Jail Time

Rize finds himself in a jail cell and Nightingale on the outside of it.

Rize then gets up to the bars and says, "What the big idea Nightingale."

Nightingale gets out a whiteboard, a purple marker, and a purple cloth. she uses these since she can't speak. "It's time for you to catch up on some class work and it seems my original plan didn't work so plan B." she writes.

Rize looks angry, "Why you little."

They then see a middle-aged man walk in he has short brown hair, dark red eyes, and light-colored skin he wears a black suit with black shoes this is Rize's Father, Raze Alistair.

"Oh hey, Dad," Rize said. "When you get back to town?"

"I hear you've been skipping school is there a problem with it?" questioned Raze.

"Yeah, I just don't like going to school and I don't want to go anymore," said Rize.

Raze looks disappointed, "I see you're just like your grandfather."

"he too was a rock head in fact, he never went to school I recall," Nightingale writes.

"But is this doing this the right thing to do? he is still a kid?" asked Raze.

"Sorry, but this is the only way now. he can't escape here." writes Nightingale. She then points at something in the cell he looks and sees a desk with books.

"I see you basically put me in my own personal hell," Rize looks horrified as he is now stuck in a cell.

Cyrus gets home, "I'm home."

He sees a young girl who looks as if she could be around six years old. she has red shoulder-length hair with yellow highlights, and she has a red right eye and a blue left eye she has colored skin and she wears a black preschool uniform this is Rize's Esper, Anna Excalibur. "welcome home Rize…" she realizes it, Cyrus.

Cyrus sadly, "Nope it's me, princess…" he then sees she is about to start crying. "hey now don't cry how about we go visit him."

"Really? Alright let's go," she says happily.

"Ah man, when she gives me those puppy dog eyes I can't say no just like the others." He thinks.

Nightingale writes, "Let me introduce you to your tutor here to help you with your study Rize."

A young woman wearing a schoolgirl uniform. She had long black hair, pink eyes, and light-colored skin. She was an honor student at his school, Lydia Draken.

"What a tutor? Really, you think I'm that dumb?" Rize questioned.

Judas walks in and says, "Of course, you are the biggest dumb-ass I know, bro."

"This must be your idea isn't it, Judas," Rize said. "once I get out of here I'm going to kick your ass."

"Please help my son graduate, Miss Draken," Raze begs.

"I'll try Mr. Alistair. But that's up to him if he is willing," said Lydia.

Judas laughs, "Well have fun being in jail for a while, Rize with three meals a day isn't too bad."

They see Cyrus and Anna walk in.

"Hey squirt what are you doing in a place like this?" Rize surprised.

"I came to see you." said Anna "but I didn't expect you to be in jail."

"Yeah well, anyway how about you help me get out of here You see Nightingale being so mean to me and says I can't see you anymore," Rize says to get out of the jail cell.

"Scumbag," Cyrus said with an angry look.

"Is that true Miss Nightingale?" asked Anna who looks if she was about to cry.

Nightingale glares at Rize. "Hey Anna would you like some Ice cream? I'll buy it for you." She writes.

Rize looks shocked as he knows Anna will do anything for ice Cream and he sees Nightingale give him a smug look.

"Really any Ice Cream I want. are you sure?" asked Anna.

"Of course, I even will buy Ice cream for a lifetime for you if you want." Nightingale writes.

"damn it. It's sealed then I'm stuck here." Rize thinks.

They see a man with long black hair, yellow eyes, and pale skin he wore a Gotham police uniform. This was Issac Alistair the second eldest son and Rize's older brother.

"I see the tight ass has arrived," said Rize.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself stay sir too bad we could not get you in orange pajamas I'm so sorry," says Issac.

Rize gets up to the bars, "What are you trying to say something dick."

Issac then gets up to the bars to him, "Like I said I hope you enjoy your stay, sir."

"Well, we better get going before the Ice Cream melts. See yeah later little brother," said Judas and they all then left Rize.

Rize goes to his bed and thinks, "Glad that meathead got egg on." Rize looks at the keys to the cell he stole from Issac In his right hand. "Might as well nap a bit before I make my great escape." He lays down and takes a nap.