The Blessed, Ch05: School Days

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent and Mike, God of Lore, Beans

The Guild of Gamers: The Blessed

Chapter 05: School Days

Laying in my bed, I smile as I wake up to the feeling of a curvy body pressed against me, Rogue is quite the cuddle-bug, wearing nothing but her panties as she snuggles against me.

I could have probably fucked her last night- she's desperate enough- but honestly, I do kinda feel for her. It's not the same situation I was in, but I can imagine how bad it felt to not be able to even touch another living being for who knows how long.

I don't feel a need to pressure her into sex, even if I'd have gotten a roll for it because I very much doubt she'll be satisfied with a single night of cuddling and I'm the only guy she can touch. She moved to topless cuddling on the first night just to keep my attention, and didn't complain once about my wandering hands, hell she enjoyed feeling my hands on her body.

She stirs next to me, slowly sitting up as her breasts jiggle from the movement, blinking slowly as she tries to work out where she is. She's a slow riser, taking a moment to remember what's going on as her face goes a deep red, looking down at me as one of her arms rises to cover her naked breasts, the early daylight lighting up the room.

I don't need sleep, so even when I decide to go to sleep I wake up early, I doubt it's even seven yet.

"It's a little late for that, isn't it?" I ask, not sitting up myself as Rogue hesitates before she puts her arm down and exposes her large milky white breasts, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear as she watches me taking in her form. "I think we can safely say that time isn't a factor in my resistance to your powers, or skin contact for that matter."

"Y-yeah, I guess so," Rogue says, remembering the 'reason' we were doing this as a small frown crosses her face. She can't try and claim she wants more skin contact to test things because an entire night of our bodies pressed against each other is more than ample evidence of my immunity to her.

"What time do classes start for you?" I ask, yawning as I sit up and grab my phone from the bedside table. 6:21 am.

"At eight, I normally get up at seven," Rogue replies, hesitating as she clearly doesn't want to leave my side, even now she's sitting as close to me as she can, our legs touching.

"I suppose you could go to your room, but I'm going back to sleep personally, want me to set an alarm for ten to seven so you have time to get to your room and get changed?" I ask, making her nod with a small smile as she lays back down, her breasts pressing against my chest for a moment before we shift, spooning with her as the little spoon. In this position, it's impossible to ignore the fact that I'm clearly erect, my hardened cock pressing against her panty-clad bottom.

She stiffens for a moment, before relaxing and pushing her ass back against my crotch, wiggling in place for a moment.

I don't say anything, leaving the decisions up to her as she moves around slightly before she moves away, turning back around as I raise an eyebrow at her.

– Anna-Marie (Rogue) –

Arthur stared at her in curiosity as she blushed, taking a breath to steady her nerves as she lifted the sheets from Arthur's sculpted body, seeing the obvious bulge that had just been pressing against her ass.

She opened her mouth, but the words failed her as she went quiet again, reaching down and slowly peeling his boxers down as he watched in a mixture of lust and interest, a thick cock springing from its silken cage.

She might never have a chance like this again, Arthur could leave the mansion today since he apparently wasn't joining as a student and she might never see him again, sending her back into the hell that was not being able to touch anymore.

"I-I caused this, I should take care of it. It's only fair," Rogue stuttered, trying to sound more confident than she was as she wrapped her fingers around the large manhood, feeling its heat as she gave him an experimental stroke. "Since you helped me t-test my powers."

Last night had nothing to do with testing and they both knew it, she was just desperate for his touch, terrified he'd disappear and leave her back on her own.

He could have demanded that she pay him for the privilege of being groped, and she'd have given him her entire allowance, he could have pushed her down and taken her virginity by force and she'd have barely said a word in protest as long as she got to feel another living being's touch on her body.

He was a bad boy, pushing his luck as he played with her willing body, but she was pretty sure beneath the surface was a genuinely good person, she was the one who started this after all, he was putting up with her needy ways.

