Rigrit Bers Caurau appearance

Momon looked at Jalter who stared at him with threatening eye.

While he played as adventurer named Momon, Narberal would help others run away from Jalter's madness.

Looking at her, Momonga with a human soul was frightened when Jalter stared at him like that.

Although his emotion was suppressed by his passive race, he still felt scared when facing her.

'I only need to defeat her. The rest will be handled by Jean.'

He remembered the deal between him and Jean.


Jean of Elation: Momon. (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) .There are 2 ways for you to find the culprits who brainwashed your Shalltear. Fast and slow one. Which one do you refer?

Momon: How about the fast one?

Jean of Elation: Fast one's right. Ok. Fast one. You become an entity that can threaten to the whole countries. 

Momon: This is raising flag, right.

Jean of Elation: Nope if this plan have me in that. I will join human side and you will be the other side. They will be finished from both side.

Momon: Okay. The slow one.

Jean of Elation: You conquers each country from the shadow one by one. Even without me, you can do this. After all, you belong to last generation.

Momon: Hmm.

He scratched his head to choose which one is the best.

Momon: Why you didn't include yourself in slow plan.

Jean of Elation: Too much time. Beside, I have just received emergency call. I must exit this world and go to another world very soon. For some support and rescue.

"So she has to go very soon." He scratched his bald head.

End flashback

"Your action is not acceptable for people living in this country. They are just an innocent people who want peace more than anything. You disrupt that peace. " Momon acted like a hero according to Jean's plan.

"Innocent. Them. Funny" Jalter replied. "Cause the reason I died is the result of innocence by someone. Also coward."

"There are children. You can't make an exception."

"No and no." Jalter created many fireballs and threw at Momon.

She felt pissed when a clown appeared out of nowhere and taught her how to do thing.

Does her face show that she needed to be educated.

While bombarding with fireball, she received a message from one of her dragon telling her that noble army was on their way.

"Good. Make me wait so long." 

A big dragon landed nearby her.

"Fafnir. It's time for us to complete why we come here. Let's teach those rotten noble who is their death."

Jalter and her dragon flew to the sky and disappeared under the darkness of night.

Momon only looked without doing anything to stop.

"Haiz. I don't know why Jean let her free to do anything including killing children."

Momon looked at her leave while wondering Jean's true intention.

Suddenly, from the sky appeared a portal.

"Oh my. What's a strong fire? I don't know if my old bone can withstand this fight." Rigrit Bers Caurau said humbly.

She was one of 13 heroes who fought against the evil deities 200 years ago.

Momon looked at new message.

"Oh my. What's a legend?" Jean chat.

"Is she strong?"

"Strong when compared to human but not when compared to demon or traveler like us. This is our ticket. We must grab it."

"She is part of your plan"

"Of course, what do you think I am. I am the Astrologist" Jean answered. "I can see the guide of fate. Momon."

"Now. This is an interesting part. Let's change our role. I will be Momon and you will descend here as Ainz Ooal Gown or something like that."

"Okay. Let me find a place to hide and change." He slashed a head of dragon with big sword pushing it away.

While no one noticed him, he slipped away to the abandoned building.

He undressed his camouflage revealing his skeleton form.

"Alright. Let's inform my subordinates stopping sending reinforcement." He typed.

"Ah right. Jean told me that I have to add 'All thing is in my plan. You can rest assure.' " He clicked send and waited.

On the other side

"Ainz-sama have informed us to stay aside."Albedo said to the rest of Guardian.

"I see." Demiurge said with heavy wound body. "He knew my plan will be failed because the unknown force that he had warned." 

Demiurge mustered his mouth to talk.

"Now I know why our master prefers playing the game slow" Demiurge adjusted his broken glass. "He wanted to root up all secret organization from this new world. The inferior race that I have always disdain. Never before that I believed I will be beaten to this state by human. How embarrassing."

"He also says he will handle this. Alone" Albedo added.

"Alone. By himself." Mare asked.


"Aren't unknown force reaching our level?"

"Maybe. But we wait our master information. For now. He asks us continuing doing the rest of our task. How is the process?"

"I capture 4 of leader in 8 fingers."

"Good. Capture the rest of them. That is Ainz-sama order."

"Shall do"


[ Jean

Status: #$#!@!@

Curse: !@%#!%# ]

Her power was limited because she breached many contracts with demon and devil.

As a result, she received punishment from those contracts.


Jean drew a card from her space pocket. 

She had her own way to escape from the punishment.

"To have this card must be a fate." Jean hold the card at her eye level.

[ Momon: The legendary adventurer ]

"This card is about Momon but in future." Jean crushed the card. Immediately, she turned into Momon.

All knowledge about his skills were downloaded into her brain.


She immediately teleported to Re-estize kingdom.

Looking the kingdom bathed in the sea of fire, it reminded her 4th holy grail war.

She made her way towards the secret meeting.

Opening the door, she could see many adventurers and royal generals discussing.

"Sorry. I'm late"

"Coming in. We are just about entering main topic." Rigrit Bers Caurau kindly said.

After she said this, other people ignored Jean and focused the tactic on table.

"So how will we attack now."

"According to this old lady, I suggest we should attack this girl first." An image of Jalter slaughtered noble appeared on the air.

"So Dragon Kingdom declares war. We should make them pay for what they have done."

"No. Not them." Rigrit denied.

When being replied like this, those general were pissed off.

They wanted to scold this old adventurer but adamantine team stared at them making them can't say any word.

For Rigrit, her arrival here was to educate the astray youngster, Jean who killed half of noble because of the false accusation

Jean who acted as Momon tried her best to resist yawn and cough at same time.

She reached her pocket and slammed on table stack of document.

"I know who is she and why she is here."

"You do" Evil eye asked.

"Yes. The reason why she is here was to eliminate the demon king that killed her parents."

"Demon king." 

Everyone all exclaimed but the room was filled with laugh in a second later.

"Demon King. Do you mean the one that was killed 200 years ago. That's just a fairy tale. This is adult business so go home." they ridiculed her for what she had said.

"When I say a demon king, I must provide an evidence." Jean slammed on table a magic crystal that show anything.

"This is my record. He is my target for my whole career." Jean said a lie.

On the magic crystal ball showed an image of Ainz sitting on the abandoned church.

Coincidentally, Jalter was also on her way to that church.

"This is an existence beyond our understanding." Jean pointed at the skeleton on the ball. 

"And she is here to revenge" Jean pointed at Jalter who rade a dragon to the church.

"Even what you say is correct. Why she also kills noble."

"That's because those nobles were under control by this demon. They have already sold their soul. So it's useless to save them."

"You are Momon, right. I have heard a lot about you."

"Same to me, I also hear a lot about you through 13 heroes tale."

Jean and Rigrit exchanged gaze.

"What are they saying"

"I don't know"

"Enough chit chat. We go to main topic."

"So Momon. How strong are this demon in your impression?" Rigrit asked since she remembered the time she fought Evil Deities 200 years ago.

She looked at team leader Blue Rose and turned her eyes to Momon.

"If I'm not wrong, this existence must be world threatening level."

"World threatening level. What's a brat? Look how I kill this elder lich." A random guy said.

His laugh like a plague spreading through the room. One by one started laughing.


For those who took this information seriously, this was undoubtedly not a good new.

"So. What's your plan?"

Jean under the disguise of Momon drew a scroll from her space.

Looking scroll drawn from space, everyone turned seriously.

"My plan is …"