The Celestial Remnant Ch11: I bless the rains down in Atlas

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Marethyu, Mike God of Lore, Priapus, Old man of the mountain, Malcolm Tent, Beans

The Celestial Remnant

Chapter 11: I bless the rains down in Atlas

– Yang Xiao Long –

She wanted it on record that she truly loved her sister. She'd do damn near anything for Ruby, and she adored her dorky, weapon-obsessed lil sis.

But as Ruby cuddled against her, Yang considered throttling her stubborn, ghost-fearing sister, who was utterly refusing to fall asleep. Ruby glanced around in paranoia, convinced she was hearing voices, which meant Yang was stuck babysitting her instead of going and fooling around with Akari.

Damn it, Ruby. How could a girl who fought Grimm so happily be scared of ghosts? Mama wanted to get her fox boy but was going nowhere as Ruby held onto her like a clingy octopus. 


Sending an agreement to Akari, she sighed as she cuddled Ruby. At least Akari was a very relaxed guy and wasn't easily annoyed. Honestly, he was taking this better than she was. Of all the nights for Ruby to decide she was being haunted…

She'd have to apologise to Akari properly once she got away from Ruby.

– Akari –


100cp granted. 100cp total.

It's fine. I can go a single night without sex.

Ozpin thought ahead when setting up my team's new room. My bed is in a small room, separate from the others. It's kinda lonely, but it makes sense, given the stream of girls going into my bed. 

…damn, Akari. Cockblocked by my own sense of humour. Is there a worse fate?

Just for this mess, Ruby is getting double haunted. How dare she disrupt my plans with Yang because of something I did. 

[Light Elf] - 100cp, 0cp remaining

Like the Asgardian God of Mischief, you can copy the form and voice of anyone you have seen. This magical illusion looks and feels like the genuine article, but does not grant you any of your target's abilities. This can give you an impressive way to mimic other individuals, but it still only works as well as your performance does. Break character and someone is going to notice.


…I definitely shouldn't use this to haunt Ruby even more. 

As my body shifts to match Ruby's, I take a moment to admire my new power. It's more than just an illusion because I can even feel 'myself' as I play with Ruby's hair. Hm, I really shouldn't keep bullying Ruby, but my plans for the night have been cleared, so I have some time.

– Ruby Rose –

She wasn't crazy! 

She knew what she had heard. Someone kept whispering her name right into her ear. 

Yang was annoyed at her for some reason as they got up and out of bed, and Ruby glanced around the room in paranoia. Ghosts were real. She was sure of it.

As Yang stole the bathroom, she whined. Yang always took ages to finish because she spent hours on her hair. Pyrrha gave her a smile. She wouldn't tell Yang this, but Pyrrha felt like the team's big sister. Blake was also the cool big sister type, and she had lots of embarrassing stories about Akari from his youth. Apparently, she was annoyed at Akari for dropping her through a portal somewhere. 

Pyrrha and Blake left. Blake wanted to practise with her shapeshifting trick, and Pyrrha was determined to put up a better fight against Akari next time.

When Yang finally finished, Ruby rushed in before Yang could steal the bathroom a second time. She just wanted to brush her teeth, darn it. Yang couldn't wait five minutes?

As she turned to the mirror, she froze. Standing behind her was… her!

Dressed in a bloodstained wedding dress with the white translucent veil covering her face, the fake Ruby glared at her with her make-up running down her cheeks as Ruby froze in place. 


Her own whispered voice made her eyes widen in terror as the spirit got closer and closer, her training forgotten as the ghost got so close she could feel its freezing breath on her neck.

Spinning around, she backed up as she came face to face with herself, the ghost leaning in.

"Wh-what do you want?!" Ruby asked, shivering as it leaned closer, its gloved hand reaching for her. Then, it tweaked her nose and made a honking noise.

"Got your nose!"


The ghost fled the bathroom as Ruby stood there dumbly, staring in disbelief before she chased the ghost into her bedroom and- it was gone! She hadn't heard the door open, but there was nobody in their bedroom!

Evil Ghost Ruby was gone… Well, maybe Evil was giving her too much credit. Annoying Ghost Ruby?

Putting her cloak back on, she paused as the cloak seemed to… sigh.

