The Blessed, Ch04: Schooled

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent, Beans and Mike, God of Lore 

The Guild of Gamers: The Blessed

Chapter 04: Schooled

— Arthur King —

Getting back to New York wasn't particularly difficult, beyond escaping from the abyss that is Cleveland, Ohio, and fortunately Xavier's school has a public address.

Most people don't know that it's a school for mutants, believing it's just some fancy private school for 'gifted youngsters', and with my worst day ended I found myself standing in front of the fancy gate of the mansion in upstate New York with no real issues.

Ringing the bell, I don't have to wait for long before the gate unlocks, swinging open and allowing me entry.

I draw some attention as I walk towards the mansion, plenty of 'students' with a variety of powers around the grounds since it's getting late and classes have probably ended.

Walking through the front door, I immediately recognised the dark skinned woman with white hair waiting for me, dressed in a suit instead of the skintight outfit she was wearing when she came to 'rescue' me from Magneto.

Atmospheric control? That's a fearsome power.

"Mr King, I have to admit I wasn't expecting to see you so soon after you left with Magneto," she says, slightly reproaching but she hides it well.

"Magneto suggested I listen to Professor Xavier's sales pitch before I made any decisions," I explain, making her blink before sighing.

It takes a very confident or arrogant man to send someone you want to recruit to chat with your ideological rival before they make a decision.

"Well, that plus his daughter banished me to Ohio," I continue with a shrug. 


"I see," she says, clearly mildly confused but not letting it disrupt things. "Please follow me, the Professor is waiting for us."

"Sure," I say easily, before pausing. "So, why did Magneto call you a 'self-styled Goddess'?"

The woman almost misses a step at my question, a hint of embarrassment on her face as her chocolate cheeks darken ever so slightly.

"Ah, let's just call it youthful indiscretion, my name is Ororo Munroe, or Storm, I'm one of the teachers here," Ororo replies, her tone slightly clipped.

Heh, Magneto does seem to know how to get under her skin. 

— Charles Xavier —

Once Arthur left with Eric, he genuinely didn't expect to see the young mutant any time soon, so having the young Mr King just walk up to his front door while he was trying to use Cerebro to find him came as quite the surprise.

Especially since Cerebro didn't seem able to find him, when Arthur was right outside. Even as Arthur walked into his office, the boy's mind was an enigma to him, his power couldn't even find it.

Ororo's was not, having heard their conversation as they walked over here. What was Eric up to? 

Eric was confident, yes, but to send Arthur to him when Eric wanted to recruit the potential Omega mutant himself was rather out of character for him.

So what was Eric planning?

"Professor, I've brought Mr King," Ororo said, stepping aside to reveal the young man it seemed half the world was looking for.

"Thank you, Ororo. You're a hard man to find, Mr King, I have to admit I wasn't expecting you to show up here of your own volition," Charles started, making Arthur shrug.

"Magneto suggested I come see you, and after his daughter banished me to a Nazi base in Ohio I didn't know how to get back to his secret lair anyway, at least your address can be googled," Arthur said with an irreverent shrug.

Ah, Wanda was still as unpredictable as ever.

"…Nazi base?" Ororo asked, making Arthur nod.

"Some assholes called Hydra, on the bright side I got to play the hero, fight some Nazis and save a Shield agent, it was pretty fun," Arthur boasted, with all the seriousness of a teenage boy.

Ah, Eric was not going to be thrilled to hear that Hydra had survived to modern day.

At least he now knew why Arthur was here. Even he didn't know where Eric was hiding, and once Wanda sent Arthur away he'd have little way to find his way back to the Brotherhood's base.

"It seems like you've had a very interesting day, but you are safe here. There is still a warrant out for your arrest, but the authorities won't raid here for you," Charles started.

"Yeah, Magneto said I should talk to you about fixing my legal problems. I get the feeling his method of solving it would involve a lot of threats and violence," Arthur snorted.

"Most likely, yes. Your charges have been heavily overblown thanks to the fear around our kind, you may have taken a life but you did so in self-defence and the defence of others, regardless of whether you join my school or not I will work on having the charges dropped," Charles said kindly. 

