Phoenix rise

Jean POV

A big failure for both Japan and Korean.

I read newspaper that was very hot on internet now.

After the death of all S rank hunter on the island, government was scolded like a dog by its own citizen while other country laughed at this failure.

"No matter which world. Human is always like this" I said in disappointed tone.

The apocalypse was coming very near but they still chose to scold each other.

I was now an unofficial S rank hunter now.

After clearing ant-nest, I came Japan for S rank dungeon, giant dungeon.

If I didn't do this, then this failure will hurt Japan very much.

Feeling a little bored, I tossed newspaper and read science book.

[Gene is amazing]

I was reading book that had deep insight on human's DNA. I took it down on note and stacked it into documents.

On the table, there was another stack of paper.

[Phoenix rise]

This was a project that I must do in order to make my life more easier.

The number of S rank hunter were decreasing with each day while the new S hunter couldn't fill the gap.

If this continues, humankind will lose for sure. Even worst, humankind will extinct.

"Don't know if that time comes, will they continue scolding government like a bitch?"

I have read thousands book about gene, mana and anatomy.

Those books were produced in 34th century. That meant in future but which world, I don't know.

I just sent what I wanted to system and my system will collect it for me.

"I remember this. That and those." I closed the book and moved to secret lab.

I opened the door. Behind the door, my clones greeted me. I also greeted back.

"How is the process." I asked. Beta Jean brought the laptop.

"92%. Good. If nothing wrong happen, I will call it a success for human world."

3 days later, at a random orphanage that I bought with my money.

A woman stepped out of the door and saw 16 baskets. Each of it had baby.

Without any surprise, that woman brought all baskets with a happy smile.

"As you wish, my master." the woman said.

Cha Hae-in POV

"I don't want to die here" I saw ant king beheading her teammates one by one.

"Sorry. Mother and father. I can't return tonight." I still chose to attack it despite knowing it uselessly.

Until, a shadow surrounded me. I couldn't feel anything.

"So this is a hell." I looked at shadow around me. "So dark. So lonely."

I closed my eyes waiting for something. And that something. I don't know.

How much times I have been here. I don't know.

It's just. I don't know.

I closed my eyes until a shining light illuminated the space.

I opened my eyes and followed it.

The more closer I came, the brighter space became.

I floated to it until light surrounded me.

"So dazzling" my eyes closed again. "I guess this is a heaven."

"Hello my angel." a strange voice rang out.

"Who is that." I said but didn't see anything.

"My angel. You are so cute"

I felt something lifting me uncomfortably.

A shadow gradually appeared in front of my eyes. An albino woman smiled at me.

"You wake up, my angel." that woman was holding me on the air.

"Welcome to this world."

I didn't understand what this woman said. When I looked around, I realized this is orphanage.

I raised my hand to resist but.

"My hands are so small" I realized that I was a baby all the time.

"How about playing with your brother and sister" The albino woman put me on her soft shoulder. While she was walking, I counted that there were 16 cribs in the room.

"Did I. get reincarnation." I thought about novel that main character got one more chance in another world.

"So this is" I said in baby language.

"Don't be hasty, my angel."

She brought me to the room where having a big TV. A very big TV that covered entire one wall in the room.

"There. Have fun with your sibling." she laid me with other baby and left.

I watched the news on TV. I could see my own picture on it.

"Today. We talk about our heroes that were dead on Jeju island."

16 pictures were displayed. She recognized all of it.

"What is happening." despite being confused, she continued watching in silence.

After 10 minutes of watching in silence.

"No, it can't be." I exclaimed.

"Yes, I know. It's hard to believe." a voice rang out.

I turned and saw another baby approaching.

"It's very awkward to see my own funeral."

"Wait a second. You are." I asked.

"My name is Kanae. A Japanese hunter." she answered before asking. "You must be Cha Hae-in, right."

"Yes. That is me." I confirmed with a nod.

"You must be very confused. I will explain it one by one for you."

Hearing what Kanae said, I couldn't believe in myself.

"So all of S rank hunters on Jeju island died." I said.


"And everyone here is dead on that island."


"By the way. Who is there" I pointed to the sitting one who facing the wall.

"That's Goto. Just ignore him." Kanae replied.

"Oh" I looked at the one that everyone called the strongest hunter in Japan. From my memory, he was always a proud and cold person.

"But why he behaves like that." I asked.

"You will know soon."

A bell rang out telling the lunch is ready.

"Your lunch is ready. Are you exciting?" the albino stepped in the room with more revealing clothes.

"My little king. Don't face the wall like that. There is nothing on there." She talked to baby Goto.

That baby didn't turn when she said that.

"Don't be angry. Here. Let me hug you." she picked up Goto and made her way towards the center of room.

I watched him. His face is blushing so hard that he is going to catch a fever.

"What is she …" I stopped in middle of sentence.

Albino woman took off her upper clothes. When she laid down her clothes, she undid a bandage wrapping around her boobs. A pair of huge mountain was revealed

"Oh my." I said in low motion.

"I know. This is a first time I see a woman with this enormous boobs." Kanae added.

She stuffed Goto's face into her boob. Her boobs bounced like a pudding.

"Kyaaa" I yelled out. That albino turned to me and picked me up.

"Good luck. You will experience what we experience."

I saw that woman going to feed me with her milk. As a adult, how can I allow this.

I tried to resist her grip.

"Don't do that. She will throw you through the window" Kanae said loudly.

"What" I exclaimed.

"Just suck her milk. Pretending that you are a baby."

Hearing her advice and putting aside my shame, I sucked another woman's boob.

"I can't live in peace with this" this will be a tainted moment in my life. "But why it's so delicious."

Outside the room, through the window view.

There were 4 shadows looking at them.

"I believe this is a big success, gentle woman." Jean looked at her clones.

"We will move to next level in our plan." Jean gave a stack of document to them. "Remember what is written on it."

A creepy smile showed on Jean's face. For her entire life, this was going to be fun.