Dragon witch and Nazarick's Guardian 2

In personal group chat

Ainz: So your Jalter's also in Re-estize. But why she beats my child.

Jean of Elation: I don't know. Such an coincidence. :)

Ainz: she beats my Demiurge so badly. Tell me. What is your purpose of sending her.

Jean of Elation: it's not complicated like you think. Actually, I want her arrogance soar to the sky.

Ainz: ????

Jean of Elation: You should know that I must educate her before the wide world. Not every world is weak like this one.

Ainz: You mean.

Jean of Elation: At first, I want her arrogance control her behavior instead of her brain. After that, some strong enemy will appear and defeat her. Later, I will appear and save her. That's my plan.

Ainz: Are you not feeling bad for your action?

Jean of Elation: Although I feel a little bit of guilty, this is a necessary step for her before she goes to another universe. Let me ask you a question. If you see a baby fall and cry on the ground, what do you do?

Ainz: Hmm. Help it stand back up. 

Jean of Elation: No. Let that baby stand up by itself. Even that baby cries for hours, let him cry until he learns how to stand up.

Ainz: Hmmm. I think your answer sounds logic. Hey, Jean. Can I ask you a favor?

Jean of Elation: What is that favor?

Ainz: Can you educate my children like how you educate Jalter?

Jean of Elation: This matter. Allow me to refuse. It's complicated.

Back to main battlefield

"Oh look. Your friend come here. Any last word to say to your friend." Jalter placed the blade of her sword near Demiurge's neck.

Demiurge was in heavy wound and had many burned traces.

This was out of Demiurge's expectation. He never believed inferior race like human can ride him to the state like today. This memory. He wouldn't forget. And the girl stepped on him as if he was an ant. He wouldn't forget her face. This defeat. He will repay 100 times.

"Even insect knows their end. And you. You are more worse than insect. You are too stupid to know your situation. Do you want me to remind you again? This is already third time that I have to say this. You are inferior race." Jalter shouted right into Demiurge's face.

The gap between them was too wide.

Demiurge's level is 100 while Jeanne d'arc (Alter) level is 120.

To level up Jeanne d'arc (Alter) to level 120, Jean had to use 10 Holy grails to break her level limit cap.

No matter how many times she uses Noble Phantasm, she will never run out of energy.

This is the main reason why Demiurge lost to Jalter. She kept spawning dragon and spawning skills nonstop.

What Demiurge could do beside accepting beaten.

A usual smile on him was no longer there.

"Do you have any idea you have angered someone?"

"Nope. Your last word is so boring." Jalter swung her blade in order to take Demiurge's head.

At a critical moment, a halberd blocked Jalter's blade preventing Demiurge's head fell from his body.

"Good strength" Cocytus said.

"Another big insect" Jalter changed her target from Demiurge to Cocytus. She blasted Cocytus away with her vengeance fire.

Cocytus was burned by the fire of her immediately picked Demiurge up and maintained a safe distance.

Jalter felt insult so she chased after them. In the middle of her chase, countless blood spear rained down from the sky.

Jalter looked at the sky. There was a blonde woman wearing mask floating on the sky.

"One after another. Is there anyone hiding more then coming out? I allow you to team up against me." Jalter said with arrogant tone.

Hearing her taunt, from the shadow appeared team of maid wearing mask. From afar, some shadow demons looked at Jalter ready to ambush her at any time if she revealed any weakness.

"What's a warm welcome?" Jalter flicked her hand. "Do you want me to give you a hot welcome too?"

Surrouding her ignited a fire. The fire surrounded an area around her and her enemy. She didn't want any outsider interfere her fight so she created a ring made of her fire.

"So then. You are welcome to my world."

The fire around a certain area attracted the royal guard's attention. They all thought the killer of noble had come so they informed this matter to the king. 

Meanwhile, the real killer was having a heated discussion to Momon about the education of his child.

The rest of Narazick having other mission also turned their attention to the fire.

Sebas and Climb saw this fire.

Sebas had no idea who created the ring of fire since from his collected information, there was no information about a person who could do this. 

While Sebas was thinking, Climb clutched his hand. He remembered the day where half of noble were killed by a woman named Jean. Not only that, she also defeated the strongest man in Re-estize kingdom.

He just hoped this time with the help of Adamantine adventure team, they could defeat and catch her for her final judgement.

Renner and Evil Eye witnessed this from the castle. The only reason why the Adamantine team didn't help uprooting 8 fingers organization is to save their strength for incoming enemy.