He didn't approve of killing, but Arhur was a teenage boy who may have just gotten his powers in a life threatening situation. It was understandable that he wouldn't have the self-control to fight non-lethally.

"Thanks, I'm not sure what I'm going to do, honestly I'm making this up as I go. It's been a weird couple of days," Arthur admitted, rubbing his neck.

"Entirely understandable. For now I will ask that you remain on the school grounds while I work on getting the manhunt for you ended. Unfortunately you've rapidly become a rather infamous figure, living proof of the 'danger of mutants'," Charles explained with a small frown. "Your name and face have been televised, and it is not safe for you to be out in public."

Arthur frowned briefly, as any teenage boy being told not to go outside would, before smirking.

"That's not been a problem getting here, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve," Arthur said, his appearance shifting as he grew in height, his body shifting and his skin colour darkening until a perfect copy of Ororo was sat in front of him.

"Ah, I did wonder how you made it here from Ohio without drawing unwanted attention," Charles said, pausing as the sound of thunder rumbling interrupted him.

Arthur frowned and shifted back, looking up and then at Ororo.

"Your powers are weird," Arthur said simply, making her blink in shock before she smiled slightly.

"My emotional state can affect my control, it's not a problem for me but you lack my self-control," Ororo explained, making Arthur blink.

"I'm gonna be honest, bullshit atmospheric control or not, having your powers linked to your emotions sounds awful," Arthur said, making Ororo nod in acknowledgement.

"It is not ideal, but we play with the hand we are dealt," Ororo admitted. "I was under the impression your powers were teleportation and creating those translucent blades."

"I didn't get dealt a hand, but an entire deck. At the start I had a few powers, now I have a few more," Arthur admitted easily. "Masquerade is new, and it's probably my best power at the moment."

And there it was, the reason Arthur would become the strongest Omega level mutant, if Destiny was to be believed.

Most mutants had a singular power, or a small power set, and while they could work on improving their control and efficiency, they didn't simply keep developing new powers, especially not at such a rapid rate.

It hadn't escaped his notice that Arthur had left with Magneto and came back with a power that was both similar and yet more powerful than Mystique's own shapeshifting.

Did something occur between Arthur and Mystique? 

"Even so, I'd prefer if you remain on the grounds for now. It should not take me long to get the manhunt called off, but you getting caught shapeshifting into other people would only add to the mutant paranoia," Charles continued, making Arthur nod in reluctant agreement.

"Fair enough, I could use the R 'n R anyway," Arthur replied, pausing for a brief moment before he shook his head.

What was that about?

"Quite, this place is a safe haven for mutants such as yourself. Ororo, could you arrange for a room for our guest? I will start reaching out to my contacts in the government," Charles said.

He had an ulterior motive for keeping Arthur on the grounds, beyond his spoken reason, as true as it was. He just didn't know enough about Arthur and his powers, keeping up would allow him time to discover more about both how Arthur's powers worked and Arthur himself.

Eric obviously believed he had Arthur convinced, but perhaps Wanda's mishap could give him an opportunity to guide Arthur down a less violent path.

— Arthur King —


Feat Achieved

[Get Under the Black Widow's Skin]

Roll Granted


I'm guessing she got my message, I wonder if Shield thinks that was all planned out? 

"You can use this room while you are staying here. I will arrange a tour of the grounds for tomorrow, but I think you should get some rest for now," Ororo says, before pausing. "While you were with Magneto, did you meet a woman named Mystique?"

"Yup, she's kinda a bitch to be honest," I say with a shrug, making her lips twitch as I make a decision. "Did you know she impersonates you in bed?"

"…That doesn't surprise me as much as it should. You slept with her?" Ororo asks, making me smirk. She can't hide the visible annoyance on her face.

"She bet she could beat me in a fight, she couldn't and had to pay up," I admit easily.

"I see, that can't have been easy to do," Ororo says, making me shrug. "Good night, Mr King."

"Night, Ororo," I say, giving her a wave as I watch her walk away.

She was asking about Mystique because they want to know how my powers work. Did I gain Masquerade just from close proximity to her?

I just muddied the waters a bit, let's see how much they want to know how my supposedly Omega level powers work.