Leaning forward, she placed her lips against his in a soft, gentle kiss, memories of her only other kiss, her former boyfriend's skin growing gaunt as she unknowingly drained him of his life essence, but Arthur just leaned into her kiss as it deepened, her hand stroking his cock slowly.

Breaking the kiss, she gave him a genuine smile, feeling as if a horrid piece of her past had been healed, her second kiss far more enjoyable (and less traumatising) as she kissed his neck, and then his chest as she made her way lower.

Arthur briefly stopped her, giving her a soft look.

"Are you sure? Don't push yourself on my account," Arthur said gently, making her smile up at him before she moved down and without any hesitation, took the tip of his cock between her lips.

It had a strange salty taste as his pre-cum touched her tongue, but it didn't put her off her goal as she took his dick deeper into her pouty lips, gently rubbing her tongue against his shaft as she took as much of him into her mouth as she could, inexperienced in these games.

Staring up at him, she made eye contact with his deep blue eyes as she started to bob her head, awkwardly at first before she got into the rhythm, hearing his quiet grunt of enjoyment as she took him just a little deeper with each bob.

His hand gripped her hair, guiding her head as she obediently followed his gentle guidance, sucking and licking as she pleasured Arthur to the best of her ability. 

In truth, she had another motivation beyond wanting to thank him and experience the kind of things that she couldn't do with any other man. She really didn't want Arthur to leave, she didn't really know what was going on with him, but she'd do nearly anything to keep him around, to have someone she could touch.

He was obviously attracted to her, so maybe she could convince him to stay, he'd be less eager to leave the mansion when his business was done if she was waiting in his bed.

She could feel his cock start to twitch in her mouth, and even as inexperienced as she might be she knew what was coming, but she didn't hesitate or pull back as she lavished his dick with attention.

As he came, she obediently swallowed his salty gift, feeling it slowly slide down her throat, the texture unlike anything she'd ever tasted before. With her inexperience, she struggled to handle the sheer volume of his seed, more and more pumping into her mouth until she accepted defeat and pulled back, flinching as he painted her features with the sticky white substance.

He finally stopped, but she felt like she'd just been sprayed down with a firehose, her face and tits coated in his semen as he sighed before blinking.

"Hm, that's new. God, my powers are getting weird," Arthur said, scratching his chin.

…he had a cum power? Eh, it made as much sense as anything else she'd seen around here.

"Thanks, Rogue," Arthur said, before smiling. "Perhaps we should get up and take a shower?" 

That sounded smart, and they moved to the en-suite. The shower was easily big enough for both of them, with space to spare, but she didn't say anything as she felt his body pressed against hers, his hands washing her body with incredible thoroughness.

She returned the favour, of course, needing to clean up again as she rose from her knees, the hot water coursing over both their bodies. 

As she left him, he pulled her in for an almost possessive kiss, making them both glad she brushed her teeth and used some mouthwash considering how much semen she had swallowed lately, one last grope of her backside before she was on her way, leaving a hop in her step as she walked to her room.

She noticed some whispers, the early risers having seen her leaving Arthur's room far too early for it to be normal, knowing the rumours would spread far before the end of the day. 

She couldn't bring herself to care. Let them talk.

– Arthur King –

See, I knew I wouldn't be waiting long before she wanted to go further, I may have gone overboard with the cum quantity, but hey, I needed to learn how to use my cum control.

Rogue certainly didn't seem to mind the taste, she gave me a second blowjob in the shower without any prompting from me at all.

Feat Achieved

[Get Rogue Addicted to Your Touch]

Admin Note: Seriously, why did I even make this a feat, every fucker is going to get this immediately. She's so easy if you can actually, you know, not die.

Apparently, this is a multiversal experience, but I can't say I don't like easy wins. 


Result: Junk Magic (1 Pity Point added)

[Scroll of Cast: Fist]

Source: None

Allows the reader to learn how to cast fist, dealing physical damage equal to their strength.

Well, it's not a curse?

That's about as much as I can say about it as I use up the scroll immediately, learning the spell instantaneously. I can now punch people, but with some magical sparks that do exactly nothing, except hurt me because of my curse.

