Raid on Jeju island

On the sea with many battleships.

"This is it. Our payback time."

"Yeah. It's time to teach those ants a lesson. Don't mess up with human."

"I know. This is important campaign. Let's just bless our hunters a good day for hunting." a leader of A rank hunter looked to afar. From afar, a ship was left alone to transport their hunter. Japan hunters was dispatched to the coast.

On the sky, a helicopter transported Korean hunter right into Queen nest.

The strategy is like this. Japan hunters had a role to attract ant mob to the coast so that Korean hunters can take care Queen ant with all their might.

The heavy role most is Korean hunter side.

This campaign was broadcast to both Japan and Korean citizen.

All of them hoped this campaign was a success.

In the middle of nowhere on the ocean.

Jean adjusted radio to the channel that talked about the campaign.

After hearing people in Australia said that the operation on Jeju island started. Jean was very surprised. This operation was put ahead the schedule one weak.

When knowing that the operation has started, Jean stole a sea motorcycle. She didn't have a skill to navigate the location of Jeju island.

However, she had something that made her know where Jeju island.

Behind her floated a Stand, through Story Guilder's vision, she could see a reaper and dark aura floating on a certain island.

"Without doubt, they will die. If they are lucky, they may be alive." Jean mumbled "But something go very wrong."

She had received another report from her system. An unknown system had descended and the location was on Jeju island.

"Isn't that island full of ant?" when Jean thought about that island, there was nothing there beside ant and ant. There was no shadow of human on that place.

"Unless" She had some doubt in her head. "That system is going to choose ant as host. But which ant."

In the hatching room, a big egg which is larger than other eggs.

[You have been chosen]

[System: Invincible Empire is your service.]

A little movement from the ant inside the egg.

[You receive beginner gift: Zhuge Liang's template]

"An annoying small fly" it spoke a first word but in full sentence.

[..!@#!@ !@#!. IMposSiBLE]

Invincible Empire system was attacked but the one who attacked it was this ant.

[101!@#01!@#!0100$%^011… Nooo]

That voice disappeared in ant's head. The system which was believed invincible tool was devoured by this creature. Of course, this was not a normal creature. This ant was a future ant king.

Feeling abundance of energy poured into its body, the hatching process was sped up ahead few year.

Usually, it will break from it egg and exude terrifying aura but no, it chose to break the egg slowly.

"Invader. Our kingdom has been invaded." ant king felt the existence of hunter on the land.

"Let's them taste their desperation."

Having received a knowledge from the great strategist, the ant king started to make a plan to complete an annihilation for those invader.

"First. Sending weak ants to test their skill. Move ant queen to safer place and replace with the fake one."

Although this ant king was only 1 minutes year old, its brain was capable of thinking complicated plan.

20 minutes on the island.

Japan hunters started the plan to attract ant mob.

Immediately, a huge army of ant came to them.

Those hunters without any doubt chased and killed any ants on their way. They immersed in killing ant that they forgot where are they on the island.

The more deeper they go, the more dangerous they engage.

They started to encircle the island to center since they felt those ants were so weak.

"Hey Goto. Why those ant is so weak. I remember they are not weak like this."

"Maybe they are out of food supply." Goto coldly replied.

Goto felt something wrong so he commanded the Japan hunters through channel.

"All of you. Stop. Something is wrong."

Goto's body sent some warning. He felt something was strange. When he looked back, he didn't see the sea.

"Go back" he commanded.

But 10 minutes of walking one direction, he still didn't see the sea.

"Call to our guild member on the ship."

"Sorry, Goto. No signal." his teammate said.

Now, he did feel something wrong. He heard the sound from behind him.

"Ant. Be ready." Goto said and drew his sword.

From the bush, a head of someone was thrown.

His teammates shouted in terror.


Goto didn't show any care since he was a cold blood. His teammate was dead then that guy was weak. He didn't need to show sympathy for the weak.

Instead, he looked at the culprit with killing intention.

"Invader. Tell me. Are you a king?" an ant stepped out of the bush.

From the mana has been leaking, Goto couldn't help but admited that this creature was stronger than him.

He never admitted someone stronger than him. All of this thank to his narrow mind and stubbornness.

Even the evidence was so clear, he wouldn't admit that. However, this is the first time he admited something stronger than him.

"Atsushi. Ippei. Kanae. Kei. Kenzo. Tatsumi." the ant king spelled the name of hunters that he had killed so far. "And you. Goto. Mari. And Hoshino. You are the last survivors."

Why this ant said so. Because Korean team was killed by this ant king at the moment they landed at the center of island.

Goto, Mari, Hoshino were the last survivors on the island.

"Tell me. Are you a king?"

"Yes. I'm a king" Goto replied confidently but lost his head in one second. He died without knowing why he died.

Seeing ant king one shot Goto, Mari and Hoshino got panic strike.

"You go. Mari. I will stall time for you" Seeing this, Hoshino also started to get desperate when seeing the strongest hunter in Japan was killed like that.

"Too weak. You are a liar." ant king looked at Mari who was running away. Out of Hoshino's expectation, it didn't give a chase.

"Your target is me. You ant." Hoshino shouted to provoke that ant.

"Useless and hopeless." ant king said. "The moment you step in this forest, your fate has been decided."

When it said this, he didn't understand what it meant.

From the bush, Mari stepped out and bumped into ant king.

"Just like that, you are just a delicious meat standing before ant-hive" ant king blew Mari's head without effort.

[Items: infinity maze]

This was an item that ant king received after devouring Invincible Empire system.

The effect is still unknown.

"Don't worry. You will be eaten by our queen ant and get reborn."

Hoshino wanted to land a hit on it but his eye didn't saw ant king but saw his body without a head.

The raid on Jeju island was a complete failure.

"You see what you will receive when fighting us." ant king looked at the certain direction and made a move closer to it.

On the tree, it pulled a person hiding on it. A cameraman was shivering in fear.

"To the human in Korean and Japan. I declare from this day. This island will belong to ant kingdom."

It talked to the camera that this cameraman carrying.

"This is not a killing. This is to send a message." he punched cameraman along with his camera. Only black screen was showed on broadcast screen.

At the moment, citizen from all over world received this message. The one suffered most is Japan and Korean.

Ant king returned to his nest to prepare for his incoming war.

"Haiz. That is totally brutal. Camera man can't survive." A voice rang out. Ant king turned and saw another person.

[!@#! X: Dev@uring X]

Although ant king devoured the system for power and knowledge, the system still remained some function.

"Tell me. Are you a king" it asked.

"I am not a king." Jean replied while holding tightly her sword "I am worst."