Was it just proximity, was it the fight or was it the sex? Or could it be entirely unrelated, all questions they should be asking.

Since the old man can't get into my head.

[Blank] - Legendary

This power protects you from Master and Thinker powers, including precognitive ones, making you essentially invisible to their powers.

A freebie, you'll need it.

Normally I don't do this, but Sett is bullshit so I don't mind tossing you a bone.

This showed up the moment I entered the grounds, and given what my power sight told me about the Professor I can guess why I need it.

My mind is my own, and nobody else is welcome.

Mind readers unnerve me, I don't want anyone else in my head and that puts me off Xavier. Sure, even his rival says he's an optimist nice guy who wants peace and love for all species, but he's also a seriously fucking powerful telepath.

I suppose it's a sign of how honest his intentions are that people aren't living the way he wants because if my power sight is right he could absolutely mindfuck people into accepting mutants and his dream of coexistence.


Result: Epic Power


You can turn invisible while unobserved, which lasts until you turn it off or attempt to interact with any living being. You can turn intangible while cloaked.

Things are looking up for me, now I just need to maintain my luck.

I need to beat or fuck more capes to ensure the rolls keep coming, and this school has plenty of them I can 'spar' against. If it counted for Mystique, it should count for the students here.

The room itself is pretty much what I'd expect from an upper-class private school that used to be a mansion, and it's almost nostalgic as I sit in the comfy bed and consider my next move.

I'm sure as fuck not staying in this place 24/7, but I can already tell they think I'm a reckless teenager so why don't I embrace the stereotype? 

Playing the rebellious stubborn teenager won't let me get away with more, but it'll make me seem less dangerous than I otherwise would.

They'll underestimate me, seeing me as just a stubborn kid who requires their guidance, which I'm sure they're planning on giving anyway to guide me away from Magneto's side.

But for now, I just want a shower and a good night's sleep. I really do need some rest and relaxation, so a couple of days here to catch my breath while the Professor looks into fixing my wanted status sounds like a good plan for now. 

I don't need sleep anymore, but mental exhaustion and physical exhaustion are two very different things.

— Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde (Shadowcat) — 


Knocking on the door, she waited for a moment as she heard some movement inside.

They got new students all the time, sometimes a mutant's x-gene woke up when the mutant wasn't even in their teens, sometimes it woke up much later, but she could tell this one was different.

Professor Munroe was on edge, all the teachers had been busy this morning with classes being called off until after lunch, and it wasn't hard to work out why.

Arthur King, a mutant wanted for murder, who some students had seen strolling in through the front gate like he owned the place.

She wasn't going to judge him, things were never that simple when a mutant first got their powers, hell, her best friend left her first boyfriend in a coma after her powers awakened, and Arthur had killed someone to protect himself.

But even still, things seemed different. It was more than just the current manhunt for the guy she could hear moving behind the door.

She briefly considered looking through the door, curious what was taking him so long until she heard the lock click and the door open.

Her question was answered as a pair of intense blue eyes locked onto hers, one hand running through wet platinum blonde hair as he gave her a curious look.

She definitely didn't eep as she spotted his bare chest, well defined, with droplets of water running down his abs to the towel wrapped around his waist.

That was why it took so long for him to answer.

"Hi? Something I can do for you or are you just here for the show?" Arthur asked, crooked lips twitching into a confident smirk as she rolled her eyes at his cockiness.

"Hi, I'm Kitty. Sorry for disturbing you but Professor Munroe asked me to show you where we have breakfast and give you a tour of the school," Kitty said, trying very hard not to look below the neck as Arthur nodded.

"Ah, thanks. Give me a few minutes to get dressed. Not sure my current wardrobe gives off the best first impression," Arthur said with a smile.

Closing the door again, he went to get changed as she tried to forcibly suppress the blush she knew had grown on her cheeks.

Arthur was a very good looking man, handsome features with a chiselled jawline and very piercing eyes. Even his voice was hot, it reminded her of the old Bond films to be honest. He was definitely English, which was odd because he'd lived in New York for a while, at least from what she knew, and she couldn't hear even a hint of an American accent in his voice.

And that smile, oh god.

A few minutes later the door reopened, Arthur walking out wearing a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt that seemed a size too small.