I look down as my fist glows with purple light, throwing a punch as my fist leaves a trail behind followed by an explosion of light as my fist hits the wall, sparkles of purple light filling the room as I sigh.

It did exactly nothing because I'm not strong enough to damage a solid wall and it doesn't actually make the attack any better, just fancier.

I suppose I can use it for intimidation if nothing else, and it's such an easy spell that it barely even stings to use. Maybe it'll make for good magic training?

Feats Achieved

[Become the 'Bad Boy' at Xavier's School for Mutants]

[Gain a Rival (Iceman)]

Two Rolls Granted

…ah, maybe sleeping with someone on day one wasn't the best for my rep, but girls like bad boys so who cares. As for Iceman, cucking him (preemptively since I'm pretty sure he's not made a move yet) is my quest anyway, so fuck him with a cactus.


Result: Common Astral Plane, Junk Power (1 Pity Point Added)

[Terrain: Forest]

[Teeth Rot Inducement]

The user has the power to make teeth slowly rot and wither. Trained users can even turn teeth into dust.

I can give people tooth decay? Huh, now would be a really bad time to piss me off. Plus, now I have a forest region to go with my tropical island and desert, not sure what I'm going to do with it but hey, I've got it.

Humming to myself, I get up and dress myself as I head down to the cafeteria, it's open 24/7 apparently because Xavier has robot servants. I wonder where he got all the tech for this place because the Danger Room seems way above anything I've heard of that wasn't made by a guy called Stark or Richards.

Still, the kids will be in class at the moment so I'll be able to eat to my heart's content. 

Then I can decide what to do with the rest of my day.

– James Howlett (Wolverine) –

Something wasn't right.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted her again, a small female figure with long black hair covering her face, hiding behind some trees as she stared into the school, through the cafeteria window.

He knew the scents of every student here, she wasn't one of them, and the only new guy was Arthur, who was in the cafeteria at the moment. Deciding to skip the games, he moved over towards her as she turned towards him, pale eyes locking with his before she slipped behind the tree, making him rush towards her.

Arriving at the tree, he blinked in confusion at the lack of a stalker, looking around as he sniffed the air. No trail, she just vanished.

On guard, he looked around again, spotting her standing on a rooftop, still looking down at the cafeteria from her barely visible perch as he growled to himself, he didn't know who this chick was or what she wanted but he knew far too many groups were looking for Arthur, so she could be getting ready to grab him and shanghai him away.

All he knew for sure was that she wasn't supposed to be here, so he rushed forwards, using his claws to climb the building with incredible agility, making a note to tell Charles to get someone to fix the holes he left later, but as he reached the top he got the briefest glimpse of the woman before she vanished, jumping off the building and one again disappearing once she was out of sight.

Even as he spotted her in the trees, again, one thought passed through his mind. 

God damn, those were some big tits. 

Leaping down from the building, he charged after her again, starting a chase that would last several hours before he gave up and told the others about their stalker.

– Arthur King –

Feat Achieved 

[Drive Wolverine Mad]

Roll Granted


Wait, that's the metal dude who attacked the guy who can control metal, but what the fuck did I do?

My brief distraction gives my opponent a momentary advantage, a laser striking my chest and knocking me on my ass, the training program coming to an end as the Danger Room registers me as 'dead'. 

But hey, free roll-


Result: Major Curse (25 Pity Points Granted)

I am filled with nothing but hatred and despair, even goth girl blowjobs cannot save this day from being fucked.

[Curse of the Operative] 

An operative from a secret organisation/society is coming for you. They are efficient, methodical, and ruthless. Their mission? Your demise. Only one of you survives. Let the hunt begin.

Quest Added

[Outfox the Operative]

Objective: Find and neutralise the Operative before they can kill you.

Reward: Curse of the Operative removed, Perk granted

Do I not have enough issues as it is, do I really need a superspy coming after me? The answer is apparently yes.

