
Survivor camp

"System. Where are they leading us to."

[Safe zone. My host. It's dangerous to stay there. Beside, I have a name. Did you forget?]

"Ahh. I don't recall that you tell me your name."

[I did. Our first meeting. You forget.]

"Hahaha. How can I forget that important event." I laughed trying to change topic.


[Nevermind. We almost arrive] System said attracting my attention to the small camp on the side of road.

"We have arrived . Wait for a minute, I will go first to inform them." An angel wielding bow said.

"Sure. Take your time. I will wait here and have a conversation with my long friend."

"Okay. Human. Take your time reuniting with your system." he left after spoke some words.

Seeing him going for a distance, I started to ask System.

"System. Can you teach me some techniques to have friendly conversation with angel race?"

[Sadly. No. I don't understand their race as my race.] System said in deny but he gave something instead.

[I have some ways to be friend with them. Here is the guide. Remember. Don't touch their taboo. Or else, don't say why the sea water is salty]

I read the guide with the title [How to survive in conversation for introvert]

"Hey. What do you mean by this?"

[I have neglected you for entire time. You better read this. If you embarrass yourself, just don't use me as a shield]

"Okay. You are the best." I checked to see how many papers are there. "9 billion pages. You want to kill me by forcing me read all this"

[You don't start at 0 but at page 15123123. Read it. How to communicate holy being]

I opened that page but

"Too many words."

[Tell me what you start a conversation when meeting then]


[-53. That's how human greeting. For angel being,this thing like lower yourself to earn their respect.]


[Angel being 78% is arrogant. 20% is humble. The rest is don't care. Do better.]

"Okay. Then. Nice to meet you."


"Good to see you"



I conceded to System's opinion and read it like I usually do before a test.

10 minutes later at survivor camp

"It's my pleasure to witness a being righteous like you. I hear that you need some reinforcement. To rebuild the glory of Ruler. And coincidentally. I am your only and helpful reinforcement at the moment."

Group of angel looked at me emotionless.

"She is arrogant" An angel sharpening his sword with stone said "But I like this girl. That is a spirit."

"How is that system?"

[10 score]


[10/100 000. You have improved from negative to positive.]

"So why you don't talk to them."

[Watch and learn.] System floated to the captain and said [You know what to do.]

"Sure. So you are that person whom this guy said." Captain of survivor group stepped out and talked to me.

"I don't know what you guys talked about but I'm pretty sure that is me."

"So you are the person who will bring the destruction or rebirth of this universe." captain said with serious tone.

"Can you say again?"

"There was a prophet. He told us, the remnant of Ruler, that we have one chance."

"Only one"

"Yes. Only one. A chance to rewind the world. However, this is a risky move."

"Did he say something about that risk?" I asked more information while thinking the time when I first entered this world.

'Aren't my transmigration undetectable?' I thought.

"The risk is that our universe will be invaded by alien creature." He said.

"Uhm. I agree that is serious." I said while asking system in my head. 'Why this thing is risky.'

[You don't have idea about how wide this universe is? Because universe is too wide that it always gives birth strange thing.]

'Giving me more example.'

[I take this one as prime example. Look this one. Tell me how you feel.]

A screen showed a white hair girl with a size bigger than a planet.

"She is big. Who is she."

[Herschel of the end. Another example. What is this.]

A picture changed

"Insect. Aren't they too big to call insect?"

[This is Zerg. A kind of creature plunder genes from living being. As long as they survive in good environment, they can easily kill a god.]

"That's crazy. But those thing are just a small problem for them." I once witnessed the flow of time. In it, it showed me how strong Rulers are.

[I agree with you that they are strong but there is one reason why those creature don't dare to enter this place]

"That is"

[The rule of universe. The moment they enter this universe. The universe will restrict their power. Thus. Killing them slowly. Until they are all dead.]

"And my action"

"Correct. Your action will affect our universe." Angel appeared without my notice. "If we fail, not only we will die but we also bear the guilt of inviting alien being."

"Me. Why not us." I asked that guy.

"We are helpless. Not matter what we do. We can't change the destruction. Thing have already set on stone. However, you are different."

"Hey. Care to elaborate."

"Like what I said. You will bring the destruction or rebirth."

A picture hovered on the air.

"You fail to purify the corrupt in cup of reincarnation." A black mud from the cup escaped and spread to every corner of universe. "Our universe will slowly die."

"The other. You succeed on purifying. You use it. A universe reset and returned the trajectory that it should be."

"Should be. Someone touched the cup." I asked.

"Indeed. Someone touched and corrupted it." he shook his head in disappointment. "It was our fault not to protect it more strictly."

'Someone' I wondered before pondering the answer. 'Did that guy also have system like me.'

"Not a system but a demon" He answered my doubt.


"Yes. He is very cunning. Using that poor guy and manipulating him into doing that he shouldn't do."

"Tell me what you think my chance to fail."

"About 93.76%"

"That's low."

"Yes. I know."

"Before making an alliance, I want to ask you. Why you are willing to risk the safe of entire universe to save only your" I asked his motivation. Aren't they a proud race with a belief [killing one to save ten].

"I don't know. But. I guess it is hurt to see my comrades being tortured in that rotten body everyday."

He mentioned about angel that had been corrupted.

"Such a low chance. Usually I will refuse but. To achieve impossible, you must do something unthinkable. So, I agree to make alliance with you and your friends."

"Good choice. We all hope that we can see the light again." I and captain of captain shook hands.