Story Guilder's requiem

Ant king felt a little annoying when the stranger said that quote.

'I am the worst.' what does this mean? Ant king didn't understand what idea did that human want to transmit?

Nonetheless, the ant king didn't care.

"So you are not a king." it swang its claw with sonic speed. A speed that even S rank hunter eye couldn't catch a glimpse of it.

"Weak. So weak." it turned to leave but something stuck on its hand. It raised its hands to inspect.

Many papers were attached without its notice.

Those papers were ignited brightening.

A huge explosion covered ant-king.


"Funny trick" ant king said while looking around the forest.

The explosion was just enough to tickle its skin. No harm was serious.

Using its super intelligent brain, it detected the location of invader.

It moved like teleport and appeared behind the target. When he is ready to strike for kill, he realized this was just a decoy like the first one.

It was ignited and many blood stake sprouted from it. It pierced ant-king's skin and injected unknown liquid into its vein.

This is the first time ant king suffered a mortal wound. Inspecting the wound, ant-king had a guess that this was a poison.

"2 times. No more than it." its brain developed to adapt with situation. With new update on brain, its eyes started to see mana trace on the air.

"Ready to die. Intruder." ant-king turned the landscape upside down to find the attacker. A lot of decoys was buried but he found a real one while pretending a decoy.

It flew with the fast speed and slew the target.

Jean when seeing incoming ant-king. She knew the ant king can distinguish her among decoys. She immediately deployed her skill that she had prepared before.

[Shield] x100.

One hundred shields appeared before her. Even so, his claw punched through it like 100 wet papers

When breaking those shields, he realized that his target had already gone.

"No. Stealth. Not run away." Thinking this, ant king body started to evolve to perceive the environment around him. Just a single movement in the air, he could feel it.

Feeling that leaf was very wrong. He attacked that direction. Ten swords launched in respond.

Turning off stealth, Jean appeared the ant king.

"You are like a cheat existence in this world" Jean gave the ant king compliment since this is the first time she saw this ant is smarter than any human that she had met.

If this ant has many times to develop, it can stand in peer with top hunters.

Ant king was ready to kill what stood before his eyes but.

"The Queen is under attack." he received a news. The ant army was persistent protecting the queen but it wouldn't be long that invaders breached those protection.

"Gravity change." Seeing chance, Jean immediately cast a spell.

When it gave a fly fast to ant-nest, its head touched the ground. Ant king immediately realized the problem. The ground is above and the sky is under his feet.

"Blood spear" a rain of spear came from the sky to him. It bombarded the ground without letting him see a sky. Jean floating on the sky spawned all skill that she had and drank mana potions.

Ant king jumped by using force of his hand to target shortening the distance in a second.

Jean saw this and said


She swapped her place with one of her sword floating on the air.

Instead of punching the invader, it punched a sword.

[Block] + [Meteorite] x3

Jean stood a far spawning skills.

Her swords pinned ant king to the ground and meteorite came down from the sky.

"Gravity well" she cast a skill.

Three meteorites on the sky were combined into [Super meteorite]

A big bang explosion appeared on the island. Luckily, this island was protected by the item or else, this island will disappear from the map.

From the scene of dust, ant king stepped out of it with losing right arm.

Its mouth started foaming. The poison was wrecking inside its body.

Jean saw the state of ant king.

[ Blood poison

Description: Sacrificing part of your HP to add poison on blood spear. This poison don't have medicine to cure. Harmless to owner. ]

This is the skill that she used.

The cry of dying insect shock the island.

"Did you hear that? Your Queen is dead." Jean said while looking towards a volcano.

Army of ant were flying to immigrate somewhere else. As long as those ant is surviving, the new queen will appear.

Of course, as ant king, it has duty to protect its army. Without ant queen to control anymore, he became the next commander.

Ant king shouted with indescribable language.

Those army of ant changed direction and flew towards both of them. Jean couldn't summon her clone yet.

Seeing Jean revealing her back, ant king took a chance to give a fatal punch.

Jean's heart was punched through. Ant king yelled in happy tone.

"I'm waiting for this moment." Jean gave herself a deep cut on throat.

Story Guilder floated behind her.

"Fate swap"

Immediately, their role was changed.

Now, jean was the person who punched through ant king's heart. Not only his heart was lost, his throat also got cut.

The army of ant attacked him not her.

"Feeling confused, right." Jean looked at ant king trying its best to defend himself from his own allies.

"Let me tell you. As a gift for good fight." Jean walked away leaving ant king behind.

"This is requiem. My stand's ability can see and interfere the fate." Jean poured a potion on her hand so that her new hand grew back.

From the beginning to end, she didn't want to hurt ant king too much. To be actually, she didn't want him to get evolve. With unknown system, he may produce a result out of her calculation.

So to be best, keeping him in check by playing poor plan.

"Still confused. I know. Even I don't understand this ability too much. How should I say. It's more like our role was swapped."

"For example, a hunter shot a duck on the sky. When using her Stand's requiem, it will be like this. A duck shot a human on the sky. The three view are changed dramatically."

Looking at army of ant devouring ant king's body gradually, Jean added.

"What you experience now is my fate." she drew her swords. "Of course, I also experience your fate."

Jean looked at the sky. 5 planes were loaded with nuclear bomb.

"Even if I escape this island, those thing will follow me."

If she teleports to America by using her sword as anchor, that nuclear bomb will follow her to America even though it was dropped at Jeju island and America is far away from this island.

"This is thing can't be changed but." she shot 5 planes with her swords before it could drop the bomb.

"I can change it."

5 planes were shot dropping to the ocean but nuclear bomb still made its way towards Jeju island.

As if nuclear bombs had a pair of wings, it flew towards Jeju island in straight line.

"Although I destroy the planes but those bomb don't. Some mysterious force prevent me from destroying it." Jean looked at nuclear bomb flying towards her like a bird. She shot it again but it dodged every her attack.

"Look like your fate can't avoid nuclear blast." Jean looked back at ant king but realized that he had already died.

"Nevermind." she looked at those ant eating ant king's body. She swapped her current fate with one of those ant. She chose the one with highest survival rate.

"There. Even those bombs are exploding before my eyes. I can survive it." Jean walked around the island waiting her time.

She recalled her clones. Immediately, from the forest, her clones appeared one by one.

"Alpha, Beta and Delta. Did you do what I said?" Jean asked.

Those clones gave Jean all corpses of S rank hunters that were killed on this island.

"Story Guilder. It's your time now." Story Guilder appeared behind her. It reached out towards the corpses and pulled out their soul.

"This is Korean S rank hunters and this is Japan S rank hunters."

Story Guilder turned those soul into books.

"That's better now."

The nuclear bombs had impacted the island. A big mushroom appeared from the other side of island. Jean could see it.

After that explosion, a fierce fire approached her.

Jean saw this too but didn't dodge.

Unexpectedly, those fire didn't engulf her and her clones. Some kind of barrier protected her from nuclear blast.

While an ant that was swapped with her fate was flying on the ocean, suddenly, it was devoured by a fire that appeared out of nowhere.

It cried a little bit before meeting its own death. Turning into ash and following with the wind.