Opening Ceremony

It was a day before The Entrance Ceremony. Rize and company went to a dragon demi-human restaurant.

"ah, the taste of home," Azure said.

"what is Dragon Land like Azure?" asked Rize.

"well I don't know about the current Dragon Land but when I lived there it most beautiful place in the world," replied Azure. "The food was amazing. The Buildings were built by the best architect."

"Why haven't you gone back home yet?" asked Judas.

"because I can't go back home I was banished never to return I won't go into detail in the past," said Azure.

"I see," said Rize.

"It's not all bad I would have never met Patrick if I stayed there I meet his father nearly over a hundred years ago and when he died I took Patrick in when he was a boy and the rest was history," said Azure.

"It must be a handful raising gramps," said Judas.

"I'll admit he had his moments but I never had a problem I would happily do again," said Azure.

"well Gramps has been dead for the last eight years I can barely remember him," said Rize.

"yeah he was a tough one but even legends have to die at one point," said Judas.

"yeah but Lord Patrick was a different type of man if he wanted he take it." said Azure. "I remember his final word to me or maybe is final favor to not as his protector or his guardian but as his friend he asks only one thing and that was to protect his legacy."

"what his legacy what so what he did in life don't be forgotten," said Rize.

"one day you will understand what he meant Rize because out of the four of his grandchildren you are more like him," said Azure.

A day goes by and everyone was in the Arena for the opening day of the tournament Rize was in the Arena with the eight competitors in the tournament. He sees John, Judas, and Issac who are in as well but he then sees three other men.

One man had silver spiky hair with light blue eyes and pale skin. He wore a white jacket from the DHO logo in blue on the back and had white fur around the neck and wrists of sleeves. He wore blue jean pants with black boots this was Prince Lizius Zigfried XII the next in line to become King of Snowfall.

There was another man with blonde hair, forest green eyes, pale skin, and tribal paint on his face. He wore a camouflage tank top and pants with brown boots he wore a black shoulder came with a DHO Logo in yellow this was Ion from Farwood a place where everything is in the woods.

The final man had brown hair, yellow eyes, and pale skin he wore what looked like a fancy dress suit under his DHO jacket with a purple DHO logo he was Simon Dragohart and he was from Murrow.

An Announcer comes out. "hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Demon Hunter Organization Grand Prix." The Crowd starts cheering as the Neo Gotham Arena was full of people from all over. "now then let's see who will be our first match up for tomorrow this will be random and since John Ripply who is present gets a bye round."

"what he doesn't fight in the first round." Rize thinks to himself.

"now then let us see who we got!" yells The Announcer. They all look up to the giant monitor and see Rize and Lizius pictures. "how about that folks first we have our very own Rize Alistair who has been abroad for two years will face off against The Crowned Prince of Snowfall, Lizius Zigfried."

Lizius then looks disappointed, "waste of my time on a newbie hunter." Lizius crosses his arms and closes his eye. "their one I wish to face and that is Ripply." He thinks to himself.

"alright I go first this is awesome." thinks Rize.

Later that day in a locker room. Rize was getting ready to leave with Cyrus and Lydia there.

"Zigfried might be a tough one Rize," said Cyrus.

"The more the reason to fight the guy this is going to be great," said Rize happily.

"where did Anna go?" asked Lydia.

"she went to dad's for dinner we should go meet up mom always makes too much," replied Cyrus.

They were walking the hallway with Lydia in the lead.

"so any plans for the fight?" asked Cyrus.

"of course wing it." Rize replied. "you can't expect a bunch of strategy work all the time plus what he knows those ones."

"you actually may be right with that idea," said Lydia.

"or he is a complete idiot and doesn't care his ass gets kicked on national television." sighed Cyrus.

Lydia was looking when she accidentally bumps into Lizius and she falls onto the floor on her rear.

"Watch where you are going, wench." Lizius glares at her.

"oh I'm sorry…" said Lydia

"how about you watch were you going ass prince," said Rize. "I don't know what they teach you where you're from but I thought you are gentlemen to girls."

"Alistair how about you shut your mouth. your but just a new hunter the only reason you're here is because of dumb luck and maybe because your brothers the famous Sword and Shield," explained Lizius.

"how about we settle this tomorrow Princess then I can show you who I am and not just related to Judas and Issac," said Rize angrily.

"fine see you then I hope you made your peace by then I'll make sure you won't fight again," said Lizius as he leaves them.

"man I hate that guy now," said Rize.

"well, I'm just happy you're making new friends here Rize," Cyrus says jokingly.

Later at Raze's house, they were eating dinner.

"wow you already fighting the guy save it for tomorrow killer," said Judas.

"not my fault he was being an asshole to Lydia," said Rize.

"oh I see now Rize you finally became a man and all it took was being stuck in the Demon Realm for two years," said Judas jokingly.

"shut up," said Rize embarrassed.

"now boys I know your all adults now please keep it to yourselves," said Raze.

"I get to fight that Ion kid," said Judas.

They hear a knock at the door.

"oh I see he must of come hey Rize can you get the door please since your closer," said Raze.

Rize then gets up and answers the door and sees it's Simon and he sees a little girl she had red hair in twin tails, pale skin and blue eyes wearing a red dress this was his Esper, April Gungnir.

"oh hey Rize how are you," said Simon.

"ah who are you? I think you have the wrong house buddy," said Rize with confusion.

"huh wait but I was at the Arena earlier remember," said Simon.

"Sorry don't ring a bell…" said Rize. He then sees Simon was starting to tear up. "oh shot Crybaby."

"hey I told you to never call me that," said Simon.

Rize has forgotten that Simon Dragohart is his cousin from his mom's side of the family.

They were sitting on the back porch.

"I'm stuffed man," said Judas.

"well you did eat a lot more than normal," said Issac.

"Try eating a demon horse," said Rize.

"that just sounds nasty what the hell do you eat in that realm?" asked Judas.

"well whatever I and Mugetsu killed we ate," said Rize.

"man is cannibalism to eat other demons?" asked Issac.

"well it's that or go hungry but Mugetsu said it best if you don't kill it then going to wreak havoc somewhere plus it like what we do to animals here," explained Rize.

"man this Mugetsu character is a strange character to think he your demon brother," said Judas.