The Demon in Black

One month had passed since, Rize was still stuck in the demon realm. His clothes got all torn up he was banged up from fighting all the demons that attacked him. He barely had time to rest from all the attacks and was nearing his limit which was abnormal for someone with one arm to go through, he was walking on a path with the rusty sword which broke.

"Man, how long can I do this for?…" Rize tiredly questions. He then falls down face front. "well I guess this is it." Rize passes out from exhaustion.

A demon in a black cloak walks by and sees him.

"what this a human, why is he here?" asked The Demon in Black in confusion.

In the Human Realm. Judas was sitting on the back porch with Raze.

"So is she still locked up in her room?" asked Judas.

Raze depressed, "Sadly, yes. Then again what would any Esper do if their user is dead?"

"It's my fault, I let him go alone," said Judas.

"Don't go punishing yourself over his death in the end, Rize went out the way he wanted the way of the warrior or in his case, the way of Lord Patrick," explained Raze.

One week has passed and Rize wakes up in a cave covered up next to a campfire.

"What I'm not dead?" questioned Rize. "but how did I get here?"

The Demon in Black walks into the cave, "Ah you're finally awake, human."

"Are you going to eat me demon?" asked Rize with caution.

The Demon in Black then laughs, "No, if I wanted to eat you I would have done that already you have been asleep for a week, and if I did eat you. You would have been poop by now."

"I was sleeping for a week," said Rize. "That would be a new record or maybe was just that tired."

The Demon in Black then sits down next to the campfire takes a bag he had under his cloak and starts cooking what looked like red meat in a pan, he had in his bag.

"well since you are now awake, I can now take my leave, but I should warn you, you will still be targeted that's why I chose this cave, so they can not attack you," said The Demon in Black.

"I see, so I was just lucky you bumped into me then," said Rize.

"So what's your plan then? Portals are hard to come by here might take months or years to find one." said The Demon in Black.

"Well, hopefully, I get lucky and one pops open in front of me," Rize says.

"What? Now that's funny you just hope one opens." laughs the Demon in Black.

"What options do I have? It's either find one or get eaten by demons," Rize says.

"There is an option, but it's on you." said The Demon in Black.

"Really? What is that then?" asked Rize.

"you can become a demon yourself, That way other demons won't be hunting you down." said The Demon in Black.

"Wait that's possible? I can become a demon?" Rize question.

"Well, yeah. Once you become a demon, your human stench will get mixed up with demons. so, they just think you are another demon." said The Demon in Black.

"so, how would I do it become a demon?" asked Rize.

"I can give you my arm here, I see you don't have one on the left there." The Demon in Black jokingly said.

"What can I give you in return for your arm?" Rize asked.

The Demon in Black thinks a bit, "How about some of your blood? That is like a fine wine here in our realm that seems fair."

Rize then thinks, "So, now how do we do this is not going to be easy…" He then sees The Demon in Black get a black strange sword out in his right hand and cut his left arm off. "oh okay that was unexpected."

The Demon in Black then says, "Well, it just back later for me but for you, this will take a bit to adjust to you."

"Alright then, Shall we begin then?" asked Rize.