Dragon witch and Nazarick's Guardian

Re-estize kingdom

"In this night, we will strike a heavy hit on 8 fingers organization" Renner said with a voice of affirmative.

"We have enough information about their organization and their location. That is why we will strike them surprisingly at tonight. So. Do you have any questions?" 

A person stood a last row raised his hand.

"Pardon me if I ask this. Are you sure that you have information about their location? After all, their organization have been hiding in this kingdom for many years. How can they let their information leak easily like this?" A messy hair adventurer asked with a voice full of doubt.

"I am one of cadre who facing them for many years. Never I thought that their location will be revealed. At least, not all their location."

"I know this is hard to trust but at least, you should read what written in those documents." Renner opened at certain page.

Everyone's eye brightened.

Because the page that Renner opened was the page talking about the leader of 8 fingers organization.

They could recognize one or two people on page was true.

The rest. They don't know.

"I can confirm 2 is correct." A mage said.

"What a delicious bait. If they are willing to sacrifice some leader for saving the rest, I don't know what to say. Will we bite this bait?" Someone expressed whether this was a trap or not.

Facing with meticulous information, they didn't know what to choose.

If this is true then this is a gold. But if this is false then this means they fall into their trap.

The end won't be good.

The conversation became lively.

Deny. Have.

Accept. Have.

They didn't have any common goal so it will be hard to uproot the whole organization. 

The adamantine team only sat in last row without saying any word.

"Evil eye. Should we."

"Just let her deal with this. She is capable of solving thing small like this."

Climb seeing this situation wanted to scold them for not trusting his princess. In his mind, Renner must have plan so that she called everyone. 

"Under the reputation of golden princess, I promise that this information is 100% true. If there is any wrong in those document, I'm willing to pay at any price." Renner dispersed their doubt by using her status as princess of kingdom.

Hearing her saying, the crowd became silently.


"It's fine, Climb." Renner exchanged gaze with Climb.

"Since we are having a common goal, let's kick them out of this beautiful country" Renner raised her fist.

"Wow. That is brave. I have one question."

"Go ahead."

"Does this campaign relate to person named Demiurge or Jaldabaoth?" A very familiar voice rang out.

Everyone in the room thought that they heard this voice somewhere.

All their attention turned to the one who asked the question.


Without any hesitation, they drew their weapon. Out of their expectation, their weapon passed through 

"The one who killed half of noble on her own execution day. What's business do you have here?" Evil eye asked while calming her teammate down.

As soon as their gaze clashed, they knew how strong the opponent was.

Just like rumor, she was worthy to be called as an adamantine adventurer.

"Well. I'm on my way coming this kingdom so I think it will be polite if I inform my arrival. No need to thank me." Jean answered. "By the way, stop attacking me. It's useless. This is my projection not my real body. My real body is coming in 5 hours. You can wait until then"

Done with saying, the image of Jean disappeared leaving everyone a confusion.

"Should we continue our plan or not?"

Thinking about fighting a big underworld organization and a maniac woman who killed half of noble in Re-estize kingdom, their body couldn't stop the shiver.

Although noble is weaker than adventurer, their fear about noble is real.

"Although her arrival is sudden but, I think I know the reason why she comes to this place. That is why we could use this opportunity to solve 2 problems as one." Renner proposed an idea.

"I think this is not a good idea"

"No. It should. As long as she is coming this kingdom, my father won't let her leave as ease."

When princess mentioned about the king, they knew that this was no longer their battle anymore.

Royal army will join their hand.

After seeing people having no nervous, she secretly tore the scroll and sent a message to the devil that she made a deal.


"This should be enough." Jean turned off the screen.

She was walking from the Empire to Kingdom. Slow and steady.

But Jalter seemed like she wasn't enjoying this slow journey so she went first with her Fafnir.

"I wonder what is she doing now?"

Also meanwhile

"Tell me. What kind of your race. Insect. Cause I can see the word insect on your face." Jalter said both swearing and the truth. "Beside, who designed your outfit. He must be in love of maid so much that he makes a maid suit for you. Tell me. Who is the genius that created your outfit. I would like to see that genius"

And the person who endured the roast from Jalter was Entoma, one of maid in Nazarick.

"Dare not to blaspheme our supreme master." Entoma said in angry voice. She wanted to steal the voice of the girl who standing in front of her.

But she couldn't. Entoma's current situation wasn't good. She couldn't move at all. Human that stood before her rendered her immobile with only flag.

Her body was burned to 9th level degree burn.

Her fire was so strange and vicious. It burnt through her armor and talisman. Not only that, it also burned part of her soul.

"Want to tear me apart. Talk to my sword first" Jalter held the sword imbued with fire.

