
They entered a large chamber under the Abandon Hotel. Where they see Necro and The Man standing on an Altair with a strange statue with men in black robes praying.

"Welcome John Ripply and Rize Alistair to witness the rebirth of the Destroyer," said Necro.

"What this Destroyer you ever heard of it Mugetsu it must be a demon thing?" asked Rize.

"yes, according to Azazel it was a Primal Evil that once brought Demon Realm to great cataclysm but it was defeated by the first demon king Asmodeus, Lord Azazel's father," said Mugetsu. "He told us during a meeting with Devil's a few years back."

"In other words, bad news for us if it would come back," said John.

"Might be fun," said Rize with a smile.

"Rize, that thing nearly wipe out Demons from existence," said Mugetsu.

"So, it must be strong then," said Rize.

"Sorry Rize if we were not dealing with terrorists, it would be," said John.

"I see he sent John to make sure Rize doesn't get ahead of himself." thinks Mugetsu.

"Zero make sure these fools don't interrupt our ritual," said Necro.

"Finally." said The Man who is Zero. He Jumps from the Altair in front of them.

"So, who wants to die first?" asked Zero.

"Well…" said Rize.

"No, I will take him on," said John stepping forward.

"What? No, I will take him on," said Rize.

"Sorry, Rize but I will take him on," said John. They then start arguing.

"Hey, guys? no time to argue remember," said Mugetsu.

"Right, I guess we have to settle this the old fashion way," said John.

"Yeah, that way," said Rize. They then start to play rock-paper-scissor with their right hands. Mugetsu glares at them while Zero looks bored until John wins.

"Damn it," said Rize.

"I guess we settle it then," said John. "I will face you." John gets Kusangi ready.

"Finally done wasting time," said Zero who gets his claw ready and they clash with each other. Zero arrives at him off and out of now where John cuts off Zero's claw. Zero then smiles as his claw retracts back on.

"Neat trick so you can take damage then," said John. John then slashes his claw off again and then keeps slashing him up. Zero tries to heal up but John made sure he keeps getting cut up until he stopped healing as he stops moving.

"Is he dead?" asked Mugetsu.

"No, he just out of mana. He immortal he got restore his powers but he will not restore if his mana is getting sap by that thing," said John. The Statue starts glowing.

"Yes, now take me Destroyer and destroy this world," said Necro who gets absorbed by the light as statues glow.

"Damn we were too late," said John. When the light disappeared, a huge monster was there. it has the four legs of a lion with a humanoid top it has a gapping large mouth on its stomach had the head of a dragon.

"Who has awakened me from my slumber." said The Destroyer "who will feed my hunger."

"Well, this won't be easy," said Rize.

"Mugetsu goes tell the others what going on," said John. Mugetsu leaves,

"Well let's fight this one together," said Rize.

"Alright," said John.