Run before too late

"It's not even a match, is it?" Jean said looking at Diavolo who is bleeding profoundly because of his mistake.

When Diavolo used time skip, everything is moved lowly in his eyes. To secure the victory, he punched the body that he possessed to scatter blood. Those blood blocked Jean's sight.

Thinking that he is succeeded on cracking her trick, he went straight line for a kill.

Unexpectedly, Jean moved so fast that beyond human common sense. For Stand, it's slightly fast but not impressive.

Diavolo dodged the attack but this action led to his demise. Her Stand suddenly did something that he couldn't expect. Story Guilder punched her in order to change trajectory of the attack. Her attack is deadly for him, King Crimson. He still didn't understand why with human strength that she can give this much damage to him.

That vision, he didn't see it or should he say, this is not what he saw.

He saw Jean will attack mindlessly with her Stand like a doll. To counter that attack, he formed his hand into knife and cut his head along with her Stand. That should have been a easy victory for him but why thing come to like this.

With a hole on his stomach, his strength dramatically reduced. He never saw a woman is fierce like this one before.

Dare to injure yourself to give a deadly wound on him, a very good strategy but the price of her action wasn't small. Her hand was broken as a result of sacrifice her hand in exchange force.

"I don't know why you can change your destiny but sorry for you. The one you facing is Diavolo. Since when I'm easily to give up like that." Diavolo said with a hint of confidence and arrogance. As if he had seen through her trick.

While on the Jean's side.

'I said her that she shouldn't summon her Stand. Now he can control her body at will.' Jean can't blame for kid named Trish. After all, she is young.

'Look like this guy figure my trick' Jean thought while maintained safe distance. 'It's a simple trick that involves breathing techniques.'

'Odd second is measured by exhaling while even second is measured by inhaling. If I feel that I exhale 2 times, it means that Diavolo had used time skip.'

'As for why she decided a suicide attack. It's because his guess is correct after observing several time. If she drags this longer, he will find a way to counter that.'

Never thought before that she will meet such an high intelligent enemy. All enemy she met in the past had one common thing. They are retard mental.

Even she saw them as a brat not as a adult.

This guy just gave her a new view. Not everyone is stupid. There was another thing that bothered her.

Why all Players rushed to this site.

To be actually, the street where she and Diavolo currently fighting.

There must be a reason for their action.

Suddenly, there was a sound of hard object clashing the ground. Jean and Diavolo both turned to the source of sound.


"Heaven has helped me."

Jean looked at Bug Arrow on the ground not far from Diavolo but far from her. If she runs now, there won't be enough time before Diavolo stabbed himself with arrow.

Diavolo started to make a run for it. Jean saw it and chased after him.

Seeing an arrow nearer to him, a smirk formed on his face.

"Ha ha ha. Requiem is my now." Just a second before he grasped arrow, an unknown entity wrapped around arrow.

"What is this"

Its appearance like a rat. It bit the head of arrow and dived into the shadow.

"Never in billion chance"

Although it's a little bit too late, he still grasped the body of arrow.

A shadow rat felt this guy hindered his mission. It scattered into million of shadow rat to attack back.

Enduring such an attack, he didn't let the arrow go. He mustered all his strength trying to stab himself.

"Such an annoying rat. I will educate you after this" he could feel the arrow was coming near his arm.

"Did it pierce?" Seeing the arrow on his shoulder, he thought he had succeeded but unfortunately for him, it passed through like a ghost.

"What the hell" the arrow lowly dropped to the ground. In his helplessness, he can only see it fall with his eyes.

A hand raised to catch the arrow. That was Jean's hand.

"A bug arrow" observing arrow on her hand, for a second time in her life, she felt gratitude to lady luck.

Without waiting anymore, she stabbed her Stand decisively.

"Noooooo" Diavolo could only shout in frustration. The opportunity was on his hand. Now, it's gone like a dream.

Before leaving, he gave a punch straight through Mista's body to vent his anger.

"I remember your face."

Jean looked at Diavolo's soul floating back to his original body.

Her Stand illuminated a radiant light attracting nearby Players.

In their thought, a heaven treasure have appeared so they put aside fighting the one before them and charged towards the pillar of light.

When they came, the light is so radiant that dazzling their eyes.

When the light died down, they approached the center but to their disappointment, nothing was there.

To vent their frustration, they started to attack nearby Player with an excuse that "You are taking my treasure."

"Those Player are crazy." Jean looked above surface while floating under the ground. Everyone was fighting each other.

"Let's leave this place" she looked at her awakened Stand. Her Stand was carried the death body.

It was Mista's corpse. His body was dying but his soul was still there. All thank to her Stand, when she saw Mista's soul floating the sky, her Stand immediately caught it and put it back into body.

As a result, Mista's soul stuck in his own body. He couldn't move but he could feel surrounding him. What he felt is. Only darkness and silence.

"Let's go back and reunite with those teenage gangster."

Following the guild of her Stand, she made her way towards them.

The moment she arrived, they had already been a cold corpse.

"Story Guilder. Can you solve this?" Jean asked her Stand. Her Stand which wore clothes and hat after awakened nodded at her question.

He flew to the yellow sky until disappearing from her eye's sight. A minute later, he returned with Giorno, Bucciarati, Ghirga, Trish souls.

"You can do that." Jean was surprised to the core.

He inserted their soul into their body. She thought they will wake up but no response so far.

He then whispered something into Giorno's ears. Giorno waked up immediately as if he just waked up from nightmare. One after another, they waked up.

"What happen"

"Aren't we all dead"

"Who are those guys?"

Despite having wound on body, they didn't feel anything.