Hey, at least it didn't need to send a new organisation after you, since you've already pissed off HYDRA and several others! Lucky you!


Seriously though, your luck fucking sucks, my guy.

Oh, really? I hadn't noticed. Here I thought I was blessed by Lady Luck herself, held in her tender embrace.

Nah, that's Sett, even Lady Luck's knees must be getting sore from how hard she's been sucking his dick. 

One day, somehow, someway, I will kick Sett in the dick.

Good luck with that. 

Let me guess, he rolled a 'can't be kicked in the dick' perk.

No, but I should probably add that in the Gacha. 

Wanna test your luck, and see if you are truly cursed with the bad juju?

…what do you have in mind, oh devil on my shoulder.

A coin toss, heads or tails. If you call it right, it'll grant you a legendary roll, if it's wrong you get a major curse.

…would I get the pity points?

Fuck it, sure.


Rolling Coin Toss

Result: Tails

[Curse of Mana Leak]

Your spells now leak mana when cast, making their casting highly inefficient. All spells cost twice as much mana to cast.

Quest Added

[Mana Master]

Objective: Develop Mana Control to Mythical level.

Reward: Curse of Mana Leak evolves into a perk

Oh, come the fuck on.

This is genuinely interesting, just how cursed are you?

Wanna try again?

You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Come on, what's the harm?

A lot, but fuck it. Heads.

Rolling Coin Toss

Result: Tails

[Curse of the Dommy Mommy] 

This will cause an older woman to take an interest in you, she will be attractive however she will have a dominant personality and attempt to discipline you for your misdeeds, and you will find it hard to refuse her.

[Tame the Dommy Mommy]

Turn the tables on the dommy mommy, and either convince her you aren't the child she sees you as or make her your sub.

Path 1 Objective: Convince her that you know better than her, and that you don't need her guidance

Path 2 Objective: Sexually break your dommy mommy, making her submit to you.

Reward: Varies based upon the path taken

Curse of the… what?

This is great, your rolls are almost consistently shit. 

I'm so glad you're entertained.

Okay, one more? Last one, and I'll up the stakes. You'll get a Mythical if you guess correctly.

At this point, how could things possibly get worse? Heads.

Rolling Coin Toss

Result: Tails

[The Dark Urge]

You are a chosen of Bhaal, his attention fixed upon you. Once a week, you must sacrifice a soul to him to keep his favour and gain his boons, should you fail you will feel his wrath instead. Control your Urge, or submit to its call.

Quest Added

[The Dark Urge]

Objective A: Earn enough of his favour to become the Champion of Bhaal.

Objective B: Summon an Avatar of Bhaal and defeat it, breaking his hold upon your soul.

Objective C: ???

Rewards: Varies based upon the path taken.

My mind races, flashes of brutal murders and torturous deaths flooding my memories, the symbol of the dark god that now has a grasp on my soul, a skull surrounded by a ring of blood. 

Bro, this is hilarious. Funniest shit I've seen in years, I need to show the other founders this, it's great.

Here, take a freebie for amusing me, I've gotta tell the lads I found the unluckiest gamer yet. 

Well, I'm glad to have entertained my mysterious overlord.

Epic Power Granted

[Deathly Knowledge]

You can extract knowledge from corpses, both skills and memories alike.

The real question is whether I should use my pity points, now up to a considerable 108, to force a mythical to make up for my failed coin tosses.

I'm tempted to do it just to make up for my repeated poor rolls but I'm almost halfway to a divine roll, and with my luck I'm unlikely to ever see one naturally.

No, I should hold out and if things go wrong I can pull it in an emergency, I'll hang onto my points for now.

Summoning my cat, I pick up the furball as I sigh, stroking her as she settles in my lap. I bet other gamers don't have to deal with this kind of shit.

For now, I have a vague plan to start working on my magical issues, because the Tome of Warding possesses a ritual for a racial transformation.

Astral Blood, a minor racial transformation that imbues my blood with liquified mana, which would increase my mana pools, allow my mana to regenerate faster and also give me some resistance to the elements as my mana protects me.

