The Destroyer

John then goes for a slash at the Destroyer's front right foot and Rize goes for a jump attack with Excalibur to the Destroyer's torso. The Destroyer then uses a black energy barrier attack to knock them back.

"Worms you are barely worth chewing." said The Destroyer.

"He not very strong. he must be weak now since he just got up." said John.

"Well, we have to beat it somehow," said Rize.

"Well let's try a combined attack," said John. They then get up and they both slashed a blast from their weapons. The Destroyer then opens his mouth and eats it whole.

"Damn he eat that like it was nothing," said Rize. The Destroyer then releases a blast back at them it. Rize then changes Ragnarok into her shield form and blocks it until it fades away.

"We aren't getting anywhere," said John.

"I got an idea but it might be a dangerous one," said Rize.

"What would that be?" asked John.

"We go an attack its insides its skin seems to be too tough," said Rize.

"It sounds crazy to do but I expect that from you. If you want to do that go for it," said John.

"Huh?" questioned Rize.

"Listen man. I have been in one demon's stomach and that was good enough," said John.

"Forget it then I don't want to fight giant worms again," said Rize. John looks at the destroyer and sees a strange red gem on the upper body where the stomach is.

"let's attack that thing on the upper body it looks important," said John pointing his sword at it.

"It's a start," said Rize. Rize then turns Ragnarok back to her sword form and gets Asmodeus out and puts all three swords next to each other.

"I guess it's time we get serious then," said John He then raises his sword and morphed Kusangi into Kusangi Masamune.

"Yeah, Let's fight this one guy," said Rize who combines his swords into Ragna-Cailbur. Rize starts to emit a white aura as he was charging an attack which could decide the final outcome of this fight with The Destroyer. The Destroyer tries attack him by growing tentacles out but John cuts them before it hits Rize. Rize starts pouring out white energy out. He then starts to use hyper speed magic and Azazel's wings and he zooms up to the gem on it upper stomach and goes through him destroying the gem on his upper stomach.

"What? no my power…" said The Destroyer as he fades away. Rize crashes in the wall.

"Damn that hurt." said Rize.

Later they were out at the hotel packing their things to go back home. Rize was in his hotel room

"Man, this sucks." said Rize.

"Why are you complaining? you guys won the tournament by default." said Lydia. "Since the other guys were terrorists."

"Yeah, I guess so but now we go back to normal life," said Rize.

"Also, King Drazel just left after it was over and disappeared with Nightingale," said Lydia.

"Beats me, Lydia. I have no idea what going on with them," said Rize. "Probably has to deal with tree things or something."

"Alright, I guess. but sometimes I think you have the weirdest family," said Lydia.

"Yeah, I know we are just one big weird happy family," said Rize.