War between Player

"Why I chase after that berserk Stand, right?" Jean looked at Bucciarati's eyes as if she expected a certain expression from him.

"Wew. I'm just a normal treasure hunter." she answered decisively. This is not a lie. Jean's left hand job is collecting all beauty and treasure on the world. No matter which world she lives in, she always collects items, games, art,… as hobby.

"Treasure hunter. Are you belonging to those guys who are on TV?" Mista asked while holding gun tightly.

"They have nothing to do with me but are you going to let that Stand get away." Having answered the question, Jean tried to change the topic.

"Beside, you guys look the same with me. Is there any trouble that haunt you? I can help."

The teenage gangster exchanged gaze.

"I think we should cooperate with her." Giorno proposed a suggestion.

"Why did you think that. What if she betrayed us for her own goal." Trish denied Giorno idea. Having chased by her own father and his hit-man. She grew a shadow that made her hard to trust stranger anymore. After all, she is still a 13 years old girl and she is also in rebel period.

In this brand of universe, Giorno, Trish,Mista are destined to death. On the opposite, Bucciarati will live. The cause of this were attributed by their immaturity. After all, the event called Golden wind happened 2 years earlier than original.

"No need to worry about that. I don't betray our promise for my own goal. Time is short so let's strike a deal. You help me and I help you in return" the conversation didn't go to the point so Jean decided a propose to break statement. She worried about Players who were cooking something. Just now, she received some signs that Players were about to engage.

"How can we believe you?"

"In order to show my sincere. Let's me help you by solving your problem. Starting with Diavolo." the moment Jean's mouth spelled that name. Everyone in presence were startled.

"She knows Diavolo." everyone exclaimed the same sentence.

"I know him longer ago." Jean said this news freaking everyone. 'In comic'

She extracted this information from traveler that she defeated in the past. She just wondered why he knew so much about this world despite being a first time coming here. She digged deeper into his past until she stumbled a time when he was just a loser. He read a lot of comic including a comic named JoJo. She watched it and was shocked for a while.

However, everything happened were all quite similar. The only difference is that JoJo brought his daughter and Giorno became gangster at age of 13. She didn't know those small change can affect the whole world but she knew character's information almost the same.

For example

"Diavolo. I know you hiding in Mista's body. Showing yourself. Coward." Jean pointed towards Mista's body and claimed that is Diavolo.

"Are you having wrong with your head? That is our Trish."

"No. Thinking again. The only possible place for him to hide is Trish soul. They are father and daughter so it's hard to detect."

Speaking of this, they realized those things made sense. All attention turned towards Trish current body.

"Don't look at me like that."

"That explains our problem. Only Trish was near Narancia at that time"

"So, why don't you show yourself." Jean said in provocative voice.

"Presumptuous" King Crimson appeared under the surprise of everyone witnessing.

In a blink of eyes, they saw King Crimson was beaten right into his face.

"Impossible." King Crimson exclaimed in confusion. He already skipped the time how can he still be beaten by the person standing before him.

"Trish. Don't summon your Stand. He will control body through it."

"Bucciarati. I count on you completing the rest of deal. I will handle this." Jean's pupil reflected Berserk Stand.

Hearing this, they understood what to do. They chased after Chariot requiem while Jean faced Diavolo.

"I believe you have just skipped time, right."

King Crimson stared at Jean with killing intention. This is the first time he was pissed like this.

'What has she done?' King Crimson analyzed the situation to determine where his fault lies. There was no drop of blood on her body or anything surrounding can determine time skip.

While Diavolo wondered, Jean also started to unfold her contingency plan.

'This is battle between mind. As I expected, Story Guilder can't observe in time skip. This is a negative point.' Her Stand can't help much against this dual.

'I predict correct one but I'm not sure that I can predict correctly next time.' That's right. She couldn't see the time when skipped but that didn't prevent her from prediction. She was a veteran with rich experience so she knew when he attacked.

However, that only applied in first try. Diavolo is different. He could analyze and adapt to current situation.

'Not only I face a mad man, I also face a smart strategist.' She observed King Crimson without letting any details slip out. "He remains his cool very quick."

'It's better to think a solution to deal with 10 seconds skipping.'

On the other side

"Look. The arrow. Is on someone's hand." Mista said.

This time, person holding arrow is not a Stand User but a Player.

"I finally find it." A guy with straight hair said in happy tone. Beside him is Chariot which is defeated by him. This guy is a Player who knew the plot from China guild.

"It's finally mine." he raised the arrow highly with intention stabbing himself with it. He anticipated that he will awake a broken Stand.

"I'm not letting you do that" Giorno said using his ability.

The body of arrow is covered with ants.

"I know you will do this." his hand held the head of arrow. The head of arrow is about to stab his finger.

Suddenly, from the shadow spurted out a figure cutting his entire left arm. He cried out loud in pain.

"Sticky Fingers" Bucciarati summoned his Stand to interfere that shadow. That shadow had to block the attack so he had to give up picking the arrow.

At the same time from afar, some Player started to engage with another.

The war to obtain Bug arrow begins.