It has the downside that if I bleed, I'm literally bleeding my mana, but I'd rather keep my blood inside my body as it is anyway.

My Wisdom of the Archmage makes preparing for the ritual trivial, and I'm almost certain my curses won't cause any long term effects once the spell itself is cast.

It'll hurt like a bitch during the ritual, and it'll drain my mana pool much faster than it would have if I didn't have my new curse, but I can still pull it off.

Ending the danger room session, I realise that I've probably given them some interesting footage since I just stood there reacting to nothing for a good few minutes, but whatever.

Returning to my room, I use Target Acquisition to make sure nobody is nearby, the classes still running from what I can tell, stripping down to my boxers as I prepare for the ritual, kneeling in the middle of the room as I start my spell, a circle of runes appearing beneath me.

It hurts exactly as much as I expected, infusing my cursed magic into my very life force, my veins glowing blue as it starts to rush through my body.

I keep down the sounds of agony, enduring through my pain as I remind myself of the power I will gain through this.

I don't know if Xavier has cameras in here and frankly I don't care, I won't be able to hide the changes regardless as I feel my veins bulge, my heart speeding up as it gains an arcane glow.

I can't see it, hopefully nobody ever will since I rather enjoy it being in my chest, but I know my heart now has arcane runes glowing across it in rings of blue light, pulsing softly with every beat.

The glow coming from my veins intensifies, the entire room alight with the arcane gleam, before it settles and the ritual ends, fading completely.

That doesn't mean the changes aren't easily apparent, my blood now a dark blue even if it's barely noticeable beneath my skin, and as I look in the mirror I smile seeing a pair of glowing blue eyes staring back at me.

My deep blue eyes now swirl with arcane power, a slight glow to them that would be obvious in a dark room.

I lost the ability to hide my identity on day one, so I might as well embrace it. I can feel my mana flowing through my body, eager to be used, as cursed as it may be. 

This does come with another risk, because draining my mana pool completely will also cause some blood loss, not enough to kill me but enough to debilitate me. 

It's a risk, but one I'm willing to take. Wisdom of the Archmage gives me a far better understanding of my mana pool and spell costs, so it's unlikely I'll go too far unless my life depends on it, and if it does I'd rather have the increased pool to begin with. 

I smile, feeling just a little bit more alive as I set off for the danger room once more, wanting to put this power to the test.

— Later —

"Someone's having fun."

The words make me jump, dodging under the robot's arm blade as I put my swordsmanship to use.

Turning, I see a small group of people standing in the observation deck of the danger room, Rogue and Kitty among them.

Shaking my head, I scold myself for my tunnel vision. I never turn Target Acquisition off, but they still snuck up on me because I was too focused on the fight. 

I've marked all the students I've seen in light green, the professors in dark green so any newcomers (such as the agent looming to kill me) will stand out, but that won't help if I'm distracted.

The words came from the hot redhead, with the avatar of life itself inside her, giving me a smile and a wave as I called a stop to the program.

I'm having issues training against the robots because my revenant blade doesn't register them as living, so it passes through them as it does all inorganic material. Still, it's good practice for my magic.

"Am I in the way? Storm said I could use this room to practise with my abilities, I wasn't aware that it was taken," I say, knowing the microphones will pick me up as I head towards them.

"Of course not, that's what the room is for after all," the girl says. "I'm Jean, we were just coming down for some training of our own, but the place is big enough to share."

Jean gives me a warm smile, and I notice a minor frown on the man beside her, wearing a pair of dark red glasses.

…because his eyes are portals to the 'punch dimension'. 

Of course they are. 

"Why don't you join us? It's always better to train with a group, otherwise you're only turning mistakes into bad habits," Jean offers, apparently the speaker of the group.

Another teenager gives me a dirty look from the back of the group, and his cryokinesis tells me this is Iceman. What an original and unique name.

"Sure, if you don't mind me joining your junior X-men exercises," I say, making Jean's eyes widen briefly before she smiles.