"Any last word, I give you a moment to say. A privilege that only insect like you have."

"F*ck you"

Instead of being angry, Jalter slowly raised her middle finger.

"F*ck you too" With a middle finger sticking out and a smile, her face was full of confidence. "Now you can go unite with your other supreme masters."

With a swing, a slash with a fire manifested into a dragon. It moved towards Entoma as if she was an ant.

Just as Jalter thought Entoma was finished. Unknown object appeared before Entoma.

When the smoke cleared, she could see pair of injured wings.

"You have done good so far. Now leave the rest to me." Demiurge said. He immediately summoned a creature picking Entoma back for recovery.

"Seem like you have taken care of one of my maid. How about let me treat you like her?"

"Always there is a kind of person like you" Jalter heaved a deep sign. "By the way, what are you smiling at? Do you think by using a mask can hide your expression?"

"Excuse me. What make you think that I am smiling?"

"Intuition. One of my talent."

"So you assume that I am smiling because of your intuition. How subtly?"

"Yeah. You are here to avenge your friend, aren't you" Jalter raised her banner ready to summon army of dragon.

"Avenge. No no no. I'm here for my ultimate goal. Beside, you are unstable force that needed to be eliminated."

"I admit that I am unstable but what about you. I assume you like playing victim by torture."

"Oh. How can you know one of my habit?"

"Because I also likes torture." she slammed her flag.

On the sky appeared a big hole. At the moment, everyone could see that hole. 

Normal people felt scared upon seeing unknown phenomenon.

From that hole, many dragons appeared.

Jean also saw this from afar. 

"Since when Jalter can summon dragon" Jean wondered before thought. "Normally, Jalter could only summon a Wyvern. How can there appear a real dragon here."

If someone told Jean that what is the different between Wyvern and Dragon. Then she will answer 'aura'.

Aura of dragon is different from Aura of Wyvern. Very different.

To make it simple, you can understand that Aura of dragon is 100 times stronger than Aura of Wyvern.

Looking the sky full of dragon, she prayed that Jalter didn't decimate the whole country to ruin.

"Pray to those who will lose house tonight and have to sleep on the street tomorrow."

Demiurge looked at the sky.

"Roughly level 80-85." His usual smile on his face disappeared when seeing amount of dragon on the sky.

You should know that level 80-85 wasn't small in Nazarick.

"Scared. Good. I would like to see that expression on your face, mongoose" Jalter raised her sword.

"If you kneel before me, I will sparse you."

"Kneel before you. Hah. Even I die, I will never bow to you." Demiurge revealed his true form. This is his strongest form.

From his below, the ground turned red.

A pillar of fire soared to the sky. Demiurge cast anti-fire spell but something was wrong with his spell.

It couldn't resist fire at all.

"What's wrong? Your spell is failed." Jalter appeared from behind him with a sword. She swung it towards his head.

Demiurge was fast enough to block it with his hands. A small cut stretched on his hand.

He felt really pissed now. This was the first time he was beaten to this state in new world.

He grew new pair of wings flying to the sky

"Escape. I won't allow that" With her charm, she commanded her army of dragon attack Demiurge.

Demiurge planned to attack for a few minute to analyze this girl but this girl was too brutal. She went straight for killing and didn't allow him to escape.

"Damn you, Sebas. I told you to do your job properly." He could only curse Sebas's incapability for not collecting this girl's information.

He had anti low and middle magic attack but why it didn't work at all.

He had seen high-magic attack many time so he knew how strong it was.

Jalter's attack didn't consider as high-magic attack but why his passive didn't work at all.

While analyzing and dodging, Demiurge sent message to other guardian for more support.

He could fight and win this battle but that will cost time.

As an effective planner, he must use every resource to utilize the time as much as possible.

Shalltear and Cocytus were on their way.

"Now, the only thing left for me is flying lizard" he looked bunch of dragon attacking him.

He used claw to attack but fruitless. That is why he hates dragon. They have very high-resistance to magic and physical attack.

Not only one but 100. 100 dragons attacked him as same time.

Even though his level is 100, facing bunch of mob with level 80 is still a difficult task for him.

While being attack by Jalter, he understood why Ainz-same preferred doing thing in shadow.

A dragon dived and tore his left arm. He looked at it with angry face.

He punched a big hole on its stomach and dived into it.

He punched everything inside dragon's body. 

Heart, lungs, brain,… 

He crushed everything to relieve his anger. When done, he escaped the corpse and changed to next target.

Jalter saw this immediately raising her curse banner.

"Under my command, release your true potential."

Immediately, all of dragon became stronger than before. Their body became more thicker.

Demiurge couldn't dive into body anymore.

"Sebas. When this thing is done, I will make Ainz-sama punish you as much as possible."