"Are you haunted as well?" Ruby asked suspiciously, watching her cloak shrug as she held it out in front of her. "M-mom?"

The cloak paused before the hood 'nodded', and her eyes widened. Akari said that he'd used her mother's love for her to enchant the cloak, right? Maybe he'd done more than that! It wasn't like Akari understood his own powers. That's why he always just said, 'it just does that'.

Rushing out of her room, she didn't bother knocking as she burst into Team SNAP's room, ignoring the shouting Atlas people before she froze as she spotted Akari.

"I can probably explain," Akari said, in the process of taking off a very familiar wedding dress.

"Can you?" Ruby asked, making him pause and scratch his chin.

"Not really. I thought it was funny," Akari helpfully explained, wiping away some of the make-up he was wearing. "Also, you make cute noises when you're scared."

"I- how did you look like me?" Ruby asked, facepalming. Akari, for all his power, was a strange boy.

"Oh, I got a new power. I can just do that now," Akari explained, his form shifting to look like hers. "I had to custom make the wedding dress since I've not seen you in one yet. I stayed up all night for it."

"...just to scare me?" Ruby asked, feeling her cloak shift again. "Wait, no. That's not important- I mean, it is important- wait, did you see me, well, you as me, naked when you were getting changed?!" Ruby asked, eyes wide as Akari shook his head.

"Nope. Putting on a wedding dress blindfolded was hard," Akari admitted, making her smile softly. Despite everything, she did trust him. He wasn't malicious, just mischievous. It was kinda funny. 

"Aww, thanks… wait, no, my cloak- hang on, why were you in Patch?!" Ruby asked, her cloak sighing again.

"I saw a picture of you on social media. You had silver eyes. Silver eyes are special. I'll tell you more about that later," Akari promised, making her glance up at his identical eyes. "Your cloak?"

"Did you put my mom's soul into my cloak?" Ruby finally asked, making him pause as he looked at it. She took it off, handing it over as he examined it with a careful eye.

"...maybe?" Akari finally replied, making the cloak seem to sag. "I don't know. Did I?"

The cloak seemingly shrugged again, and Akari scratched his chin. 

"I felt the echo Summer left on the cloak and just gave it a lot of my magic to bring it to life for the enchantment. I don't know if it's her soul," Akari admitted.

So it was either her mom's soul or some remnant of her mom that now lived inside her cloak? 

"Your powers are really weird," Ruby finally said, making him nod.

"Yup," Akari agreed.

– Akari –

There's something inside the cloak, because I feel like I could give one of my powers to it. Therefore, it has to be alive somehow.

"Hm," I say, scratching my chin. "Power, can I have something for ghosts, please?"

"Is that how your power works?" Ruby asks, making me shrug.

"I don't know. Worth a shot," I explain.

[Disir] - 100cp, 100cp needed

You've got a minor divine being in your corner. As a mortal or lesser spirit, this being will act as a very involved guardian angel able to be summoned or dismissed at will, protecting you from harm and dispensing advice. It is as if Wonder Woman was protecting you and only you, or whatever you ask them to protect, such as a land or treasure. As a greater being, they will still function in their old capacity but will also act as humble servants, friends, or agents at your discretion. If you have the ability to ascend beings, such as make new valkyries, they may start ascending to your fullest capabilities without cost to you. They are loyal to a fault, viewing you as their charge. If you have a personality clash with one, you may freely change them out to one with a different personality.

Feat Achieved: Have the common sense to just ask for what you want (don't make a habit of it), 300cp granted. [Disir] unlocked. 200cp remaining.

"Huh, so it does," I say, watching as my new power combines with the cloak. "Hi."

Ruby stares in complete shock as a shimmering, translucent figure appears in between us, the older model of Ruby hovering there as she looks between us. I think she's as shocked as Ruby is.

"M-Mom?!" Ruby whispers, choked up as she tries to hug the spirit and to my surprise, actually succeeds. Huh, guardian angel mom. Neat.

"I- yes, honey, it's me. I don't know how, but I'm here," Summer Rose agrees, looking around in disbelief before her eyes land on me.

"Hi," I say with a wave, making her blink before she laughs quietly.

"Hi," Summer returns, hugging her daughter, watching as I type rapidly on my Scroll. "What are you doing?"