"So, breakfast?" Arthur asked, making her shake her head and focus. Professor Munroe asked her to do this personally and she wasn't going to fuck it up by acting like a dumb girl with a crush.

— Arthur King —


[Charming Smile] seems extra effective against teenage girls, which is a good thing to keep in mind given that my power gave me rolls for getting laid.

I'm just being pragmatic, as sex with different capes is probably the easiest way to get free rolls. 

Well, that plus Kitty is an extremely cute brunette (with the power to turn intangible).

I've actually been scheming on how I want to move forwards, and I have a plan. All Masquerade needs is a picture, so with nothing but a few snaps I can impersonate any cape and take their powers.

I can essentially make a folder on my phone that's just all the best cape powers I've come across, having the collection on hand so I can borrow whatever power any situation needs.

After a large breakfast, Kitty continued the tour as I looked around at all the different students, making a note of all the ones with useful powers.

Kitty herself isn't very useful for me because I can already go intangible with Cloak, I just go invisible as well, but what about Xavier?

Such a powerful telepath that I easily found a picture of, now I can become him whenever I want. I didn't use it here because if anyone is going to be able to detect me using telepathy it's going to be him. I don't want to ruin my welcome immediately by mindfucking his students.

Sure, my copied powers are scaled down to Epic but that's still a massive variety of skills and powers I can copy.

I can't rely on the Gacha alone for my powers in this dangerous world, I need to grab every advantage I can.

"That's the west wing, which is mostly off limits for regular students. It's where the Danger Room is, we use that for training," Kitty explains, the dutiful guide.

"The… 'Danger Room'?" I ask, amused at the name.

"That's what it's called, but it's honestly not that dangerous. It's all holographic, and there's failsafes," Kitty explains.

"So, you've been in it, which means you're not a regular student?" I point out, making her pause and blush a little.

"Well, I'm part of the advanced course," Kitty stammers a little, and I can see the wheels turning as she tries to work out what I'm allowed to know.

"What she means is that she's part of the next generation of X-men, a team of mutant superheroes," Ororo interrupts, making Kitty jump (and maybe myself a little bit because damn she can be quiet when she wants to be).

"Ah, the professor's grand plan to make the world accept you?" I ask, pausing as I see her eyes narrow. 

You. As in, not me.

"Not quite how I would have put it, Magneto's words?" Ororo asks, making me shrug.

Kitty's head snaps to me, surprise clear in her eyes but I just give a lazy smirk.

"He had a bit to say about Charles, and his plans. I believe the words he used were 'optimistic but misguided'," I admit easily, making her pause as she looks at me carefully.

Trying to work out what my opinion is? 

"That's… politer than I expected of him, to be perfectly honest. As for the danger room, you are permitted to use it while you are here. The Professor is making an exception for you," Ororo continues. "You'll only have access to some simple scenarios without either one of the professors or either Scott or Jean, two of the older de-facto leaders of the new generation."

Or he wants me as one of his little heroes, and hopes I'll interact with the other heroes in training.

"Nice, thanks," I say, hiding my suspicion. "I've got some abilities I need to practise with, might as well make my house arrest a productive one," I say flippantly.

"This isn't a house arrest, and it shouldn't take long to clear up your current legal issues. You came here for our help of your own volition," Ororo reminds me with a roll of her eyes, almost projecting the word 'teenagers'.

"You know what I mean, I'm basically stuck here until my legal issues are resolved, I might as well be doing something while I wait," I say with a wave of my hand.

"Very true, I can't say I disapprove of your initiative," Ororo praises, though how genuine it is, I do not know. "Mastering one power can be difficult enough, let alone your own seemingly ever growing collection."

"You're not wrong, might as well take advantage of the resources you have while I'm here," I say, giving her a little smile.

Because I want her to think I'm still planning on leaving, since I'm pretty sure they don't want me going anywhere.

"Indeed, this is the best place for a young mutant to learn how to use their powers," Ororo says, giving us both a nod. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was just heading to set your permissions in the Danger Room, at least now I don't have to tell you about it later. Good day, Mr King, Miss Pryde."

"See ya, Professor," Kitty says as I give her a way.

