New Power

"you want to fight to a Ripply who is an Esper User," said Drazel.

"of course, someone who has beaten not just Rize but my grandfather has been a tough one," said John.

"I don't know if I can refuse you seem confident in your ability," said Drazel. Cyrus helps Rize up and brings him to where Nightingale was.

"This is going to be good," said Rize.

John cracks his neck getting ready. Drazel then gets ready with his Great sword. Rize felt tired and fell asleep. Anna and Alexis transform back to their human forms.

"hey you're going to miss this," said Anna.

Rize then begins to dream he was on a hill looking out towards sunset with an elderly man watching in front of him with long gray hair in a ponytail he wore a white robe top with baggy white pants with black shoes. He had brown eyes and pale skin but the one thing that stood out was the man had a smile across his face.

"I know that smile from anywhere it's been a while gramps," said Rize. The man who stood in front of him at one point was the strongest in the world.

"what are you doing here?" asked Patrick.

"what do you mean gramps?" asked Rize.

"you got to get back up and fight your fight isn't over yet," said Patrick.

"but gramps he kick my ass pretty hard," said Rize.

"then get up and kick his ass harder hahaha," said Patrick who laughs as he fades away as Rize was waking up.

Rize wakes up and jumps back up to his feet.

"huh that was quick," said Alexis.

"Hey John," said Rize.

"Oh yes," said John confused.

"I'm tagging back in so get out of the way," said Rize.

"you're joking…" said John who then feels like Rize just had a power boost. "fine but you owe me one."

"Fine by me," said Rize who then summons the demon sword.

"hey what about us," said Alexis.

"then hurry up I don't know how long I got till this disappears gramps doesn't like waiting long," said Rize.

"what but gramps is dead he been for years," said Cyrus.

"Just shut up I'll explain it later," said Rize.

"I'll admit can tell you're stronger it must be some adrenaline rush," said Drazel.

"let's go girls let's fight as one," said Rize. Both Anna and Alexis then transform into their weapon form but something different happened they would fuse into The Demon Sword which then became a light green great sword that had a feather design on the blade. Drazel looks like he was looking at something familiar.

"what but were Anna and Alexis already Master Rank," said Cyrus.

"No this is something new," said John. Rize then walks forward but stumbles and Nightingale catch him.

"Thanks, Nightingale," said Rize who gets back up. But Nightingale starts to feel strange in her throat. Rize then lunges at Drazel who gets ready. Rize then goes in and slashes twice at him. Drazel gets a cut on his right cheek.

"amazing," said Drazel. Rize then starts to teleport around him so he didn't see his next attack.

"you learned that spell quick here," said Drazel. But before he notices he sees Rize in front of him with his sword emitting a white aura. "what at point blank range." Rize then fires a huge white blast at Drazel which was enormous that people saw from the bottom of the Yggdrasil.

"did I get him," said Rize. When the dust clears he saw Drazel walking forward with his clothes all tattered and ripped with marks. "damn."

"That was good strategy if you didn't already beat up that might seriously damage me," said Drazel.

"damn that was a good shot too," said Rize with a smile.

"how about we do something different." they heard a female voice. They looked confused and looked around.

"the hell," said Rize. They then see Nightingale taking off her mask and revealing her mouth.

"Is this better?" asked Nightingale.

"you can talk since when," said Rize.

"but how that impossible," said Drazel.

"well I can't explain it but I think it has to do with his sword it seems it can cancel the drawbacks of the wish fruit," said Nightingale.

"so what you mean that sword has the power to negate the Wish Fruit," said Drazel. Rize was barely standing and had to use his sword to stand.

"you should quit this Rize you might get seriously injured," said Nightingale.

"shut up I'm not done yet even if I die," said Rize.

"I swear you're bigger pain," said Nightingale.

"five minutes," said Drazel. They look surprised at him. "if you can survive five minutes then I will surrender."

"what I see I accept you're challenged," said Rize.

"you can't be serious," said Nightingale.

"I have no choice plus I predict his power will fade in five minutes plus he won't be fighting King Drazel he is fighting The Dragon Swordsman," said Drazel.

"but," said Nightingale who knew what he was implying.

"come on it's been over fifty years what you afraid you got rusty," said Drazel.

"alright but if he dies from this I'm never doing this again," said Nightingale who then transforms into a purple Great Sword.

"Alright then," said Drazel.