Secret plan 2

The fight between Jalter and Jean have been lasted for 10 hours but it showed no sign in stopping.

Making their fight became the most destructive action at the moment. Dragon did burn house but they only destroyed few of it while monster enjoyed hunting people rather than destroying house.

People who ran away couldn't help but wanted them stop. Their house, their asset, their effort were burned to ash right before their eye. If their life is kept in the end, where will they sleep at night.

For noble, people knew that they had run away long ago. The truth spread like a wild fire.

Now, they only laid their hope in adventurer. 

The adamantine adventurer.

But their hope were broken into million piece of glass when they saw the status of adamantine adventurer.

They could see Lakyus, one of member of adamantine, together with other member lying lifeless on the ground.

Standing their body was a big skeleton.

"Something is really strange." Ainz mumbled but his small action was enough to engrave fear for people watching.

"Somehow, I don't really like to kill them." He tried to kill them with his skill but something stopped him from doing that.

"Funny. Here I thought I have lost humanity but" he touched his cheek with his skeleton hand and inspected it. 

A drop of crystal liquid ran down from his eye socket. This was undoubtedly a strange thing happened to him. Since he arrived this world, he didn't encounter any situation like this. Every his emotion was suppressed by his passive race.

The only reason why he still had emotion was due to his memory while being a human still there in his mind.

"Since I can't kill them, I will push them into eternal sleep." he turned to sleep and took a simple walk down the street.

For some reason, monster avoided attack him.

Even dragon also avoided him.

Nonetheless, he still walked around waiting a next action.

Jean only told him defeating Blue Rose adventure team but she didn't tell what he would do next.

He used invisible spell to walk around and thought about himself.

"I feel my chest is burning by something" he touched his chest. At that place only existed his core.

He also remembered the most righteous friend. He was the person who helped him most of time while being a newbie.

He also remembered the time when they talked each other.

"Maybe I was influent by him." That was the only thing come to his mind.

He didn't know how long he had walked but he backed to place where all adamantine team laid immobile on the ground.

Suddenly, the roof cracked revealing a warrior clad in black.

"I hear the situation at this place. Leave the rest to me." Jean said a quote that she wanted to say long ago.

"Tell me. King of death. This old man want to know why you want to destroy this country."

"King of death. I like that one but I prefer name 'Ainz Ooal Gown'. As for answer, I'm doing just simple for fun"

"Fun. I see." Jean in disguise of Momon said. "But too bad for you cause your fun ends here"

"By what standard. Only you. I have killed a god now you have a gut to say that line to me." Ainz said loudly. 

Evil eye who had just broken sleeping spell waked up and heard the conversation between those two.

"Oh. Sound dangerous. Can you demonstrate it" Jean complimented on Ainz while she activated a card.

[Unlimited blade works]

The card were crushed and absorbed into Jean's body.

From the sky, many big gear descended. 

Evil eye were shocked. Big scale magic need a long time to cast. While the guy before her didn't cast a single quote or something similar like that.

So she drew the conclusion that he used some kind of equipment.

"You should be honored since I only used this for a worthy opponent like you, Ainz Ooal Gown. This will be your first and also your last time to witness it." Jean said while her thought told difference 'Because this is one time item.'

"Ohhh. Amazing."

"I am the bones of sword"

"Hmm" Ainz looked curiously.

"Unknown to death, nor known to life" Many sword started appearing on the sky.

"Ainz Ooal Gown, you are strong but one day. Someone will kill you. Unlimited blade works" Jean said a prophet about his future but Ainz didn't care this quote too much. He thought this word line was just for fun.

Sword started rain down towards Ainz.

The speed exceeded his expectation. He got hit by attack but his HP didn't decrease at all.

[Friendly attack was prohibited]

[Friendly attack was prohibited]

[Friendly attack was prohibited]

"I see." he coughed lightly to pretend that he was hurt to some degree.

"Create undeath" he cast the spell. Many undeath appeared with level 7 for each.

In between those 2 people, those undeath weren't strong.

"I see." Jean to trace Excalibur, sword of victory.

Because she didn't have its sheath, it took so long to trace it completely.

"Charge." Undeath knight charged at Jean. Rain of sword attacked them but they didn't care. The only thing in their eye was warrior clad in black.

Evil eye intuition told her that if she wanted to kill this monster, this was the chance.

She stopped pretending sleeping and charging at 25 death knights.

Jean and Ainz saw this and got surprised.

Ainz looked at Jean in Momon's disguise.

'What to do now' He sent SOS through his eyes but his message was misunderstood by Jean.

"I see" Jean forced her to trace the sword faster. 

Evil eye saw death knight before but they are very rare. 

This undeath summoned 25 death knight in one breath. 

She judged this monster as planet threatening level and needed to be eliminated as soon as possible.

She tried to stall time with spell.

They broke her spell easily.

"This is out of my calculation." 

Before the death knight swung their sword, she moved backward to dodge.

Suddenly, a big shadow blocked her.

"Thank you for your help. Lady. I can handle the rest now."

With one swing, 25 undeath knight reduced to ash.

"Sorry for keeping you too long. Your real nemesis is here" Jean showed him a sword of victory, Excalibur, on her hand.

"Holy sword. I thought I destroyed it" Ainz could see holy light come from that sword.

"You are him" He also tried to appear panic.

"Yes. I am him"

Evil eye: ???

"Who are you" Evil eye asked while being protected by Jean.

"That's a long story" Jean replied without any answer. She wanted to raise the curiosity of this loli vampire to max level.

"First. Let deal what in front of us and save people in this country."

Evil eye, for the first time, could hear her heart beating again.