The Aesir

Rize stood in what was the ballroom with Judas. It begins to rain down on him now that it was open up from the blast. Drazel floats down from the sky.

"Why? Why would you betray us your grandsons? Answer me Drazel?" asked Rize.

"Because I was commanded too by the All-Father, Odin, King of The Aesir or The True God of All Realms," said Drazel.

"So, this bastard is making you betray us? your family?" questioned Rize.

"Enough babbling Rize it's time you meet your end," said Drazel who puts up Nightingale. Rize then sheathes both Excalibur and Ragnarok.

"All right then," said Rize.

"Why to put away your Espers?" asked Drazel.

"Because They don't need to fight this battle a fight against Nightingale their grand Esper," Rize said. Drazel then appears in front of Rize ready to attack which surprised him.

"You're a fool to think this isn't real, Rize," said Drazel. He then unleashed a purple energy blast at them blowing them back as they did not have time to react.

Rize uncovers him and Judas from the rubble.

"Damn," said Rize.

"We should run to plan," said Judas.

"But…" said Rize before Judas knocks him with sleep magic.

"There no way we can fight gods Rize at least not now," said Judas picking him up. Anna and Alexis turn back to their human forms.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Alexis.

"I will explain later for now go find everyone else we will regroup in Mugetsu's cave," said Judas.

"Alright," said Anna.

Drazel stood there as Baldur walks from behind.

"So, you get him?" asked Baldur.

"Who knows? he has gone by now probably to hide," said Drazel.

"So, Let's go look for him then," said Baldur.

"Sorry, I am done getting innocent people involved, and don't matter. he will come to us," said Drazel who opens a portal and leaves with Baldur following behind.

Rize wakes up in Mugetsu's cave on Mugetsu's bed made of rock and hay with blankets made of animal pelts.

"Damn, he knocked me out," said Rize. "But Drazel is now our enemy something's wrong here." Rize then gets up and leaves the room and walks into one where everyone was.

"Ah, finally up. sorry for that," said Judas.

"What going on?" asked Rize.

"Well, what it seems The Aesir want you dead," said Judas.

"What are the Aesir?" asked John.

"They are the gods who govern our worlds, that man who attacked us Baldur governs his realms," said Judas.

"So, what whit gramps?" asked Cyrus.

"Well, He one too. Drazel is probably trying to find a way to save, Rize but for now. He, our enemy," said Rize. Raze walks in.

"Dad?" questioned Rize.

"Drazel has suspended all of his Celestial Knights until further notice," said Raze.

"So, he making sure none of you get involved," said Lizius.

"Yeah, but we can't hide, Rize forever," said Raze.

"Then we won't hide," said Rize. "We will fight the Aesir."

"Rize, your crazy this isn't like when you fought The Celestial Knights years ago," said Raze.

"Yeah, but I can't just idly stand by and have these bastards hurt innocent people like they did our people some of our guild members got injured during that attack," said Rize. "I'm no longer that delinquent punk kid I used to be." Rize leaves the cave.

"You're right you are not that kid you use to be," said Raze.