
In Neo Gotham City, a humanoid light brown crab demon was attacking the Demon Hunter Officer. Judas was walking to it wearing sunglasses.

"Today was my day off. But hey, I love crab legs," said Judas, with a smile.

The Crab Demon says, "Human, made fun of me…"

Rize's Demon sword came through the portal and impaled it in the head from behind, killing it. Rize steps out of the portal before it disappears with his hood up and he is hiding his left arm. He goes and grabs his sword out of the Crab Demon's corpse.

"Just who the hell are you, now?" asked Judas.

"Judas, is that you?" asked Rize.

"Wait? Rize, is that you? You're alive," said Judas.

Rize takes down his hood with his right arm revealing his face. "yeah it's me."

"Amazing, we all thought you died after Anna came…" Judas starts to knowtist that he has a left arm. "what are you hiding?"

Rize shows his new left arm, which he got from Mugetsu. "so you found out. Well, this is how I survived."

Later at Judas's Apartment, Judas was examining Rize's left arm.

"so in other words, you survived because of this demon named Mugetsu," said Judas.

"yeah, that's how it was and then all of a sudden two years flew by and he pushed me into the portal and that's when I met up with you," explained Rize.

Judas then sits down in his chair, "I see. well, how are you going to get by now? Employment will be hard with that arm. Wait? how are we going to explain this to the rest of the famil?"

"Well, I got an Idea, for now, to get by in," says Rize.

He then goes and gets a tool from Judas's closet area starts cutting his claws off uses a buffer to smooth his left hand and uses bandages to cover up his left hand.

Judas looks, "Not bad for an amateur nail salon worker."

"Well, you got spare clothes, I can burrow," said Rize.

"screw that, use my shower, you could use one." Judas plugs his nose.

Rize would then take a shower even trim his hair a bit and shave. He then put on a pair of gray jeans with black shoes a black tank top and a black jacket on.

"Damn, now you are ready, we should go see Dad first and... Anna," said Judas.

"how has she been? I bet she's been going through a lot." Rize wonders about Anna.

"well let's say she got over after a while, but once she sees you, she will be happy again," Judas remarks.

"Alright," Rize said.

"I notice you seem to have changed since you left, you seem more polite than usual," said Judas.

"I guess, I meet some characters in the Demon Realm while traveling plus, I'm not a kid anymore," said Rize.

"while how about we get you in the DHO," said Judas.

"what don't I need a High School Degree?" asked Rize.

"Don't worry, Dad can help with that, he knows some people, but you might have to take a test." Judas points out.

"As long as it's not something dumb like history and crap, I'll be fine," said Rize.

They were at Raze's house. Rize knocks on the door. Raze opened the door he was wearing a white tank top and black pajama bottoms.

Raze yawns, "Oh, yeah what going on? It's my day…" Raze sees Rize and is shocked.

"Hey, Dad? what up you like you saw a ghost?" asked Rize.

"no way, maybe I'm still sleeping or maybe I finally went nuts?" questioned Raze.

"I could punch you in the face to see if you sleeping, Dad, but it might hurt," said Rize.

"wow, you just literary got back home after two years and you already want to sock Dad in the face, if that's not the real Rize then I don't know," remarks Judas.

"It's you, Rize, but how?" asked Raze.

"I'll explain," said Rize.

They then head in and Rize explained to Raze the last two years.

They were in the living room.

"amazing, so, there are such things as kind demons out there," said Raze as he was sitting on the couch.

Rize then shows him his left arm. "if it wasn't for Mugetsu, I would be a dead man, right now."

both Raze and Judas see the number thirteen and their eyes widen.

"hey is there something wrong guys?" asked Rize.

"well that number are you one of the Devils?" asked Judas.

"oh so you already know about Lord Azazel's Family, well yeah he invited me into his family," said Rize.

"to think the rarest Demon Race has chosen you," said Raze.

"you should keep that number hidden some people, who are high-level in DHO won't like that," Judas warns him.

"Yeah, you are right," said Rize.

They then hear the front door open.

"she back from school," said Raze.

They then see Anna, who is now a bit taller in an elementary black uniform for Neo Gotham Esper Academy for Girls. Cyrus grew up wearing a DHO hoodie and Nightingale.

They all looked when they saw Rize.

"Rize is that you," said Anna, who looked like she was about to cry.

"Who else would I be if I survived The Demon Realm just to see you again," explained Rize.

Anna then runs and hugs him while crying.

"Hey, I just cleaned up Squirt jeez," said Rize

Both Cyrus and Nightingale notice his left arm.

"Well, how was I going to survive literary hell with one arm a good friend gave it to me." explained Rize."

Rize then explains what happened in the last two years in the Demon Realm.

"amazing so you triumph hell itself," said Cyrus.

Nightingale writes, "But you're now a demon that could complicate things here but it good to know you're okay."

"I figure something out here." said Rize "I plan to enter the DHO."

"Demon killing other demons, now that's a bad joke." Cyrus jokingly says.

"well there's a difference high-up demons don't bother with humans, the lower-tier ones that come over here are the real danger," said Rize.

"Well, I guess have to tell you what happened while you have been gone," said Cyrus.

Cyrus then explained what happened since he had been gone.