"Oh my god. You have just resurrected them." Jean exclaimed. Inside her mind was smiling happily. Her hard work paid off. She immediately exchanged her word with those kids. Explaining what have happened so far.

While they celebrated for their survival, there was another guy witnessing all what happened..

"Look like I dig a gold mine." A guy with glasses giggled on the building.

"I thought you will be a gold but I think I'm wrong." This guy is Japan's leader. There was a secret that he couldn't tell it to anyone.

"What bothers you so much" a voice rang out in his head.

"Look what I have found. An ability that challenge the authority." Glasses-kun adjusted his glasses.

"Hmm. Very good. However, she can't be devoured now. My stomach is full."

"You. A demon system. Can be full. Are you telling a joke?"

"I digested too many Players that I can't digest anymore. Let's mark her. We will hunt her after this."

"Great idea" Glass-kun summoned his newfound ability. King Crimson. He and his demon system encountered it and devoured it completely.

"Time skip" he disappeared from the building in the blink of eyes.

In a pizza restaurant

"That's all story. What do you think? Is it good?"

"Yeah but. You tell me that you beat Diavolo and he runs away like a baby. Somhow. I don't feel it right. After all, Diavolo is prideful and vengeful. How can he let this mud history spreading everywhere after this."

Someone expressed their doubt but.

"You are so cool. You beat our boss with ease. Can you be my boss?"

Someone expressed their admiration.

"No, I don't accept discipline."

"Oh. That will be cool"

"Anyway. Let's celebrate first."

"By the way, Jean. Where is the arrow" a turtle talked to me.

"Ah. Here." she reached out her pocket. The arrow was placed on table for anyone to see.

"So. What are you going to do with it?"

"I will keep it so that no one can have it but" Jean looked at people sitting around table. "If you want to upgrade your Stand, I will help you." Jean played the arrow on her hand skillfully.

"Me me me. Let's me first"

"No. It's me. I want to see my Stand after awakened."

A huge dispute made by 2 young members.

From the behind, a waiter man came nearer. His pupil reflected bug arrow on Jean's hand. He want to snap it but he have to kill her.

He drew out a knife from his pocket ready to give Jean a back-stab. However.

Some invisible force punched his stomach.

"Ah ah" he vomited today lunch and yesterday dinner on the floor.

"What are you doing, youngster?" Jean's eye inspected every corner of his body.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Uhm. You are Player" the moment Jean said this, that guy's eye ignited with fire.

He was so close to that arrow but he lose it because someone hacked his arm off. Luckily, he is Player or else he lost his arm for entire life.

"That's right. That is my arrow so return it to me."

"That. You are being irrational." Jean played arrow on her hand as if to display to him that this is her arrow not his.


"Wait. Let's me do a talk." she coughed lightly to clean her throat.

"Why you think I should return it?" Jean asked this Player.

"Because it was mine. I created it so technically it was mine."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from the China. This appeared on China's land long ago." Player from China told all his knowledge about the arrow. The original of Stand came from virus on arrow's head. And this thing was discovered by China's explorer on China land.

"So according to that, you think this arrow belong to you."

"Yes" this Player thought he could take an arrow easily by telling some facts about arrow.

"You know. If what you say is true then the current owner should be me, right." Jean moved arrow near to his hand but retrieved it in a second.


"Don't be like that. Human is selfish. You are selfish. I am also selfish. My rule is simple. Want this arrow, take it from my hand and it will be your. Easy."

Although she said that, he knew he had to fight her Stand to take it. So.

"I'm sorry." he left as fast as possible from Jean's sight.

"Who is he" turtle asked. He saw that guy drew a knife with killing intention.

"No idea" Jean answered.

As for that Player, since his plan didn't go well, he will assassinate her tonight. Don't blame him for this.

Unknown to him, Story Guilder floated behind him. He looked the string connecting to an entity called Dungeon system. He raised his hand and cut the connection between this Player and his system.

Unknown for this Player, he won't resurrect countless time like before and he will be stuck in this world that he believed as a game forever.

2 years later after the event called Golden wind.

Jean read newspaper at her home.

"Disaster have passed" big words printed on first pager.

Jean knew this disaster preferred to. Players disappeared at one point of time all over the world.

"So they finally leave." Jean closed newspaper. "It's good for me."

She didn't want to engage those Players. They died and resurrected. This cycle repeated many time that everyone in this world knew them. Even a child shivered when hearing their existence.

[Hello Host. System have back.]

"Oh. You are back. Do you have a fun journey?"

[First of all. No. There was no fun.]

[Second. What have you done?]

"What do you mean?" she asked confusedly



Jean Sophia: 10 000 000 000 Comsic Currency]

"Oh wow. Why my name is on there. And what is this channel named System news"

[That's what I am asking you for. You have been wanted in my dimension.]

"Whhat. I'm sure that I didn't touch those Players. I swear with all my honor."

[Even you say so. You know what have you done.]

"No idea"

[You have just addressed yourself as walking treasure. Bounty hunter will after your life. And my life too.]

"What's a big deal? They may be a retard looking for death. Just ignoring it."

[I will tell you a big new. On the way coming here, I count roughly 1 million systems are going to descend on this world.]

"That's much. Why. I didn't understand"

[Because you have an ability belonging to Authority category. That's what report say.]

"Just this ability that make your entire dimension go crazy."

[You don't understand the value of this ability. IT'S A TREASURE THAT MANY BIG SYSTEM WANT. What kind of person did I merge]

"So what are we going to do, now" she averted her eyes trying to appear that she is innocent. However, she couldn't hide her nervous. 1 million came this world. How can she deal with it?

[There is only one answer for this question.]

"That is"