"Asking Yang to come here and telling Ozpin I made a ghost," I admit easily, making her laugh at my casual tone. "It'll be fine for you to stick around once Ozpin knows."

Giving her a reassuring thumbs up, I finish my messages and get one back from Yang. Opening a portal for her, she jumps through with a sultry grin.

"Couldn't wait any longer, huh? Calling me to your room was bold, but I can't say I hate it," Yang purrs, facing away from her mother who just raises an eyebrow. "Luckily for you, I want you just as much-"

As Yang goes to take her top off, I hold out a hand and make her pause.

"Ghost mom," I say, pointing behind her. Yang freezes, utter befuddlement on her face as she turns to look, freezing as she meets Summer's amused stare, Ruby still cuddling the ghost.

"You couldn't have said more than 'I need you in my bedroom, right now?'" Yang finally asks, her voice high-pitched as she stares with a multitude of emotions.

"Would you have believed me if I said I accidentally, on purpose, made your mom into a ghost?" I ask, making Yang pause before she shrugs.

"Honestly, yeah. Makes as much sense as anything else you do," Yang says, rushing forward as she joins the hug.

…that's fair.

– Ozpin –

"Sir?" Glynda asked as he stared at his scroll. Maybe it was the fact that he'd been staring at it for several minutes as Glynda, Qrow and James shared a confused look.

'Turned Summer Rose into a Guardian Angel Ghost. It's pretty cool, come see. :thumbs-up:'

Walking over to Qrow, he calmly snatched Qrow's flask and poured it into his coffee with a serene expression, downing it as he took a deep breath.

"Sir?!" Glynda asked.

"I have no idea what is going on anymore," Ozpin explained easily, a smile on his face as the trio sighed.

"Akari?" James asked.

"Akari," Ozpin agreed. "Oh, Qrow? Can you go to Akari's room? Your nieces are there, and this latest development involves you. Actually, we should all go there right now. Give me a moment to get us our transport."

"Err, sure?" Qrow said, watching a portal open up as Ozpin cheerfully wandered through it, the trio following behind with confused looks. They hadn't caught onto the trick yet, to just give up trying to understand Akari.

"Summer?!" Qrow squeaked, staring in shock as the spirit of Summer Rose turned to him.

"Man, you got old Qrow," Summer agreed with a beaming smile as she held her daughters. "Heya, Oz. Looks like I missed some stuff, huh?"

"Quite. How was the afterlife?" Ozpin asked, making Summer chuckle.

"I have no idea. I died, then I was inside a cloak, and now I'm a ghost," Summer admitted with a shrug. "Akari explained that this stuff just happens sometimes."

"Indeed," Ozpin agreed, watching as Qrow hit the floor. Hm, he passed out. Grabbing Qrow's flask again, he pouted as Glynda snatched it away before he could drink from it.

Summer was radiating divinity. She was no God, but she was clearly a divine being now, his eyes lingering on Akari, who just shrugged.

"I wanted to make her a ghost. My power helped. Cool, right?" Akari asked, making him nod.

"Indeed, very cool," Ozpin agreed, prodding Qrow with his cane.

Yup. Just a normal day in Beacon.

– Akari –

"Hey, Akari?" Yang asks, making me turn to see a blonde missile lunging at me. Despite the whole 'having her sister and ghost mom in the room' thing, Yang tackles me to the ground and captures my lips in a rough, hungry kiss as Ruby gasps and Summer just chuckles. "Thank you."

"Mhm. Your biological mom kinda sucks, so now the cool one is back," I say, giving her a pat on the back as we get up. "Oh, right. Summer, guard Ruby."

"Of course," Summer agrees instantly. She is effectively under my control, after all, but I don't need a ghost mom following me around. "You are a very odd boy, Akari, and I still haven't got a clue how you did this, but as Yang said, thank you."

"Mhm," I agree, waving her off as a second missile strikes me, a red blur crashing into my chest as Ruby fires out thanks like a machine gun, hugging me tightly. 

"Wait! You said my eyes were special, right?" Ruby remembers making me nod.

"Silver eyes are good. They do something, and then Grimm die," I explain, making Summer chuckle again.

"That's more or less correct if a bit of an understatement," Summer agrees. "Don't worry. I should be able to show you how to use yours, assuming you even inherited the full power and not just the eye colour."

