100 years = 1 year

100 years at Ruler civilization.

"I'm sorry" A corrupt angel said before disintegrating into ash.

"That is a tough one." I said in tired voice wiping my sweat on forehead. This is the longest fight. 5 years. I spent 5 years to kill this one, Supreme Judge of Angel.

[ Achievement: Fight like a spartan

Description: The more you fight, the more your stamina reduces. ]

"Just to be sure. That is the cup of reincarnation, right." I pointed to the cup displaying on the altar.

"That's right." An angel answered. "Now, it's time for you to fulfil our agreement."

"I know. Once we enter this road, there is no way back. I ask you one more again. Are you sure that you are willing to bet entire universe just to save your universe." I raised my hand to make a mana contract.

"I, the leader of remnant angel, am willing to bet entire universe just to save my universe."

"Then our deal is available from now on. I, Jean Sophia, will help your entire race and try my best to purify the cup of reincarnation. If I breach our deal, my soul will be obliterated forever."

"Now, go. Human" he slammed his staff "This portal will send you to your planet. Have a good journey."

"Be well. My friend" I entered the portal after saying goodbye.

After Jean disappeared along the portal, Leader of Angel turned to altar.

A battle was very fierce for 100 years. It wasn't easy to kill his comrades with his own hands.

Now, he was the only survivor. Others. They were long gone. They have died on the road of chasing the light of hope.

"Tell me, my lord. Is my decision correct?" he looked at the creator of Ruler and Monarch.

He prayed and waited for tomorrow. Tomorrow, he will see his comrades once again.

The castle was collapsing. It has been deteriorated for centuries.

"I long for your light." The castle started to shake violently "So that I pray"

The huge castle collapsed burring everything under the layer of stone.

On earth

"So this is Korean." I looked at the place where once was a city. Now, it's just an abandoned ground with many monster wandering around.

I looked at the big insect flying towards me.

[ Elder hercules beetle

Level: 5 000 ]

"This level is too high. Even S rank hunter couldn't defeat this thing easily." A magic circle appeared on my head. "However"

A magic circle launched a holy spear. It flew with the speed surpassing the light.

That insect was killed in one shot. The boss monster that many S rank hunters failed to kill was finished in one move.

"Now. What to do with this cup." I took the cup of reincarnation from dimension pocket.

[ Cup of reincarnation

State: Corrupt ]

"How to purify this cup." I inspected the cup while pondered the answer.

I looked deeper the relationship between me and this cup. But in future.

"Hmm. It's a hard challenge." I saw 1 billion possible results but all those results led to my death.

"Let's try purify small target first." I targeted zombie wandering on the ground and chanted the holy song. This holy spell took 1 hour to complete.

Zombie saw the light and it became the particle flying towards the sky.

"Now try this one on this cup." I chanted the holy song.

[ Corrupt: 100% ]

It was changed to

[ Corrupt: 99.999999123123993456967999999943521319999346187345999% ]

"Damn it. It will take many years." The moment I said this, it changed back to old state.

[ Corrupt: 100% ]

"No wonder I fail to purify in those future."

I threw the cup into dimension pocket.

"This thing will be solved later. First, I will change my body back when I am 10 years old."

My ages is 110 years in this world. I looked like a beautiful celebrity thank to absorbing pure mana.

"This should be enough" My body shrank into a loli height.

The phone rang out. I opened it.

"Tell me. Where have you been" A person on the other side seemed to be very angry.

"Sorry. Chairman. I was stuck in dungeon. How long did I disappear?"

"1 year. You have been missing for 1 year."

"Okay. Thank. I will call you later. A monster attack me." I broke the phone on purpose.

"It's wise for me to leave those clone with enough mana for 10 years."

I opened CooCle map trying to find a way to home.

4:AM - Home

I opened the door and entered sneakily.

I could hear someone sleeping on sofa.

"Who is this" I'm curious and walked to sofa.

The smell is somewhat familiar to me but I forgot who had this smell.

When I saw the person sleeping on sofa, my gear in head started to jump.

"Cha Hae-In. What have you done, Beta?"

As soon as I saw her, my head had a lot of question.

The first question wasn't about why she is at this place. But rather.

"Why she wears bunny suit."

I touched the bunny ear. Cha Hae-In felt uncomfortable so she fenced the thing landing on her ears.

"This sense. It's so real." It's so real that I thought I touched rabbit ear.

I moved to my room and saw Beta slept very well and deep on my bed.

"Let's me see what you have done." I read her memory.

The first picture I saw is Cha Hae-In begging Beta Jean.

"Teaching." I understood what Cha Hae-in begged for.

Next scene.

I saw the words written on the board.

[You want to learn that technique.] Beta Jean said on board.

"That's right. When I first saw your sword, it's too beautiful to avert my eyes"

[Give up. That is not technique which you can learn.] Beta Jean denied her request.

"Your sword. What's its name?"

I saw Beta Jean was going to write down [Breath of Celestial] but changed at last second.

[Void technique] Beta Jean gave an answer.

"Void technique"

[That's right. This is very dangerous technique. If you lose control of your emotion, your body will be damaged beyond what you can endure.]

"No. I can control my emotion. I will prove you." Cha Hae-In said with certainty.

[Really. I smell a lie here] Beta Jean expressed her suspicion.

"I will show you. Give me a challenge and I will do it"


And this was how story went on.

"What is this."

[Bunny suit.]

"Why I have to wear this clothes?"

[You say you want a challenge to prove that you have completely controlled over your emotion] Beta Jean said. Actually, she did this to chase this girl away. She couldn't say 'No' straight into her face which is very impolite. So she gave an impossible challenge for her.

Beta Jean thought that a S rank hunter wasn't willing to wear this revealing suit. After all, bunny suit revealed your legs, armpit and ultimately boobs. S rank hunter usually has high ego so they will refuse this challenge.

But Beta Jean underestimated her determination to learn Void technique.

"Okay. You promise that you will teach me" Cha Hae-In said taking her clothes off. Being complete naked, she wore bunny suit.

Beta Jean didn't know what to say. She couldn't retrieve her words.

"How is this. Will you accept me now?"

[Do this posture] Beta Jean searched a picture on internet. This posture will reveal boobs a lot.

Cha Hae-In clamped her hands into a lock and used it to raise her boobs.

"So. Is this okay?"

"Jean. Where is your …" Jin-woo opened the door and saw this scene.

Jin-woo, for a first time, was blushed when facing opposite sex.

"Sorry. You can continue." Just like every virgin boy, Jin-woo closed the door in hurry and left the building far away with his shadow dragon.

[I hear your heart beat faster]

"No. It's not. It's so hot that my body give a sign to drink more water" Cha Hae-In didn't know where to hide this embarrassment.

[Okay. First move. Watch.] Beta Jean drew a sword and cut the shadow of desk. Although she cut the shadow, the desk was bisected into two parts.

[This is shadow cut. Try it]


Cha Hae-In cut the shadow but no result.

[Okay. We will start from basic]

After absorbing all memory, I didn't know what to say.

"As a person who chases after the beauty of sword. She is ready to sell her body for that beauty." I said.

That technique is indeed dangerous. If you make a very small mistake, you can meet your great grandparents on the other side of world.