The Fox Man

Judas and them were walking through the temple it was icy and full of ruins.

"man this place looks cool," said Cyrus.

"yeah it but you can tell the weather is what keeping this place together," said John.

"just a ruin with ice in it guys," said Ion.

"yeah man keep your eyes peeled there are monsters in here," said Judas. They walk to a chamber where they see a bunch of light blue lizard men with icy skin they we're carrying different types of rusty weapons.

"well it's go time," said Cyrus. John then unsheathes Kusanagi and lunges forward and takes one out with a mace. Judas goes and slashes one with a lance with Ultima. Ion gets one with a crossbow before he aims at them with Gaia. But one slips through them with a sword and goes for Alexis she gets ready to defend herself.

"shit," said Judas. But in a flash, Rize appeared in front of her catching the sword with his left hand.

"well that was close," said Rize. Rize goes and gives the lizard man a swift right punch to the gut which makes him fall to the ground.

"Rize you're okay," said Alexis.

"of course, I only was gone for a couple of hours now," said Rize. They see the lizard man and then get up. "let's go." Alexis then transforms into her sword form. Rize then picks up both Excalibur and Ragnarok and gives him a cross slash. They defeated all the creatures.

"so I guess a blizzard can't kill you," said Judas.

"well it would if wasn't for Lizius," said Rize as he points with his right thumb at Lizius.

"Lizius why are you here," said Chrome.

"well I was just helping Rize," said Lizius.

"This is great you could help us through the temple," said John.

"yes I will help my brother in his trial," said Lizius. They then keep going into the depths of the Royal Zigfried Temple.

They keep going to see the fresh corpse of Lizard Men.

"huh, someone else here?" questioned Judas.

"it seems so makes wonder what going on here," said Cyrus.

"Well hopefully it's nothing too big here," said John.

"If it is hopefully it strong to fight," said Rize with a smile.

"I see nothing changes here," said Judas face palming with his right hand. They keep walking till they reach another chamber with men in black robes holding silver weapons.

"what do we have here," said Rize.

"look it the Prince's Party get them." said one hooded man.

"well here we go," said John. They all then go and start to fight them.

"damn who are these guys," said Rize.

"beats me. how closer are we to the end?" asked Judas.

"We are in front of the main chamber to the trial chamber," said Lizius.

"alright let's try to run through these guys," said Rize. Rize, Lizius, and Chrome make it to the door.

"just go on ahead, for now, we will catch up," said John.

"right," said Rize. They then enter the next chamber.

They enter the next chamber. Rize starts to feel uneasy till a bolt of lightning strikes him. He jumps back. They would see a man in front of them wearing a red trench coat with a matching red hat with yellow foxy ears, he had pale skin and brown hair, and yellow cat-like eyes. He had black pants with a yellow fox tail. He was carrying a Katana.

"you won't go any farther you're journey ends here." said The Fox Man.

"Who the hell are you Fox Boy," said Rize.

"he a fox demi human a lighting hair one too." said Lizius. "but what are you doing here? This place is my family's royal temple."

"Why should I tell you when you're going to die." said The Fox Man.

"damn he not going to listen to words but I like that," said Rize with a smile.

"he all you're Rize if get my plan," said Lizius.

"Thanks, buddy I won't let you down," said Rize. Rize then lunges at The Fox Man. Lizius and Chrome run past them to the trail chamber and they enter.

"it's fine I just finish you off then kill them." said The Fox Man.

"good luck with that foxy because not that easy to kill," said Rize.