As we watch her walk through the door to the restricted wing, Kitty pauses before she turns to me.

"So… you really killed someone?" Kitty asked, making me turn to her.

"Some dumb thug who pulled a gun on me, why?" I ask, making her hesitate.

"You don't feel bad?" Kitty asks, making me scoff.

"He was some junkie who was willing to endanger other people for the small change in the till, he was going to kill me and I picked my life over his. If I had a gun I'd have shot him and been celebrated for it. I did the right thing," I say resolutely, my tone steady. "But I used a mutant power so people are freaking out, because oooooh~ scary mutants with their scary powers."

She does smile slightly at my mocking tone, but I can see she's slightly uncomfortable by my indifference.

"Sorry, I deal with stuff like this with dark humour and seeming indifference," I 'admit', making her relax slightly, giving me a sad smile.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't know what I'd do in your position, I could protect myself but then he could have just shot someone else," Kitty admits, making me give her a smile.

"I probably should have taken him down without lethal force, but it all happened too fast, but you live and learn. Well, I do. He's not living or learning," I say, and this time I do get a slight laugh from her now that she thinks I'm actually bothered by my actions and just dealing with it with dark humour.

The tour continues, with her asking me about Magneto, and I'm careful to keep some of my past mysterious. 

Because she's a teenage girl who, unless I'm very much mistaken, has a thing for bad boys with dark pasts.

Powers or not, teenagers will be teenagers.

As it gets later, she takes me back to the cafeteria so we can get some lunch, and as we move into the cafeteria I pause at the chaos that is a bunch of superpowered teenagers together in one place. 

"Yeah, it's always like this," Kitty admits with a giggle as she spots someone in the distance and pulls me in that direction.

A very familiar girl is eating alone, my mind flickering back to the memory of the gothic girl completely naked and riding my cock.

Mystique used her as one of the forms, her rebellious daughter. The girl looks towards us at Kitty's shout.

"Rogue! This is Arthur, he's new here. Arthur, this is Rogue, my best friend," Kitty introduces us as I give Rogue a charming smile, which has far less effect on her as she gives me a small smile and a curious look.

"Charmed, Kitty has just been showing me around," I say, offering her my hand as I spot her gloves. 

It doesn't surprise me that she's wearing long sleeves and gloves given what I can see about her power. Energy absorption through skin contact, which she can't control.

She does shake my hand, her glove feeling rather thick as Kitty guides me to sit down, immediately catching up with Rogue as I sit next to the much quieter girl.

But as I said, the cafeteria is chaotic and with my luck it's only a matter of time until disaster strikes.

I don't see what happened, but a boy our age goes flying and falls into Rogue, getting a shout of 'Bobby' as he, Rogue and I clatter to the ground, a tangle of limbs as a panicked shout rings out.

I'm too busy trying to work out how Rogue's knee ended up between my legs, and with such force, a quiet whimper leaves me as I question my system.

This is worse than my entire 'worst day' combined, and I don't even notice the way Rogue's face is pressed against mine as someone pulls 'Bobby' (my new archnemesis, move over spider-guy) off us.

Rogue is basically frozen as she realises her face is pressed against mine, our cheeks touching until she rises off me, letting me whimper for a moment as I rise on shaky legs.

"-highly irresponsible, you know the risks of such rough-housing around Miss Rogue," a thick Russian accent scolds as I blink the pain away, looking at where a big metal dude is scolding an embarrassed boy. "It is a miracle that Rogue did not touch either of you."

"Are you okay, Arthur?" Kitty asks as I take a deep breath.

"I'm good," I say in a slightly high pitched voice. "But if you want to kiss it better for me, we might have to find some privacy." 

I'm not going to be the only one embarrassed and Kitty goes bright red at that, slapping my arm as she looks away, giggling slightly.

"You okay, Rogue? You took quite the tumble," I say kindly, regaining my composure.

Feat Achieved

[Suffer a fate worse than any curse]

Roll Granted

That's a little overdramatic, but I'll never say no to a roll.

"I- I'm fine, do you feel okay? I didn't-" Rogue starts, trailing off as I give her a smirk.

"My luck is whimsical, despite the unfortunate placement of your knee, I'm fine," I reply, reassuring her as my eyes narrow.