"Ah, the professors told you? You know, it's been a while since someone has caught me off guard, maybe it'd be good to spar with someone I can't read," Jean suggests, and the guy next to her definitely doesn't like that, finally speaking up.

"No, I don't want you sparring with someone who has so little control they've already accidentally killed someone," punch boy says, getting an angry 'Scott' from Kitty and Rogue, not to mention an unhappy look from Jean.

"What accident? If you mean the would-be muggers, I assure you it was very intentional," I say simply, giving him a challenging look. "Besides, who died and made you king, specs?"

"Professor Xavier put me in charge-"

"See, Ororo said the next generation of the X-men was co-lead by two people, Jean and I'm gonna take a guess you're Scott?" I ask, making him nod.

"And I don't want to risk Jean with some new guy who apparently sees nothing wrong with killing," Scott says challengingly, making me laugh. "You'll train with Nightcrawler."

'Nightcrawler', who I somehow missed given that he's lurking in the back, doesn't seem to appreciate the implication that he's more expendable given the noise he made, the slim man entirely blue with a long tail.

"I see nothing wrong with killing people who are trying to kill me, and I'm not one of your little school group so I suggest you don't tell me what to do," I challenge, unsure why he's pissing me off so much.

I want to snap his scrawny neck, to rip off his head and use it as a weapon to slaughter all he loves, and immediately I clamp down on it as I realise the source.

Bhaal hungers.

That's going to be a problem, but for now I can suppress it and treat this bloodlust as a teenage dick measuring contest.

"I'll train with him," Iceman offers, making us both turn towards him. He's acting chill, pun intended as he leans against a wall giving me a lazy wave, but I can see the darkness in his eyes.

He wants to humiliate me in front of Rogue.

Quest Added


Objective: Defeat Bobby Drake

Optional Objective: Humiliate Bobby 

Reward: One Roll

Optional Reward: [Stark Winter - Epic Power]

"Works for me, time to find out if my fires are hotter than your ice is cold," I say, clicking my fingers as an apple sized fireball forms.

I don't react as my veins burn hot, having grown used to the feeling during my practice.

— Bonus Scene — Jean Grey

This wasn't a good idea, her telepathy revealing Bobby's intentions almost immediately.

But she didn't want to make it obvious she was trying to separate them either. Both teenage boys would react badly to that especially after the pissing contest with Scott.

His jealousy was getting very annoying, he was genuinely worried about her health, but he also didn't want her spending time with the guy who seduced Rogue in a single night.

The rumours already claimed he'd fucked Professor Ororo, her, Rogue and Kitty at the same time, Ellie and Yukio to claim the legendary lesbian threesome, and that the reason he was in legal trouble was because he fucked a senator's wife.

It was entirely nonsense of course but teenagers would be teenagers, and Rogue spending a night cuddling with him had rapidly become 'Rogue was pregnant with his child' because rumours always grew out of control.

"There, that works," Scott said happily before she could work out how to stop the impending disaster. "I'll work with-"

"I'm going to partner with Nightcrawler today," Jean declared, making Scott look like she just shot his puppy and fed it to him. "I have trouble with agile opponents."

"Ah, I get to practise my dodging," Kurt said, amused as he ignored Scott's frown.

"But let's do things slower today, we can go one at a time, to watch the other spars and see what mistakes they're making," Jean said, making Scott brighten up.

And more importantly, giving her the ability to stop if this got out of hand, because as good as Bobby was getting, she got the feeling he was out of his depths, something about Arthur made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

It wasn't that he'd killed someone, even if that was disturbing, she knew from Kitty and Rogue's minds that he wasn't as unaffected as he liked to pretend, nor was it the fact that she couldn't get a single reading from him even if that was very intriguing.

Something about him screamed danger to a primal part of her. 

"Ready to go down, matchstick?" Bobby asked, still sounding casual even as he hid his jealousy.

"Try not to melt too fast, popsicle, I'd at least like this to be a warmup," Arthur replied, equally friendly even as she caught something dark behind his admittedly stunning eyes.