"Very special eyes. It's why I'm in a breeding program," I explain again, making them all freeze.

"Huh, I thought you just had a harem," Yang admits. Huh, I thought it was common knowledge. Wait, does the school just think I'm a manwhore? I'm doing this for the good of the world, you know!

"James did this, didn't he?" Summer sighs. "You should have just stabbed him, it got him to shut up when he suggested that I be bred for the good of the world."

"A-am I going to be bred?!" Ruby asks, squeaking as her cheeks turn bright red. 

"Not if you don't want to. Huh, if two Silver-Eyes breed, do they get double the powers?" I ask, making Summer sigh as Ruby freezes, her blush travelling down her neck.

"No, I don't think it works like that," Summer explains. "I suppose it would make the chance of the child inheriting the eyes much higher, but I'm fairly certain they wouldn't be double-silver eyed warriors."

"For the good of Remnant, right Ruby?" Yang teases, watching as Ruby stutters something, her eyes on me before they roll back and she collapses.

Feats Achieved: Reunite Yang and Ruby with Summer Rose, 200cp. Gain Ruby's Undying Adoration (she would literally die for you), 100cp. Win Yang's heart (she's going to try and break your hips), 100cp. 400cp gained, 600cp total.

[Divine Light] - 200cp, 400cp remaining.

The Light of the High Heavens and The Creator Anu is strong in you, allowing you to use it in a myriad of ways. Don it across your form to shine brighter and force Demons and their corruption away. Or use it to soothe your appearance for mortals around you or even heal them slightly.


I'm glowing. Oh, Ruby's awake again. Divine healing aura. Nice. Do Grimm count as demons?



[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (One Dot)] - 100cp, 300cp remaining.

[1] A small change, like a warm or cold breeze, for a few seconds in a limited area will manifest within the next few minutes.

Cool. Next level as well.

[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Two Dots)] - 100cp, 200cp remaining.

[2] Minor changes, like a dense fog lasting a few minutes within a half-mile radius, will manifest within seconds or minutes, depending on the severity of the change.

[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Three Dots)] - 100cp, 100cp remaining.

[3] The Weather Witch may now summon or banish rains and winds and adjust the temperature of an area up to 30 degrees in either direction. These changes are limited in scope to a few miles around and last half an hour at most. Effects arrive within the minute.

[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Four Dots)] - 100cp, 0cp remaining

[4] Changes up to 40 degrees in temperature, gale force winds, cold snaps, heat waves, powerful tides, undercurrents, and storms appear and disappear at the sorcerer's command, at least within a five-mile radius, for up to an hour. The sorcerer may also take control of existing weather patterns and turn them against any nearby individual or structure. Effects are instantaneous.

[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Five Dots)] locked in.


Hm. Idea.

I just need some points first.

"Akari, you're glowing," Ruby points out, making me nod.

"Anti-Grimm healing aura," I explain, and she just pauses before she sighs.

"Yeah, that makes sense," Ruby agrees with a giggle, leaning up and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, Akari. Really."

"Mhm. Wait, where did Summer go?" I ask, looking around as the pair pause and look around. 

Feat Achieved: Traumatise Raven Branwen, 100cp. [Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Five Dots)] unlocked.

[Sorcery - Weather Manipulation (Five Dots)] - 100cp, 0cp

[5] Blizzards, droughts, tornadoes, and other destructive weather phenomena can be manipulated for up to a day within a twenty-mile diameter, lasting several hours, perhaps even a day.

"Never mind, I worked it out," I add, making them blink. 

– James Ironwood –

"I don't suppose you're going to explain what you're trying to do?" James asked the ever-confusing Akari as he directed the young man.

Akari wanted a place with 'a lot of Grimm', and that was something James could give him. Not that Akari was in a rush to explain what he wanted, or why he was literally glowing with divine light, the soft pulsing light feeling comfortable just to stand near.

"Mhm. Holy rain," Akari explained, making James pause. They'd seen how effective holy water had been on Grimm, so this had his attention as they went through the portal, the Ace Ops following behind. 

The plains they were in were infamous for being filled with Grimm, an area deep in the wilder parts of Atlas. He watched Akari look around before he nodded and pulled out his weapon. Then, he opened the umbrella shield and handed it to him with a nod.

