left behind.

Not long after that, the one who shot to death by police hit police from behind. Same face, same costumes, same eyes,… The police was beaten to death by this crazy bastard.

"That's troublesome." according to what she knows, this is the most troublesome enemy. System once told her that there are many kind of system with different ability in his dimension. However, only some of its made her system heavily guard against. That's right. The system has an ability named "Player-Creation". As for more popular name, it was also called as Dungeon by its Player.

This kind of system will firstly take over one planet. After completing taking over the planet, it will give people on that planet part of its ability. Thus, the Player became a Raider.

People are its attack and it will be a strategist. It planned which planet will attack and retreating if situation go bad. In short, this kind of system is a little bit of coward.

"Analyzing the situation, it seems like there guys treating this world as a game." Jean watched the video which live-stream on phone. The streamer this time is one of the Player who attacked this world.

"Hello everyone. I'm BJ. I'm going to kill that old man over there. Please subscribe my channel."

"Yes. Definitely. They play GTA in real life. So this is how NPCs feel when they meet a Player." Jean can only shook her head in powerlessly. The old man was bathed in his own blood grunting in panic but that BJ is not going to leave him easily.

"Where are you going, old man!!! We still have a lot of things to do."

"Damn. Why MyTube approves this live-stream." she wondered "It's good to be known that they don't have sex organ or else, I don't know what they are going to do with it."

She closed her phone and looked outside.

"Italian handle this situation very well." Jean observed the people living in this city. They are hiding and fighting back. Some of them is Stand User or gangster.

"Too bad for them that their resistance is useless. Unless there is a Stand that could turn the table."

Only Stand could change this dilemma now. But what kind can resist this big invasion.

"Hello passenger. Here is Colosseum of Italy. Have fun." he opened the door and threw me out of the car quickly. And then he fled from this place as fast as possible.

"Good grief." she took a quick look at Colosseum. "Look like those Players have been here."

The legacy of history became a ruin. Using her Stand, she could see everything unfold before her eyes.

She could see Player hiding in building waiting for something. She also saw Player fighting another Player for some silly reasons

"Where are you now?" She looked more farther. "Not here. Here too."

She tried to track the bug arrow. The most special arrow which could grant your Stand an ability which is very OP.

"Found it." bug arrow which was held by black muddy figure wasn't far from her.

"No wonder no Player want to enter this area."

With her eyes, she could see people's soul. Baby with mommy soul and mommy with baby soul. Or dog with human soul and human with dog soul. Everything is messed up in this place.

She understood why Players didn't want to enter this area. However.

Looking backward, she could see more and more Players hiding seeming that they are going after the treasure.

Whew. That arrow is indeed a treasure.

They didn't approach now because of that freaking Stand.

A Stand can affect to soul.

"This is my given chance" Jean knew only this time, she could enter without engaging any Players.

She ran forwards to that black muddy Stand. Players could see her presence but they didn't give her any care. They were observing Chariot requiem and analyzing its ability.

One more idiot entered. Doesn't matter. More people sacrificed, more understanding about that Stand.

"Just as I thought" Jean ran as if she never ran before. "They won't stop me now."

Players just observed her from shadow without doing anything.

The moment she entered Chariot's range of ability. She could feel something change in her body.

An eye appeared on her wrist. "So this is that Stand's ability. How terrifying." She had board knowledge so she knew the eye on her wrist is fish's eye

The more closer she approached that Stand, the stronger she felt the change in her body.

"Finally, I am here." after passing through tunnels and jumping over some fences multiple time. She could see the back of her target.

"Just one more." her hand reached out for arrow on its hand.


*Bang bang* a gun shot rang out attracting Jean's attention. She dodged immediately by using her Stand as a shield after roar of gun shot rang out. Story Guilder didn't like this action.

"That's Stand User." Giorno said.

Looking those familiar face, she felt something wrong.

"Aren't you too young to be a gangster." Jean asked while looking at 13 years old golden hair little boy and the rest of people. The rest also looked pretty young.

"Mista. Careful. She dodges number 1 and 3" Sex Pistol number 5 said.

"I know I know" a pink hair girl looked like she was just in mature period said. She reloaded the gun and aimed again.

"Stay focus." A pink hair guy said. Jean looked into his soul. His soul was exhausted to extreme at the moment.

'His soul doesn't have too much connection to body. As if he is on the edge of death. But he is looking fine outside' Jean rubbed her chin. 'Usually people like him will be sent to heaven with this weak life energy but why he didn't go to the heaven now.'

Jean could see his life energy didn't have much left. Jean didn't know how he is alive until now but Jean's sure that he will die tonight.

"Put the gun down. It's not so good to be stressful like that." Jean raised both her hands high to express her cooperation.

"Are you the same side with those guys?" Bucciarati in Diavolo's body asked.

"They." Jean knew what he meant by those guy. "I am never on the same side with those guy"

"Bucciarati. What if she is lying?" Mista in Trish's body said.

"Just stand there. I will test her."

Looking him come closer, she didn't like what is coming next.

He licked her face with his tongue. Low and deeply. Give her a deep licking.

Her eyes now looked death inside.

"She is telling the truth."

"Now you are believing me now." Jean said with stoic face.

"Okay. You have a minute to explain why you are targeting that Stand" he pointed to muddy Stand behind me.