One of my perks just triggered when we were touching, [Immune Response], but I'm not sure how exactly that works.

Immunity to sickness and radiation prevented her from draining me? No, that doesn't sound right. 

Whistles innocently

Never mind. I think I worked out the answer.

"Chin up, I'm not so easy to take down," I say, she's looking down in guilt so I actually gently touch her chin and make her look up, giving her a confident smirk.

"Wait, don't-" Kitty starts, pausing. "Huh?"

"Weird power interaction, one of my powers gives me immunity to Rogue's power. Energy draining, right?" I ask the frozen Rogue, watching her nod robotically. "Sorry, I can't imagine how rough that has been, but don't worry, I really am fine."

I notice my nemesis giving me an angry, no, make that jealous, look out of the corner of my eye which he hides quickly.

Ahh, Bobby has a thing for Rogue. And like that, the path to gain my vengeance is clear. 

Quest Added

[Iceman doesn't cometh, but you sure do]

Objective: Romance Rogue

Optional Objective: Fuck Rogue where Iceman can hear it

Reward: One Pull, ??? 

I give Rogue a cocky smile as I pull back my hand, sitting back down as the massive metal man drags Bobby away, still very unamused.

I can tell Rogue wants to bring it up as we continue eating, Kitty dominating the conversation by sheer quantity. She talks enough for all three of us.

I pretend not to notice when I feel Rogue's arm brush against mine, her sleeve pulled up slightly. 

"Oh shit, it's nearly time for class. We have P.E next, right?" Kitty asks, making Rogue nod silently. "Sorry, Arthur, looks like you're on your own for a while."

"Ah well, I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave," I say cheekily, making her roll her eyes again, a hint of a blush on her face. "But yeah, it's all good. I might go play in the danger room, or just explore by myself for a while."

We exchange contact details, and before long they're leaving me to my own devices.


Result: Junk Astral (1 Pity Point)

[Terrain: Desert]

Junk is misleading, because my pocket dimension just got miles upon miles of endless scorching desert. It's not immediately useful but it's far from useless.

It's not good enough to save the amazing icicle.

Once alone, I use Cloak for the first time, vanishing as I test out the intangibility by walking through some walls and even people.

I wanted to make sure that trying to pass through people wouldn't cancel the Cloak, but it clearly doesn't count as 'interacting' with them.

Secondly, I have realised something. My system is a troll.

The short description I get for my powers doesn't always tell the entire truth because I'm not just invisible, I'm hidden from all senses. I try talking into someone's ear but they don't hear me, so I need to keep that in mind.

Wandering around, I'm just testing to see who can detect me, I promise. 

It was an accident that had me find my way to the locker room, where the girls are getting ready for P.E..

Kitty has cute underwear, a matching pink pair and Rogue surprises me, standing far away from anyone else.

Because she's a goth girl who is wearing the most boring underwear I've ever seen, come on I know it's a stereotype but really? The plain white bra and panties cover a lot more than anything anyone else is wearing.

Where's the goth girl who wears the sexiest underwear and is a complete freak?

Be careful what you wish for.

Quest Added

[Survive a single night with Raven]

Objective: Use the keystone and summon Raven, survive a single night with her.

Reward: 5 Pulls, ???, Perk


The 'Keystone' sits in my inventory, but I genuinely fear the prospect of using it because how can it be worth five rolls?

My attention gets briefly drawn to a pink haired Asian girl next to a punk girl (with the power of nuclear detonation, fucking what?!).

The Asian girl (an electrokinetic) is wearing a small pink thong and nothing else as she giggles at something the punk nuke said, small breasts jiggling which the punk can't stop glancing down at.

The pictures I take are purely for Masquerade purposes, I promise.

Another girl draws my attention, with flaming red hair and the best figure of any of the girls here. Her emerald green underwear are more daring than most, but it's her power that draws my attention. 

Sure, she's a very powerful telepath but… The Phoenix Force. The ability to tap into the omniversal energy of life. She makes literally everyone I've seen so far seem laughably weak. Cosmic Pyrokinesis and effective immortality through rebirth among other powers…

But she doesn't know, or she's wilfully not using her immense power because I can sense that it's gone unused.

