The Ice Prince

In the Arena's locker room Rize was getting ready to fight Lizius with Anna.

"Alright are you ready to take this royal pain in the ass down," said Rize.

"well yeah I've been waiting forever to be used in battle again," said Anna.

"Alright then let's go then," said Rize.

On the Arena's stage, the crowd was waiting for the first match with the Announcer in a room above.

"now let our first match begin now for our first contestant he hails from the winter lands of Snowfall I present crowned Prince Lizius Zigfried of Snowfall and his Esper Shiva Frostmore!" yelled the Announcer.

Lizius then walks out with a little girl who had white hair, blue eyes, and pale skin she wore a white dress and shoes this was his Esper Shiva Frostmore.

"now from Neo Gotham City he is known as the Delinquent Alistair according to my notes Rize Alistair and his Esper Anna Excalibur!" yelled the Announcer.

Rize walks out with Anna.

"so you come Alistair here I thought you would have been a coward and run away," said Lizius.

"why run from you prince I'm going to beat you after all," said Rize with a smile.

"you're a comedian Alistair I won't lose not to a newbie like you," said Lizius.

"all right gentlemen begin!" yelled The Announcer.

Rize then makes the first move and sprints at Lizius who seemed surprised by this. Rize then goes for a dropkick right at Lizius. Lizius then grabs Shiva with his left arm and jumps back while Rize drops to the ground but then kips up and back flips.

"now that dirty play," said Lizius.

"what I haven't kicked you in the nuts plus he said begin dummy," said Rize.

Anna then runs behind Rize and gets ready. Rize then makes a gesture like he wants to unsheathe his sword with his right hand to his back by his neck which is the queue for Anna to transform. Anna then transforms into her Great sword form.

"well you will pay for that little trick now Shiva," said Lizius. Shiva then transforms into her weapon form it was a Blue Sabre has had a long blue blade and he was carrying her in his right hand.

"what this now and Ice Element Esper that's going to be nothing against Anna who is a Fire Element Esper." thinks Rize.

Rize then goes for a slash attack with Excalibur at Lizius. Lizius blocks it then parries him off and goes for a stabbing attack. Rize then jumps back and goes for an upward slash.

"predictable I have you where I want you," said Lizius.

Lizius then grabs Rize's right arm which held Excalibur.

"Freeze," said Lizius. He would then freeze his whole right arm in Ice with Excalibur.

"what the hell," said Rize.

"as long as wield Frostmore anything I touch will freeze in Ice and without Excalibur you are defenseless," said Lizius. He then creates giant ice balls in the air. "now for the real fun Ice Spheres." he fires at Rize.

Rize then guards with his other arm by covering his head taking the hits as he stands in place and more ice cover him up. "damn he got me real good, especially with this ice." he thinks.

"now give up save yourself the embarrassment Alistair," said Lizius.

Rize starts to laugh, "no way now I'm just having fun here." he then flexes and the ice shatters off him.

"what?" said Lizius surprised by this.

"shocked I've dealt with worse than a little ice, Prince," said Rize.

"I see maybe I underestimated you, Alistair," said Lizius.

"Most people I have fought said the same," said Rize.

"even if I underestimated you will still lose here now I know your strength I won't hold back anymore," said Lizius. He then points Frostmore at Rize. "now rise Ice Golem."

Ice starts to surround them all over the arena but then Rize sees what looks like a giant ice knight behind Lizius.

"Behold the true power of my Frostmore isn't it beautiful in The Zigfried Royal Family there only been one other Esper user than me her descendant the Esper of the first King of Snowfall," explained Lizius.

Rize then smiles, "now that's interesting this just got way more fun I'm so excited I could pee myself."

"you're funeral," said Lizius.

He then lifts his left hand which makes The Ice Golem left hand he then makes it go for a punch at Rize. Rize then rolls forward and lunges at Lizius who stands there waiting for the attack until an Ice wall pops up and stops Rize.

"Frost more don't just control Ice Golem but the environment around us, not just the Ultimate weapon but the Ultimate Shield to any attacks this the difference between us," said Lizius. "I read in a report that you only used Excalibur once before this so that tells me she still not a Master Rank or even a Grand Rank at that matter how disappointing especially being in the same family as The Sword and Shield of Neo Gotham."

In a Locker Room, Judas and Issac were watching with two young girls. One was thirteen years old she had blue short hair with purple eyes and pale skin she wore a blue tank top with blue jeans and brown boots this was Juda's Esper, Yumi Ultima. The other was an eleven-year-old girl she had long blonde hair golden eyes with pale skin she wore a yellow hoodie and blue pants and white shoes this was Issac's Esper, Amy Aegis.

"wow this Zigfried kid giving Rize trouble," said Issac.

"well he's a special case but don't count Rize out yet he's been in tough spots before plus look he seems to be having the time of his life," said Judas.

"I just feel bad for Annie she not been in a lot of fights," said Amy.

"Whatever she's at least getting experience fighting right now maybe he should wait another year before entering this Tournament with her," said Yumi.

"what you should have more hope for your cousin Yumi," said Judas.

"I'm just stating the facts here," said Yumi.

"you forget she is Rize's Esper plus the best experience you gain is in battle," said Judas.

In the Arena, Rize was slashing at the Ice Wall with Excalibur engulfed in flames the Ice wall didn't have a mark.

"you're wasting your…" Lizius says with surprise as he sees a crack in the Ice Wall.

"what wrong Prince you seem surprised I know I neglected to use Excalibur but there is a reason Esper is more than just weapons or tools in combat they are our children and as a father, I want to protect my daughter from fights I don't want her to be a part of but I know deep down Anna wants to help me fight she don't want to fight to hurt people but she wants to fight to protect me," said Rize. "I don't care if she's a grand or master rank we have one goal and that's to win so we won't lose to the two of you."

Lizius sees that The Ice wall was cracking more. "Ice Golem," he said. The Ice Knight then creates a giant Ice Sword and goes for a slash with it.

Rize then gets ready to swing Excalibur. "we won't lose." Rize then swings Excalibur at The Ice Knight Sword and a glow appears when they clash.