The Tournament

The Next Day Rize was walking with Anna to drop her off at school.

"so how has school been for you?" asked Rize.

"Great, I have a lot of friends and my grades are great," Anna replied.

"well that's good you have a better brain than me at least," said Rize.

They get to the front gate of Neo Gotham Esper Academy for Girls.

"Man, Dad, sent you to the best aye." said Rize."

"so we meet again." said a familiar voice.

Rize looks and sees John wearing a DHO Jacket with a young girl she has long light green hair, pale skin, and green eyes she wears the same uniform as Anna this was John's Esper, Kacy Kusanagi.

"so I heard you came back from the Demon Realm," said John.

"yeah, but according to my family, I was traveling overseas for the last two years and trying to cover up old media about being dead," explained Rize.

"I apologize, my bad Cyrus must have left that out," said John.

"Well, we better get going before class starts," said Anna.

"yeah," Kacy says. They both then head to the school.

They both look and see a poster on the wall for an upcoming fighting tournament sponsored by DHO that is said from all over the world.

"I heard you won last year that's very impressive," said Rize.

"yeah, but no one was a challenge, it was more of a walk in the park if I'm honest," said John.

"That's because I was not in." Rize declared.

"So you plan on entering this one then?" asked John.

"Of course, I get to fight the strongest Demon Hunters from all around the world," said Rize, with a smile.

"Very well, I will enter as well, hopefully, you don't fail your test or you can't enter," said John.

"right," says Rize.

Rize was in a classroom taking a test. "thank god. Mugetsu taught me a few things but I think I got this." he hands in his test.

The DHO prompter looks at it, "Looks good Rize, you passed that makes you an official Demon Hunter Officer, Congratulations."

Rize leaves the classroom and it is raining out.

"Damn. I didn't expect it to rain today," said Rize.

He hears a familiar voice. "Oh, hey Rize."

Rize looks and sees Lydia she is wearing a gray hoodie and jeans with white shoes, she has her pink umbrella covering her from the rain in her right hand and is carrying a plastic bag in the other hand.

"Hey, it's been about two years Lydia." said Rize. "so how have you been?"

"Want to walk home? Where are you staying?" asked Lydia.

"living with Cyrus for the moment, but I should have my place after a few DHO paychecks," said Rize.

"oh I live in the same building he asked me to get you something to help with your arm problem," said Lydia.

"oh really cool," said Rize.

They make it to his apartment with Lydia and they head to where Cyrus is on his laptop doing work.

"I passed the test," said Rize.

"I'm shocked, here I thought you were a brainless idiot. I guess spending time with demons made you a real scholar," said Cyrus jokingly.

"well I should be able to enter that tournament now in a few weeks," said Rize.

"Well hopefully you get in only top people are invited, but you can go through prelim fights to get in," said Cyrus.

"I beat their asses too, I'll get in," said Rize.

"that's Rize for you. he's always been getting in fights even when we were kids," said Lydia.

"Yeah, he got me in trouble a couple of times." said Cyrus. "oh did you get those things I asked."

"sure thing here, Rize," said Lydia.

Lydia then showed Rize what in the plastic bag was a bunch of arm sleeves and left-handed gloves of different colors and designs.

"why buy me these for?" asked Rize.

"simple is better than buying bandages and they can be reused." said Cyrus "Just try one on."

Rize then takes his Jacket off and bandages his left arm revealing his demon arm.

"so this is your new arm, what kind of demon?" asked Lydia.

"Mugetsu said he was a Sword Demon he was able to create blades from his body," said Rize.

Rize, put on the arm sleeve with a red flame on the side with a matching glove on his left arm and hand.

"nice, looks good on you, Rize," said Cyrus.

"The next few weeks will go by quickly I can feel it," said Rize looking at himself in the mirror.