 I also can't use her form for myself, because she's connected to something much bigger and I have no idea how that would go. I doubt the Phoenix Force would appreciate me trying to copy her.

If there's anyone I don't want to get caught by, it's her so I slip back out and continue exploring.

This place is scary.

One girl was a fucking walking nuke, another taps into a cosmic entity, and I've been here for one day so far.

Feat Achieved

[Undetected Voyeurism]

Roll Granted

I regret nothing, you can't give a teenager the ability to walk through walls and go unnoticed and expect him not to spy on girls changing.


Result: Nice Power

 That's a 69 isn't it?


Figures. Heh.

[Cum Control]

You have complete control over your cum, able to change the flavour, volume and virility of it at will.

Hey, a power is a power, right?

Continuing my adventure I do eventually end up at the Danger Room, uncloaking and entering as I find the terminal for it and set up a simple training dummy.

I'm well aware that Xavier and the other teachers here will be able to rewatch anything I do here, but I genuinely do need to practise as I pull out my tome of Pyromancy.

The knowledge I need comes easy to me, my [Wisdom of the Archmage] paying off as I study the tome carefully before I prepare to cast my first spell.

Spell Learnt

[Chaos Magic Mastery (Novice] 

[Chaos Magic Attack Spell: Ignite]

Ignite your target, heavily burning and igniting them and the ground around them.

With a click of my fingers, flames engulf the robotic target, but my mind is on the way my veins feel like they're briefly boiling as I grit my teeth.

My curse, it's painful but manageable. 

Did it feel so hot because I used pyromancy? Well, there's only one way to find out.

Switching tomes, I pull out the Tome of Scrying and start reading. It's a more advanced book but my perk helps me understand it.

[Astral Magic Mastery (Novice)]

[Astral Magic Support Spell: Scrying Mark]

Allows the caster to place a mark on their target which lets the caster see through the marked target's senses until it is removed.

Casting my new spell on the robot, this time it's my senses that suffer, a painful ringing in my ears, my vision briefly blurring as flashing lights sting my eyes.

Almost no sense is spared, a foul scent filling my nostrils and a pungent taste on my tongue, but my sense of touch is spared at least and the pain ends as quickly as it started.

It felt like it lasted longer, but realistically the pain didn't even last a single second, making me shake my head.

When I project my senses into the robot, there is no pain or discomfort so it's only when I first cast the spell. I can work with that.

I quickly find out that I cant bypass the pain by using Seeing Double and making the double use the spell, it still hurts me and not the double, but that's still useful.

For some spells I'll be temporarily taken out of the fight, having my clone distract my enemies or protect me will be important going forwards.

Calling it a day after a few more tests, I head back to my room while I consider what I'm going to do next.

I don't need to sleep and as I said before, I have no intentions of staying locked in the mansion. I can use Cloak and Blink to slip away, and Blank protects me from Xavier even noticing that my mind isn't around, so as long as nobody checks my room I'll be fine.

So, a quick google search later, I smile at a picture of Spiderman. I haven't forgotten about you, Spidey.

As I'm investigating my prey, a text from an unknown number makes my phone vibrate, but the first line makes its sender known.

'Hey, it's Rogue. Are you free to talk?' 

Saving her number, I leave her on read for a minute before replying, telling her I'm free and just relaxing in my room.

I have target acquisition turned on almost all the time, so it doesn't come as a surprise when she knocks on my door almost immediately afterwards, since I'd been watching her outline pace back and forth outside my room for a while.

Opening the door, I give her a quick smile as she looks up at me, shy and nervous.

"Can I come in?" Rogue asks, making me step back.

"Sure, what up?" I ask, watching her enter and close the door behind her. 

She hesitates for a moment, before she pulls one of her gloves off.

"I know it's a weird request, but can I touch you? I want to be sure my power doesn't work on you at all," Rogue asks quietly, making me smirk.

"A cute girl showing up at my room late at night, asking to touch me? How could I say no?" I tease, making her blush slightly before she freezes.

She'd been going to reply before I casually took her hand, engaging in the lewdest of actions as I interlock our fingers.

