King Drazel

They walked into a huge white room with pillar surrounding it they then see a throne with a man sitting on it. He wore fancy black clothes with gold trim, a golden helmet crown that looked like roots, he had yellow eyes and pale skin with brown hair showing a bit his face was covered by the crown this was King Drazel.

"welcome Rize Alistair I am King Drazel," said Drazel.

"so you're god," said Rize who seems a bit confused.

"oh yes." said Drazel with confusion "sorry we're you expecting something else."

"well sorry I was expecting this being but you seem like a normal person," said Rize.

Drazel looks confused as if he doesn't know how to respond to that. Nightingale then kicks Rize in the right shin.

"what was that for," asked Rize.

"hey, he is god this is good as it gets." Nightingale writes. Drazel seems more puzzled than before but shrugs it off.

"anyway I like to thank you personally for dealing with Chaos so I will like to offer you a position as his replacement," said Drazel.

"well sorry I'm not interested," said Rize.

"oh for real well how about the Celestial Knight I could make you a captain," said Drazel.

"Nah even though they are a tough crew I'm just not interested in them," said Rize.

"Oh," said Drazel who is now puzzled again as he has nothing else to offer him. Nightingale gives him this look yeah it was a bad idea.

"well there has to be something you want now," said Drazel. Rize then thinks a bit.

"I know what you give me," said Rize.

"oh what is it?" asked Drazel.

"We can fight I wonder how strong I am compared to god," said Rize excitedly.

"you want to fight me," said Drazel confused.

At Joseph's house, they watch this.

"ah that Rize for you," said Raze who looks disappointed.

"well I think we are getting something new," said Judas.

"fighting god who else but Rize wants that," said Judas.

"he just reminds me of Patrick more and more," said Joseph.

In Drazel's Throne Room. Nightingale then goes to Rize and grabs something above his right shoulder and takes it.

"Hey what up now?" asked Rize. He then sees a small white orb a seer spell.

"it would get destroyed when you guys go at it." writes Nightingale. She then walks over to a nearby pillar and she puts the orb over her right shoulder.

"you in this too. well I guess I have no choice then I'll show you why I am King Drazel," said Drazel.

"alright Girls let's show him what we got," said Rize. They both then change into their weapon forms.

"that's right you have two Espers." said Drazel. "even rare than rare right there."

"yeah so what you got tree man…" said Rize. He then watches Drazel sit there. "huh are you getting up."

"Sorry but I think I can beat you by sitting here in fact I think you won't be able to make me move from this spot," said Drazel.

"man you're pretty confident alright I'll play along," said Rize. He then lunges at Drazel who then snaps his left finger.

Rize finds himself in what looks like outer space floating.

"what when I get here?" Rize asked.

"Welcome to space Rize now then," said Drazel. Rize then sees a bunch of space rocks coming towards him at a fast speed.

"ah shit," said Rize who starts dodging and cutting the rocks when they get to him.

"you won't be able to stop this I will wait for you to say you surrender," said Drazel.

"no way you dirty trick won't work on me." said Rize. "damn this guy what can I do...I know." Rize looks as if he was focusing.

"What is he doing?" Drazel thinks. He then sees Excalibur starts glowing red he sees Rize starts to smile before he disappeared from space. "huh where the hell did he…" asked Drazel before he sees Rize appear before him.

"Take this." said Rize he then fires a red energy wave at Drazel which hits. "hahaha didn't expect that huh." when the dust cleared Drazel was standing up with no scratch on him.

"well I didn't expect that now," said Drazel.

"what but that was the best attack damn," said Rize

"well it did pack a punch you did destroy the throne." said Drazel who looks back and sees it destroyed. "but that's not the only thing you got."