A King's Betrayal

Rize walks into his house where it was dinner time. He sat down with his family.

"Where did you go?" asked Lydia.

"Went to see Azazel today a meeting was held between demon lords," said Rize.

"An you forgot us," said Alexis.

"We were in school," said Anna.

"Nothing interesting happened anyway," said Rize. They hear an explosion coming from Qliphoth's base.

"What was that?" asked Ellie.

"I do not know. But I should go find out what going on," said Rize.

"Let's go," said Alexis. Anna and Alexis turn to their weapon forms. Rize grabs both Excalibur and Ragnarok. He grabs his torso belt which holds their sheathes and places them in there and puts it on.

"Be careful, Rize," said Lydia.

"I will," said Rize. Rize then heads out and heads for Qliphoth's base.

He arrives and sees the building was on fire and falling apart.

"What going on here?" asked Rize. He then sees strange men who like Celestial Knights of Yggdrasil come out with different weapons to attack Rize.

"There he is The Thirteenth Devil kill him," said one of the knights.

"So, it's you bastards that did this fine then," said Rize. He draws both Excalibur and Ragnarok out. They then attack Rize and he easily takes them down. He then heads into the base.

He is at the entrance where he sees Ion and Lizius fighting the Knights. Rize helps them out and defeats them.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Rize.

"That's what we want to find out," said Ion.

"Anyway these guys look like the Celestial Knights but they seem different from the ones we fought," said Lizius.

"Well, we should see if everyone is alright," said Rize.

"Yeah, we should split to cover more ground," said Ion.

"Good idea," said Lizius. They split up to search Qliphoth's Base.

Rize enters what was a huge room used for ballroom dancing even though his grandfather, Lord Patrick never used this room. He sees a man standing of Judas on the ground beaten down. The man was over six feet tall he had long red scraggly hair, and he had a blue marking on his pale skin. he only wore a white half-robe. His eyes were golden in color.

"BASTARD!" yelled Rize who lunges at the man who dodges it.

"Ah so you finally show up Devil," said The Man.

"I'll make you pay for what you did to my brother," said Rize in anger.

"Whoa it wasn't me who did it now." said The Man.

"How is that possible?" questioned Rize.

"He telling the truth though Rize," said Judas getting up.

"Judas you joking then who did this then?" asked Rize.

"It was me, Rize," said a voice from above. Rize looks up and looks shocked to see Drazel who was wearing a forest green outfit, it had long sleeves that go down to his wrist with gold trim that runs down, he wore a forest green cape with a symbol of a tree in gold on the back. Drazel stood on the balcony above the dance floor holding Nightingale in her weapon form.

"Gramps?" questioned Rize with shock.

"I was the one who did this," said Drazel.

"What?" questioned Rize.

"We need to run, Rize," said Judas who gets Ultima. Rize was just shocked that Drazel has betrayed Qliphoth.

"What the rush? we came to play right Drazey?" asked The Man.

"I thought I told you I could handle this on my own Baldur. But you cause more of a problem," said Drazel.

"Shut up," said Rize getting angry.

"Huh, what was that?" questioned Baldur.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" yelled Rize who then swung Excalibur and unleashed a red enormous energy blast at Baldur. Baldur flew back and the whole room gets destroyed.