Dragon witch

[Jean win] The game announced the winner.

"So. Momon-san. What do you think about traveling to other world?"

"Uhm. Let me see. At first, I don't have any plan to go other world so I will settle down here first "

"Okay. I'm ready to leave this world. If you have anything about world travel, just inform me through group chat. I will teach you some trick for travel."

"I will talk to you about that topic. Beside, I'm quite curious that you said someone once crushed your heart. Is that person strong?" he asked curiously.

"He. What should I say? Enough to defeat one of your average Guardian."

"It means he can defeat one of my subordinate with level 80." he tried to measure strength through Jean's description. "So what is his name?"

"Hassan" she pressed the button continuing the game "The Cursed Arm"

"And what kind of that world?"


"Oh. And what is that world name. Is that world dangerous?" He was also curious about a world that judging from Jean's tone, he could feel that world was dangerous one.

"Hmm. According to other transmigrator, they call that world is Type-Moon. And" Jean chose character on the screen then continuing answered. "It's very dangerous. I almost die sometimes in that world. Do you feel curious about that world? Don't worry. I will give you a guide to survive in that world."

"Interesting. Can you describe your journey in that world as well?"

"Well. Nothing is special. I destroy 3 universes in order to save one girl. That time I'm very crazy." Jean's face bloomed into smile.

Nonetheless, she also told to him in the end.

"So, you decide to save her because you feel she is pity." Momon summarized the story that Jean told.


"Even though 3 universes were erased."

"Indeed. Even the cost is 3 universes." 

Momon was very shocked. "Are you not feeling guilty?"

"That's. Little bit but that world is always chaotic. 1 or 2 universe disappearance is normal. Beside, facing survival, good or bad is nothing. We do everything we can for survival." Jean said.

"I was banned but before I got banned." 

Gacha machine manifested before Momon.

"I successfully stole their data."

"Can you pull for me?" 

"It's your. Why don't you pull it?" He looked at the banner. Everything is new to him that he didn't know which one is strong or weak.

"I did and" Jean averted her eyes. "lost 50/50. After 150 pulls, I have only one left so I decide to let you pull it for me."

"I don't know. My luck is not good." 

"Just try one. I believe in you."

"Okay." he looked at banner and read the drop rate.

"0,000001%. Too low. " he grunted when seeing this drop rate. 

'Never-mind about the drop rate. Let look at the main character of this banner' 

As long as he or she is strong then this drop rate is nothing.

'Dragon witch: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter). 5 star. Control dragon.' he read basic information and realized this girl may be strong but how strong when compared with his Guardian, he didn't know.

He entered the pull button.

'She allows me to do this anyway.'

Suddenly, a shiny thing illuminated the whole room.

"I know I can believe you." On Jean's face, a drop of tear run down. That was a tear of happiness.

Year of suffering without eating made her cry. Finally, she could eat well and sleep well now.

"Servant, Avenger. Summon upon your request" Jeanne d'Arc was summoned through Jean's Stand. She immediately admitted Jean as master but. When she saw a skeleton being stood beside her master. She immediately sprinted into action.

"La Gronderment Du Haine" she activated her Noble Phantom trying to kill the elder lich. Although Jean was standing beside, Jalter still attacked with AoE attack.

"I hope I won't be bald after this attack." Jean prayed to the depth of her soul. She can endure a cut on her abdomen or her head, a broken bone, being burnt alive but there is only one thing that she can't endure. That is being bald.

"Teleport" Momon didn't want to hurt Jean's subordinate so he directly ran away with teleport.

"What's that look? I save you from that abominable thing." Jalter said in angry voice.

"Ah. I just got excited by how strong you are?" Jean complimented Jalter.

"You should be grateful, my master. So where are we?" Jalter asked herself before continuing her introduction. 

Momon who got chased away by Jalter sat on the throne.

"Ainz-sama. With out respect, we think we deserve to know where have you been." Demiurge asked Momon while kneeling.

"I have some business with Empire. Nothing is special."

"As I expected, Ainz-sama. You know my plan ahead. Look like it will be wasted to inform to you again."

"That's right. I know your plan 100 steps ahead" Momon added more fuel into fire despite knowing nothing what Demiurge wanted to say.

"That's why I need to speed up my plan." He said without shame. He didn't want his subordinates know that he left Narazick to play game with a human.

"My lord. Your wisdom is the most glory in the world. Despite so, do you need me to explain. I have some change in my plan to suit your plan."

"No need. I have already calculated your change. Just do as your plan."

"I see. Thank you for approving my plan. Now excuse me. I will go and deploy my plan now."

Demiurge silently disappeared along with his shadow.



"So there is no Holy War in this world" Jalter said to confirm again.

"No. There will be no Holy War in this world." Jean answered.

"Fine. At least, I won't meet that white salt fish anymore. So, what are we doing here? Kill that demon." When Jalter mentioned demon, she meant Momon.

"Our goal didn't have any conflict so I can let that matter slip away."

"Putting aside that demon, do this world have church or something like that."


"Good. Something need some destruction. Master. Can you lead me to the church?"

"Well." Jean thought about the power of church in this world. According to her information, they are one of the most power organization in this world.

[Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) request: help her destroy the church. Bond: +100]

"Sure. But first, I need to test your power in this world first."

"So who is my target."

"A country."

"And do they have noble"

"Many. And those noble are corrupt and rotten."

"Good. Where are they now?" Jalter grind her teeth too loud that scared some mouse under a bed.

"Re-estize kingdom." 

"I can't wait making them taste their own blood." Jalter said.

"Calm down, you are going to burn my room."

"So, when we will go" Jalter asked.

"Tonight." Jean answered.


Also meanwhile

"So you plan to control Re-estize from shadow." Shalltear asked Demiurge.

"Correct. To elaborate Ainz-sam's glory. We must offer our master a country as a gift."

"Why take control this country? Aren't there many good country out there?"

"Ainz-sama want to rule this kingdom because he has a plan for this country."

"What do you mean?"

"This country is rotten with each day. Our master wants this country because he wants to use this country as test ground."

"You mean"

"Correct. However, Ainz-sama didn't show any interesting in this country at the moment. Despite so, he has a plan for this country. My knowledge can't make me understand his true goal. I'm sure it's very big that he visited Empire ahead my plan." Demiurge adjusted his glass.

"As long as Ainz-sam wants then we are willing to do anything. So when it starts."

"Tonight" Demiurge spread papers on table and gave each person a role.

"Remember this campaign is important." With a devil smile, he added. "You are free to kill anyone but some people that you are not allowed to kill."