Before anyone could say anything, Akari took off, the blazing light growing stronger as a pair of golden wings made of pure energy formed and took him to the skies. He shouted for Akari to wait, seeing multiple flying Grimm heading his way but Akari just stared up into the skies as clouds began to form.

Within an instant, the clear skies became filled with dark clouds and the storm began. His first thought made him wonder if Akari's mindset was contagious as he asked himself how Akari thought an umbrella was going to help when the fierce storm of mythical proportions began, rain hammering down as it spread over the entire plain.

This was why Akari wanted an area that was mostly uninhabited, and James's eyes widened with shock as he heard the screeching of thousands of Grimm. Those in the air flailed as the storm clouds battered them with holy rain, the water almost glowing with the same golden light. Those on the ground feebly tried to flee the seemingly Kingdom-sized clouds, blotting out the sky as far as their eyes could see.

The Ace Ops were getting soaked, but they didn't seem to mind as they stared in true disbelief at the massacre that was taking place. Akari flew through the sky as a golden star, the clouds following him as he sought out the biggest gatherings of Grimm and focused the storms on them.

"By the Gods…" James breathed, watching as Akari landed next to them again with a small, satisfied smile on his face.

"Hm. Worked," Akari added helpfully before blinking. "Oh, sorry. Heavier rain than I thought."

James looked to the Ace Ops, who looked like drowned cats, and then to his own drenched uniform. The umbrella helped a little, but between the gale-force winds and heavy rain, there was no way he could have avoided getting soaked. 

"You're sorry? You just killed more Grimm in a single act than we have in our entire careers, and you're sorry?" Harriet asked, disbelief clear on her face.


Despite his years of experience, James had no idea if Akari was fucking with them or not. His face was incredibly blank, exposing nothing. After a moment, James just chuckled to himself and ran a hand through his soaked hair. 

He hadn't been convinced by Ozpin's claim that Akari was connected to the God of Light, but he had rapidly become a believer.

"More Grimm?"

"I think I can help with that," James agreed, pulling out his Scroll. There were entire sections of Remnant that were seen as no-go zones because of how many Grimm inhabited them. It was time to send a message to Salem that things were going to change.

– Akari – Later –

Feats Achieved: Set the record for most Grimm killed (200cp)


Holy water is useful.

[Viewing Mirror] - 200cp, 0cp remaining.

This is an ornate, enchanted mirror that can be used to spy on remote locations. Although it does not allow one to spy on the inside of buildings, when viewing a place from outside, the mirror not only shows you what you would see if you were actually there but also acts as a gateway for certain spells- allowing you to cast them through the mirror. 

Kinda useless for me, but after a moment, I drop the large mirror through a portal to Sienna's office with a note. I used to use my Farseeing to scout for Grimm, and now they can do it themselves. 

Hearing a shriek, I close the portal. The note explains everything.

"Friend Akari, I require your assistance!" Penny shouts, making me turn to her.

"Sure, what's up?" I ask, making her beam at me.

"You have a healing fountain, correct?" Penny asks, and I simply nod. "Excellent. I wish to kidnap my father. Please assist me."

As Penny bows, I consider asking James for advice before I shrug. Penny is a sweet girl, she knows what she is doing.

"Sure. Oh, wait. I know someone who would be great for this," I say, making her smile as I call for my assistant.

Moments later, Neo hops through the portal looking curious.

"I know the card said one free murder, but can I use it for a kidnapping?" I ask, making Neo nod with a beaming smile as she pulls out her weapon. "No stabbing. Sorry."

She pouts a little at that, pushing her finger against her chin for a moment in thought before she gestures at me wildly.

"Aha! Akari, I believe Miss Politan is asking for rough anal sex in exchange for her aid!" Penny adds helpfully, making me nod.

"Deal. Payment up front?" I ask, getting a beaming smile and a rapid nod as she lunges at me. "Just wait, Penny, we'll be done… eventually, then we can do your kidnapping."

"Sensational! For training purposes, your sexual encounter will be recorded for my databanks!" Penny adds, making Neo and I share a look before she shrugs, and we get back to taking our clothes off.

