White Dragon

Azazel sat in his throne room with Gau and they see their numbers glow.

"Rize he calling us to help not just us but all of us," said Azazel.

"yeah this the first time this has happened," said Gau. Azazel then sees the egg's number glowing too.

"So, you want to help as well then let's give him our full support," said Azazel.

Rize stars to feel the power of the Devils.

"This power…" said Rize. A flash of light appears. Rize starts to morph he gets covered in a white crystal it shatters Rize wore white-looking armor his left arm was now white with a red stripe on it he had his face covered by a helmet his red eyes show he had two horns on his head that pointed up he grew a whitetail he was able to use Azazel's Wings again.

From the Sky Palace Gates, they all look at him fly back up.

"he transformed," said Judas.

"This must be the power he gained from us Magnum from all of us," said Mugetsu.

"yeah he going to give to Ifrit now," said Magnum.

"The White Dragon," said Medrinia.

On the top floor, Ifrit looked down angrily. Rize flies right up and slams his right fist in Ifrit's face which makes him stumble back and fall down. Rize lands behind as he gets up.

"Why do you refuse to die," said Ifrit. Rize's helmet opens up revealing his face.

"Because Dragonland has suffered more than me in this battle. I already told you your reign of tyranny ends here," said Rize as white marks appear on his face.

"this time I'll make sure you have nothing remaining," said Ifrit.

"let's end this," said Rize. Rize's helmet closes back up and he lunges at Ifrit. Ifrit then unleashed a Fire Breath at Rize. Rize flies right through it and slams his right fist in Ifrit's face. Ifrit then counters by upper cutting into Rize's torso with his left fist. Rize's armor cracks a bit.

"Even with this power he still can hurt me. He truly has no equals then I have to surpass him. Rize grabs his left arm and gives him a right kick to the face. Rize then uses Azazel's wing to fly into the air and uses Hyper Speed Magic to fly around till he goes at Ifrit and tackles him. Ifrit then slams his huge right fist at Rize and connects which destroyed his helmet and the right shoulder piece and his chest armor.

"your armor can't protect for long soon enough you will die," said Ifrit.

"I won't lose." Said Rize. But all of a sudden Rize would hear a voice that was familiar to him a forgotten voice but familiar.

"Never give up runt show him the full might of your power." said The Voice. Ifrit then holds Rize and fire breathes on him. But Rize grips his right fist and slams his right fist downwards on top of Ifrit's mouth he hit him so hard that the air was starting to shatter like glass.

At the Gate of The Sky Palace. Drazel looks in shock.

"What that attack?" asked John.

"it looks familiar in a way but I can't remember," said Nightingale.

"That's Lord Patrick's Technique. I see you truly are his grandson, Rize." thinks Drazel.

On the top floor, Rize sends Ifrit through the floors to the bottom level of the Sky Palace knocking him out. The might of the blow destroys the Sky Palace in one attack. Rize falls down with the Palace passing out and getting buried in the rubble.

They all watch as the Sky Palace collapse from the gate the tallest building in all of Dragonland destroyed.