
At the Ice Cream Shop, They were eating Ice Cream.

"I hope you are enjoying your ice cream, Anna," said Raze.

Anna was eating her ice cream cone which was chocolate, "So good I love ice cream."

"Just make sure you brush your teeth when we get home, alright," said Cyrus.

"Man, if only my Esper stayed this young. Now, the only thing she wants is cash for clothes shopping." Judas sighs.

Issac remarks, "Mine as well it was easier when they were younger."

Cyrus says, "I was lucky to never have an Esper but at this point, I'll be helping Rize with Anna."

"Now give your brother some credit. He might not be the best in school. but he has a big heart and he capable fighter, he might even rival, Lord Patrick in his youth," remarks Raze.

Judas jokingly, "What him as strong as gramps maybe if he lived till a thousand."

They hear an alarm go off and hear a voice from an alarm speaker, "Alert demons have entered the city through a demonic portal that has opened nearby, Demon hunter officers engage."

Judas gets up, "Let's go, Cyrus, Nightingale, Lydia, please hide with Anna in the Ice Cream shop till we clear it."

"Yes sir," said Cyrus. They head into the Ice Cream shop and help put down the metal gates at the windows.

"Help get nearby citizens to safely engage the demons after," ordered Raze.

Judas and Issac run off to help the people out from the demons.

Rize wakes up sensing something is wrong.

"Wait something up outside." Rize starts to think about Anna. Rize jumps out of the bed.

"Damn, Anna could be in danger." He gets to the door and unlocks it with the key and runs out of the station to find Anna.

"That's right they went to the ice cream shop," Rize remembered.

Rize was running in an alleyway, it was a shortcut to the Ice Cream Shop. He sees two Demon Hunting officers fighting a Red Demonic Bull. He also saw an injured Officer on the ground with an Iron Broadsword. Rize goes to him.

"Let me borrow this for a while?" asked Rize.

"Sure, Rize as long as you give these guys some hell, just give it to Issac, when you're done." says The Injured Demon Hunting Officer.

Rize takes the Broadsword lunges at the Bull and cuts its head off in seconds.

"Amazing you know Rize, you should join D.H.O. when finish school." says one of the Demon Hunting Officers.

"We talk about that later, we should focus on helping people from these demons," Rize says. He leaves them and heads for the Ice Cream Shop.

Rize makes it to the Ice Cream Shop which Red Demonic Bulls surround.

"Get out of my way!" yells Rize. Rize uses the Broadsword and kills the Red Bull Demons around the shop in a flurry of slashes. He goes to the door which was locked and starts banging on it.

"hey let me in damn it!" yells Rize. The door opens and Rize heads in.

Nightingale writes with her board, "How did you escape."

Rize tosses the keys onto the floor and says, "That's how. Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah thanks to you we are even better now," said Cyrus.

"Well, I should help them fend off the demons," said Rize. He turns around and heads for the door.

"Wait," said Anna. "Take me, I want to help too."

Rize looks, "What? I can't take you please just stay here where it is safe."

Anna looks upset.

"Hey man a second weapon can't be that bad now," said Cyrus.

Rize gives it some thought and caves in. "all right, Anna, you can help. I guess having a knife in my off-hand won't be that bad." he said.

Anna happily, "Yes."

Rize extends his right hand out and Anna transforms into a red great sword. He was surprised by this and the blade dropped and cracked the floor.

"She a great sword now." Nightingale writes.

"Wow, Anna, I guess this is not that bad now. I guess she changed since the last time I used her," said Rize. He leaves the Ice Cream Shop with Excalibur in hand to the source of the demon's outbreak.

Rize makes a big open section in the city. He sees the red demon portal with Red Demonic Bulls coming through it.

"So that where they are coming through well the only way we can close it is by killing the boss demon but it seems it is still on the other side in the Demon Realm," said Rize.

Judas sees him and says, "When did he get out." he teleports to him.

"Oh hey, Judas how are things here?" Rize asked.

"Well well looky here is that Excalibur. She became a big girl aye," remarked Judas.

Rize smirks, "I'm heading in."

"What? you know if you do kill the boss in there it does not guarantee you will escape the Demon Realm," Judas explains.

"ah I figure that out when get to I just want to kick some demon ass," says Rize.

Judas sighs, "I should say no but since my Esper is MIA. I guess, I'll let this one slide. Only if you try at least in school, alright at least passing."

"You got a deal brother," Rize says with joy and runs and enters the portal to the Demon Realm.

"Just don't get yourself killed in there Rize," said Judas.

Rize finds himself on the other side of the portal in the Demon Realm. He saw the trees were black with red leaves and the grass was blackish brown.

"So this is the Demon Realm," said Rize. "Alright, we're the boss here."

Rize saw a giant beast approach him. He had the body of a man with reddish-black fur his head looked like a bull. He was carrying a giant stone halberd this was a beast known as Maotuar.

"What do we have here? A human has come over. I see my first prey." Maotaur said.

"Hey ugly, so you the one wrecking my city, now I thought you be cooler looking." Rize insulting Maotaur.

Maotaur gets ready to attack. "Fool then again, I should not talk to my food."

Maotaur goes for a swing with his halberd. Rize blocks with Excalibur parries him off swings at Maotaur's right leg and cuts it off.

Maotaur falls to one knee, "damn, I didn't expect this easy to lose my leg to a human."

Rize looks displeased, "Hey get up, we ain't done yet bull, you got three other limbs don't you."

Maotaur t laughs, "Ah you act like a demon rather than a human, This should be entertaining then." Maotaur regrows his right leg back.

Rize gives this malicious grin, "Now that best thing you showed me so far, Demon!" he yelled happily.

Maotaur charges at him with his horns down. Rize dodges it by jumping over him when he gets close and Maotaur crashes through a nearby rock. Rize lunges at Maotaur as he gets up and impales Maotaur through his stomach with Excalibur.

"What impossible, How could I be beaten by a Human!" yelled Maotaur.

"See you in hell, one day," said Rize.

Maotaur burns to death through Excalibur's holy flames till he is dusted.

"Alright then, let's get out of here," said Rize. He looks and sees the portal starting to disappear. "shit."

He then with Excalibur in his left hand goes through, but the rest of his body can't fit.

"come on damn it," said Rize. "It's too small I can't go through. Well, I guess it was fun while it lasted, Please Anna live a happy life and take care…" The portal closes with Rize stuck in the Demon Realm.

In the Human Realm. Excalibur transforms back into her human form with Judas looking shocked at her. Anna turned back and looked terrified as she saw, Rize's left arm with blood under it on the ground which made her scream.

In the Demon Realm. Rize rips his right sleeve off his school jacket with his teeth and ties it around the remaining left bicep to stop bleeding. He sits down by a nearby tree and sees demons that smelt his blood getting closer. He sees what looks like a rusty-looking iron-long sword on the ground. He gets up and grabs it.

He points it at all the demons coming towards him, "listen up assholes!" he yells. "this not going to be a free meal, if I'm going down then I'm taking some of you with me." Rize lunges at them.