
Drazel's crown starts to crack in the middle till it splits off revealing his face. Rize looks confused.

In Joseph's House, Raze looked surprised at Drazel's face.

"hey dad he kinda looks like you a bit," said Judas.

"yeah he does," said Issac.

"that's because that man is my father," said Raze.

"what," said Judas.

In Drazel's Throne room.

"so what you think I look good right," said Drazel.

"you look familiar and I can't put my finger on it," said Rize confused.

"what for real? man you were not joking when you said he was an idiot," said Drazel.

"I told you not to get you hopes up with this one plus he not you're only grandson you got four others." writes Nightingale.

"what really I have others," said Drazel.

"yeah I have three brothers and a sister," said Rize.

"wow who knew Raze would have so many kids when he was my only son," said Drazel.

"you should meet my mother she knows how to wring someone's neck," said Rize.

"well any way give up yet," said Drazel.

"hell no you think that dirty trick will work again I just teleport again," said Rize.

"well I won't try that again it seems we might try something different," said King Drazel who summons a magical silver great sword.

In Joseph's manor.

"It must make you nostalgic does it, commander," said Issac.

"a little Robert was an excellent swordsman I bet his skill hasn't changed since he became Drazel," said Joseph.

"don't keep Rize out he can fight like a monster when back into a corner," said Judas.

"it doesn't feel the same." said Raze. "father fought his best with Terra by his side."

In Drazel's throne room.

"alright here I come," said Rize who rushes him and he begins cutting at Drazel who blocks with his sword.

"nice you're pretty good but I fought a couple of dual wielders in my day," said Drazel. But then he had to dodge a swift kick to the face which make him jump back.

"damn I missed," said Rize.

"He is amazing he combines swordplay and hand-to-hand combat he is truly something else then again he is Patrick's grandson." Drazel thinks. Rize then goes in for a drop kick but Drazel dodges by stepping back but Rize stabs Ragnarok in the ground to change to a jump kick with his right that hits him in the side of the head. Rize then goes in for a headbutt when he was stunned which makes Drazel falls to the ground. Rize was about to start kicking him but Nightingale interferes.

"hey the heck," said Rize.

"no dirty fighting Rize if I see you do it again you lose." writes Nightingale.

"fine I fight nice," said Rize backing off.

"man what an animal he could beat me up there thanks for the save Terra," said Drazel. Hearing that made Rize stop and look at Nightingale.

"huh what up Rize?" asked Drazel.

"What did you call her," said Rize.

"oh it slip out did it," said Drazel.

"you called her Terra that means that Nightingale," said Rize

"well you figured out," said Drazel.

"Terra Godslaya." said Rize.

Nightingale then takes a bow. "sorry I never told you but I had to keep it a secret so this makes me Anna and Alexis Esper grandmother." she writes.

"This is great," said Rize with joy. They both look confused at him. "we can fight using our Espers this is better."

"no." Nightingale writes.

"what for real," said Rize who is upset.

"I don't feel like fighting you Rize." writes Nightingale.

Drazel gets up and says, "it's fine we can still fight like this."

"Alright fine," said Rize. Drazel then goes for a slash but he steps back and goes for an upper slash. Rize stumbles back as Drazel keeps up an assault until Rize slips back. Drazel jumps back.

"looks like I won that round I can tell you need more practice," said Drazel.

"Sorry I let my fist do the talking pal," said Rize. He gets up and gets ready.

"you know I'm starting to get bored how about this we do one final attack I know I saw you use Slayer before I didn't know you knew it," said Drazel.

"wait how do you know Judas' move," said Rize.

"your joking right I created then again you probably learned off your brother right," said Drazel.

"fine then," said Rize. Rize's face starts getting marks on them as he activates Lord's will.

"here I go Rize," said Drazel. They both start charging their attacks. Rize starts to emit red energy on Excalibur. While Drazel starts to charge blue energy in his silver great sword. They both then fire their attacks at each other and Nightingale ducks behind a pillar and the room gets absorbed in white light. When disappeared The room was gone and they were outside since the walls and ceiling were gone. Drazel was unscratched.

Rize was sitting on the ground his clothes all tattered. "damn." he said.

"looks like I win Rize you held up a good fight my boy," said Drazel.

"yeah you're really strong I hope we can fight again," said Rize.

"sure I plan to see how you progress from here," said Drazel. But then he see what looked like eyes in his shadow. "huh what that."

Rize looks down and says, "you sneaky bastards that's where you went." he then see John, Cyrus, and Kacy come out of his shadow.

"now who are you?" asked Drazel.

"my name is John Ripply," said John.

"a Ripply so you must be Joseph's Grandson," said Drazel.

"correct," said John.

"Hey I'm Cyrus Alistair I'm Rize's twin younger brother," said Cyrus.

"so what with you boys want to see me," said Drazel.

"well I wish to be your next opponent if you don't mind," said John.

"what for real," said Drazel.