Evil Eye informed her teammate and told them stand aside.

"What reason why you don't join this one?" Renner asked. Recently, she received an order from the demon that she made a contract. He talked to fast but she still understood what that demon wanted.

He wanted her to deploy army coming that place but.

When being ordered, she didn't like it so she ignored it for few minutes.

"That fire. Not a normal fire." Evil eye spoke her opinion. In her entire life, she never saw such an intense fire like this before.

Just standing here, she could feel the heat of fire. She also felt the anger in the fire.

"This is too troublesome." Evil eye turned and left.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to call more people. I hope they will come here soon." Evil eye opened the door without waiting a maid open it for her.

Seeing Evil eye left, Renner looked towards the center of all attention.

"What can I do now?" she said.

Although that demon promised that he won't make Climb involve in their attack, Jean was another matter.

"If I had a knife back there, I would stab you and curse you not to exist in this world." Her face now looked like an angry devil.

In the ring of fire, Cocytus attacked Jalter like a storm with 4 weapons. Sword, halberd, axe, spear.

Jalter just fenced it off with her cursed flag.

On the sky, Shalltear supported Cocytus by casting attack spell. She were ready to dive down and engaged Jalter in close combat at any time.

The shadow demons engaged Jalter's dragons. 

All unit of battle maid were solved by Jalter. They couldn't move at all. Not only they faced a wound on their body, they also faced the heat of fire. Thank to Cocytus's ice that the heat was cool down to a certain degree.

For some reason, Demiurge couldn't teleport back to Narazick's tomb. In his skill list, he didn't have any useful skill in combat.

This was the first time he made a mistake in making a plan.

Insufficient information is easily leading to mistake. 


 One of weapon on Cocytus appeared a crack. Cocytus couldn't believe in his eye.

This was the first time that a human could make a crack on his weapon. Never before he though such a weak race like human was a threatening faction to him.

Now, he turned his mind.

Shalltear wore red armor and dived down to help Cocytus.

Jalter saw this foolish action. 

A pillar of fire rose from the ground burning both her and Cocytus.

This fire. Shalltear could endure with her items but Cocytus wasn't.

Even with an ice that could freeze the entire continent, he acknowledged the fire of Jalter is the strongest fire. Too strong that his ice couldn't do anything. They vaporized as soon as they arrived near Jalter.

"So. That's all you can do. Too disappointed. I will end this fight soon."

She waved her flag ready to cast Noble Phantasm one more time. However, this time she will use all mana.

"My fire will send you to the place that I once was."

Feeling the danger, Cocytus, Shalltear and Demiurge joined attack. They all used their ultimate moves.

Jean, who saw this moment from the spiritual link between her and Jalter, raised her hand.

"Under my command, I will give you." A red pattern on her hand disappeared."Invincible"

Jalter surrounding appeared a yellow shield which blocked every attacks. Their ultimate move weren't causing any damage.

"Nice move. Master. La Grondement Du Haine" 

A pillar of fire soared to the sky.

Everyone in the center of fire was burned near death. Cocytus tried to reduce heat by using his ice.

While enduring the fire, countless spears sprouted from the ground and impaled every single of them.

After a fire, their HP stopped at 1%.

"Interesting. I don't know that you guys can survive after this. I must applaud for your will of survival" She clapped her hand to congratulate them on survival. Looking at them hanging on her spears, she added

"Don't worry. You will forget this pathetic fight soon."

She raised her sword ready to take their life at any moment.

She would swing her sword when she felt that time have come.

As if that time had come, she swung down her sword.

Unexpectedly, her attack was blocked. Again. By a guy clad in black armor.

"Hahh. Who are you?"

"I am Momon. Adamantine adventurer. Tell me. Are you the one who killed half of noble and ran away?" He raised his sword against me.

"Me. Run away after killing half of noble. Don't be ridiculous. If that person were me, I would kill every single of noble."

"So are you that person"

"I am not but I will"

"If that so then I have to stop you." Momon attacked Jalter. Behind him, Narberal moved all the injured to the safe place. 

She realized that she couldn't teleport them so she had to make a cover for them and move them to a house that she had just rented. At there, Sebas will protect them.

"Where are you looking at? Am I not your worthy foe in your eye?" Momon tried to divert Jalter's attention.

"I see. You guys are in same side. Good." She attacked more fiercer. "Just in time that I need to vent my anger."