Road Chasers

John and them we're heading to the Royal Zigfried Temple with the bus which has been acting weird since it was attacked earlier.

"damn that thing got us good," said Judas.

"how bad are we driving here?" asked Cyrus.

"pretty bad I say it a good thing I got that insurance for it," said Judas.

"Hopefully we don't get hit again," said Ion.

"or get blown up," said John.

"hey kids don't jinx us now," said Judas.

"well at least that blizzard is gone now," said Cyrus.

"makes me wonder how Rize is doing out there," said Judas.

Rize and Lizius we're walking towards the Royal Zigfried Temple on another path in the woods.

"man I hope we get there and there still around," said Rize. He then sees Lizius crouch down and he does the same. They sneak up in the bushes they see what looks like two giant birds with white fathers.

"These are called Road Chasers they are a type of bird that can run at a fast speed," said Lizius.

"so what we going to do with two birds," said Rize.

"simple," said Lizius. Lizius then get what looks like strange grass out of his pocket and walks towards them with it. The Road Chasers look at him curiously till they see the grass and walk quietly toward him before they start eating out of his hands.

"hey I was wondering if you can give me a ride somewhere?" asked Lizius. The Road Chaser then makes happy chirping noises and gets down where he can get on.

"Now we can make it there in no time," said Lizius.

"all right now we are talking," said Rize. They get on the Road Chasers and ride them to the Royal Zigfried Temple.

Judas and they make it to the temple entrance in one piece.

"I guess Drazel was on our side for this trip," said Judas.

"well what should be our plan Prince Chrome," said John.

"well we should make our way to the main chamber that we need to go to," said Chrome.

"sound like a plan," said Cyrus.

"what about us?" asked Alexis.

"well you might want to stay here," said Yumi.

"what why?" questioned Alexis.

"well without Rize we kinda be in the way," said Anna.

"no we are not changing right now," said Alexis.

"oh alright," said Anna. She then transforms into her weapon form. Alexis can wield Excalibur.

"huh but how can you do that?" asked Cyrus.

"well we feed off mana to keep this form so I'm using my mana," said Alexis.

"but only Rize can use Excalibur how are doing it?" questioned John.

"I think it because she too is Rize's Esper so they response like that," said Judas.

"well just watch yourself in there," said John.

"alright I'll just protect the prince then," said Alexis.

"That might be a good idea kid," said Judas. They then head inside the Temple.

Both Rize and Lizius were riding the Road Chaser in a snowy field Rize looked like he was having a good time riding one.

"this so cool I never thought there were creatures we could ride here in the world," said Rize with joy.

"well these birds are known all over the world we are just riding the Snowfall feathered which are adapted to negative weather." said Lizius. "we should be getting closer to the temple."

"Alright then," said Rize.

They reach the temple and they watch the Road Chaser run away Rize waves goodbye to them. Lizius looks at the bus.

"man this looks like it been hit good." said Lizius. "but it looks like they just got here."

"alright right then we should head in and we run into them," said Rize.

"Indeed," said Lizius. Both of them then head in following them.