– Penny Polendina –

As Akari and Neo finished their lovemaking, she patiently waited for them to get dressed as she filed away the encounter deep in her databanks. Her research indicated that Akari was in the top percentile of attractiveness for males, and the nice women on the internet agreed when she sent them pictures of him in various states of undress.

In addition, competence and reliability were highly sought-after for a partner, and Akari was undeniably competent and had never failed to achieve whatever goal he was aiming for. Therefore, Akari was a highly desirable man. It was little surprise that so many women wished to bear his children. It was a disappointing part of her own mechanical body that she was not able to give Akari a child herself, as many of her new friends seemed to greatly enjoy the act. Ciel had come back for more despite her confirmed impregnation.

"I'll open a portal into his lab," Akari promised, making her beam.

Her father had made a large sacrifice to create her, and from the conversations that she had heard between Professor Ozpin and the General, Akari's fountain was able to restore the damage to a Maiden. Surely, it could also heal her father?

Akari counted down with his fingers as she and Neo prepared for action. As the portal formed, she leapt through it with Neo moving behind her, swift and coordinated. Her father let out a surprised shout as they appeared, an Atlas officer reaching for his weapon. Neo kicked the officer in the stomach before throwing the much larger man over her shoulder. Penny jumped into action, grabbing her father's wheelchair and pushing him back through the portal, Neo following behind as she mockingly stuck out her tongue at the officer.

"Apologies, friend!" Penny shouted through the portal as the portal snapped shut. "Quickly, the fountain!"

"Penny?!" her father shouted as the second portal opened, and she picked her father up and threw him over her shoulder. Charging toward the fairy fountain, she triumphantly tossed her father into it as he sputtered, fully drenched as she dunked him into the water.

Her internet friends told her that older men could be highly stubborn and it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission. This was for his own good, after all.

"Good evening, Miss Polendina," Professor Ozpin said, making her blink as she noticed the Headmaster in his swimming trunks at the end of the pool. "Was this Akari's idea, by any chance?"

"No, sir! This was entirely my idea. I simply recruited my friend to assist me with this kidnapping," Penny reassured him proudly.

"Ah, so he is contagious. I thought as much," Ozpin replied easily. "Hello, Pietro. Welcome to Beacon."

"What- where- how did I get here?!" Pietro asked, clearly disoriented from her well-executed kidnapping. 

"Hello, Father! I have taken it upon myself to get you healed. Please do not resist!" Penny said cheerfully. "Stay in this bath until you feel better, please. Come along, Akari, Miss Politan. Our work here is done."

Akari gave the pair a wave as she stepped back through the portal, and Akari closed it.

A sensational operation!

— Bonus Scene — Nora Valkyrie

As she read the messages, she frowned despite the generally good vibe from them. Ren was enjoying his time in Atlas, but he was half the world away. This was the furthest they'd ever been apart.

What if he met another girl in Atlas?

"Mhm, you look sad," Akari said, making her jump. How does someone that literally glows like a nightlight manage to be so damn sneaky? He was a ninja; he had to be.

"Err- No, I'm not sad! I was just… hungry, yeah," Nora laughed awkwardly, making him tilt his head.

"Ren?" Akari asked, and she deflated.

"Yeah…" Nora admitted. She really did like Akari, he was a great friend and a lot more perceptive than people gave him credit for. "We've never been apart like this, and his new team has a really cute Faunus girl on it."

"Hm. Atlas girls are kinda easy," Akari admitted quietly, making her nod.

"That's what I'm worried about! Ren is a prime piece of meat. They'll gobble him right up without me there to protect him!" Nora agreed. 

"Got it. Scroll?" Akari asked, and without really thinking she passed him the requested Scroll, wondering what magic trick he had in mind this time. He handed it back moments later, giving her a thumbs up before he simply turned and walked away. "Lemme know when."

When what?

Looking at the scroll, she froze at the most recent message.

'Wanna go on a date? Together-together.'

Her eyes shot open, looking between the message and Akari's retreating back with disbelief and terror, shaky hands trying to type an explanation before her scroll vibrated and made her drop it

Grabbing it, she prepared herself for pain as she looked at Ren's reply.

'I'd love to.'

She looked towards Akari, who just gave her a small smile and an encouraging thumbs up before he disappeared out of the room, off to parts unknown.

…it was that easy?