"So, is this enough to prove I'm immune?" I ask, making her hesitate as she looks down at our joined hands.

— Anna-Marie (Rogue) —

For the first time since she gained these powers, she was touching someone and they weren't in pain, they weren't reduced to a comatose state. 

She couldn't hurt Arthur, his cocky smile making her look away in embarrassment. He had a really nice smile.

"M-maybe it'll hurt after a while? Can we stay like this for a while?" Rogue asked awkwardly, well aware that she was talking shit. 

This was the first skin-contact she'd had in a long time, and Arthur gave her a knowing look.

"Let's at least sit down, this is kinda awkward," Arthur said, guiding her to the bed, to his bed.

She didn't resist or complain as they sat on the edge of the bed, wondering whether Arthur was going to make a move. He was a bad boy after all, at least according to Kitty.

He didn't make any overt moves, playing on his phone with his free hand as she sat next to him, a silence that wasn't entirely uncomfortable filling the room.

"Looks like my immunity doesn't wear off, or if it does it takes too long for it to matter," Arthur said, checking the clock nearly ten minutes later as he let go of her hand, which instinctively reached out towards him. "That's enough right? I do have things to do tonight."

She didn't want this to end, having dearly missed the warmth of another person's touch, she hadn't even hugged someone in ages because she just couldn't risk it no matter how covered up she was.

A wardrobe malfunction was embarrassing for another girl, it was a fatal mistake for her.

"M-maybe more skin contact would make it work, please I need to make sure my power can't hurt you," Rogue said quickly, making him pause before he smirked slightly.

"And how much skin contact do you think we should have?" Arthur asked, clearly not buying her half-assed excuse as she hesitated.

God she was desperate, pathetically so, because as Arthur watched she slowly and awkwardly removed her top, not looking at him as she placed it down.

"Ah, I see," Arthur replied, taking his own shirt off as her eyes flickered to his chest, nicely muscled.

"Do you think this is enough?" Rogue asked hesitantly, knowing that Arthur knew what she was truly asking.

Should she take more off? Her plain white bra feeling rather heavy as Arthur gave it a long look.

"That's up to you, I'm just along for the ride," Arthur said, and after a very long pause she reached back and undid it, exposing her breasts to a man for the first time, because that was just how desperate she was to get him to let her stay.

She yelped as he pulled her into his lap, their bare chests pressed against each other as her breasts squished against his muscled body, his arms wrapping around her body.

As his hand slipped down into her jeans, under her panties and squeezed her backside, she didn't say a word of protest as she cuddled against him.

— Peter Parker (Spiderman) —

Why did he feel like he'd barely dodged a bullet?

— Bonus Scene — Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) —

Even as she snuck through the Hydra base, previously seen as a Shield base, her mind was on Arthur.

No matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn't work out how he immediately knew she was a spy, and it was a stain on her pride.

To make it worse, immediately after he escaped her, he found his way into a Hydra base, killed a Hydra officer, captured another, saved Agent 13 and exposed Hydra.

She didn't believe in coincidences. Right after Shield tried to take him in, he exposed that Shield was so heavily infiltrated by Hydra?

No, he did that on purpose, she just didn't know how or why and it was driving her mad.

Maybe it was to distract them or get them off his back? It hadn't worked because now Fury wanted him in the Avengers even more.

The Avengers themselves had been busy, well, most of them. Thor had returned to Asgard before they had found out about Hydra.

The good Captain was not thrilled to see that Hydra was still alive and well, and Tony was his usual cocky self, but she couldn't deny he was damn good at infiltrating Hydra systems.

Meanwhile, it was just a day in the life for her and Clint, even if things were even more grim than usual.

The Hydra agent on lookout died without even noticing her, neck snapped as she casually walked around him and deeper into the base.

Arthur… she needed answers, because if there was one thing she hated, it was failing.

She failed to capture him, failed to notice that her organisation had been infiltrated on such a grand scale, and both failures involved the same teenage boy.

Xavier was throwing his influence around to get the authorities to stop hunting Arthur, even if he was meeting with more resistance than he expected, as someone else was throwing their weight around to keep Arthur on the run.

But Shield had questions, and so did she, it would be interesting to see if Arthur could detect her a second time.