The Celestial Remnant Ch12: Archenemy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore Malcolm Tent, Beans

The Celestial Remnant

Chapter 12: Archenemy.

– Lie Ren –

"Give me my scroll back!" Ren shouted, uncharacteristically panicked as he chased Neon around the room, the Faunus girl cackling as she dodged and weaved. He needed to call Nora, ASAP, as Neon had stolen his scroll and accepted Nora's date while he'd been staring in shock.

"Do you not want to go on a date with her?" Flynt asked with a sigh, making Ren freeze. "Don't act like you've not been worried about her getting close to the world's most famous Faunus."

"I- what if it changes things? Nora and I have been friends for so long, a date could-" Ren stuttered.

"Do you like her?" Neon asked, grinning widely.

"I- yes, damn it. Of course I do," Ren admitted, face burning.

"So, your brilliant plan, after she asked you on a date… is to turn her down, so she rebounds into Akari's arms? Great idea, she definitely won't end up being bred by Akari," Neon said with a grin, making him freeze at the image in his mind. 

His heart ached at the idea. Nora bloated with Akari's children, Nora lying naked in her partner's bed…

"Dude, your crush has asked you on a date. Stop overthinking things," Flynt said. "Is your friendship so weak that a single date will break it? If you turn out not to work as a couple, you can go back to being friends."

Was his relationship with Nora that weak?

Neon tossed him his scroll, where he saw that Nora had responded to 'his' response with a set of emojis. A flower, a heart and a lightning bolt. His fingers hovered over the keys, ready to explain, but then he stopped with a quiet laugh.

Neon was a lot like Nora in many ways. Like Nora, Neon was far more observant than most gave her credit for, the ginger Faunus grinning as he stopped himself from cancelling the date.

"So, you're going to set me up with Akari as thanks, right?" Neon asked, making him snort.

"Doesn't he have a harem?" Ren asked, making her nod.

"Well, yeah? Who cares? He's a Faunus icon. The number of people giving me shit for my tail has dropped significantly since he showed up," Neon admitted. "And honestly? Mama likes what she sees. Do you think his tail is as fluffy as it looks?"

Flynt chuckled at Neon's question, going back to his book.

"...I'll see what I can do," Ren agreed, messaging Nora to find out when and where she wanted to go, even as his heart pounded. "...thanks, Neon."

"I gotcha, Rennie. Give Nora a good hard Booping," Neon said, bursting into giggles as he sighed, his face burning brighter.

Going to Atlas had been the right choice. Putting some distance between him and Nora had only made it clear how much he cared for her, and it seemed like she was realising the same.

"Nora says Akari is down for a double date," Ren added, making Neon pause as her eyes went wide. "Akari is going to portal Nora over to Atlas, anyway, so he's coming over. I sent Nora a picture of you."

He was grateful for her help… but that didn't stop him from taking pleasure in the momentary blush on her face.

– Nora Valkyrie –

Beaming to herself, she gave Akari another grin as she watched him laze about. It really was that easy. All that worrying, and Akari fixed it with a single message. She and Ren were already planning their date. Their together-together date.

"Neon has sent you another topless pic," Nora said helpfully, showing him the message of the cat Faunus's big boobies. She had been right to fear Neon, but she intended to make her claim on Rennie. 

"Maybe you should just give her my number?" Akari asked, making her pause. Yeah, that was probably a good idea. Still, she was happy to help Neon get some foxy fun because it kept the slut away from Rennie. "Neon seems… nice?"

"She has nice boobs," Nora said, making Akari pause before he shrugged and nodded. "...I have nice boobs, don't I?"

Akari looked down at her chest, then to the picture he'd just received, nodding.

"Mhmm," Akari agreed. "Very nice."

Yeah, of course she did. Ren wasn't going to be swayed by Neon's when he had access to hers. If he tried to look at someone elses boobs, she'd just bury him in her cleavage. 

"What's sex like?" Nora asked, making Akari shrug.

"Fun," Akari replied simply. "Feels good. Gonna put out on the first date?"

"Probably. If I drain his balls, he can't wander, right?" Nora asked, making Akari think before he nodded. 

"Makes sense to me," Akari agreed. "I don't think he'd wander, though. Ren seems too nice for that when you've locked him down as a boyfriend."

"I know, but Ren is too cute, and the Atlas girls will be trying to wear him down," Nora agreed, pouting. "We're kingdoms apart, after all."

"...I can make portals. A kingdom apart is just a few steps with me around," Akari reminded her. "We're partners, so if you need my portals for a date or a booty call, just ask."

"Thanks, Akari," Nora said, bumping him with her shoulder as he gave her a grin and a nod. "I'm still going to ride Ren until he begs for mercy though."

Nobody was taking her Rennie away.

"Nice," Akari agreed, giving her a high five. 

"...what if it doesn't work out with me and Ren?" Nora asked after a moment of silence, making Akari pause. "What if he decides he doesn't like being together-together?"

"Then he's stupid, and I get you for myself," Akari said, giving her a grin. "You're beautiful, fun and really nice. There's nobody who wouldn't want to be with you. Ren would be an idiot not to want you as his girlfriend, and I don't think Ren is an idiot."

"Aww, thanks, Akari," Nora replied, resting her head on his shoulder. "Can I watch you have sex? I want to get some experience while keeping my first time being with Ren. I'm gonna blow his mind."

"Sure. I think Penny has been recording me having sex as well, maybe ask her for her databanks?" Akari suggested as he typed away. "Neo says you can watch if you buy her ice cream first. She also says she'll use her Semblance to look like you."

"For a slightly psychotic serial killer, Neo's kinda fun, isn't she?" Nora asked, making him nod. 

"Mhmm. I'm gonna keep her pregnant all the time. She can't do crime if she's bloated with babies," Akari said in a stage whisper, making her nod. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.

– Akari –

100cp granted. 100cp total.

Feat achieved: Get Nora and Ren to stop with the will they/won't they bullshit (200cp). 300cp total.


Extracting myself from Neo, I nod to myself. I hope those two are happy together. If Ren doesn't treat Nora right, I'm taking her for myself. Nora seemed to enjoy the show last night. I used [Light Elf] to look like Ren, and Neo used her semblance to look like Nora. It isn't quite perfect, as Neo's semblance is strange to the touch, but it was fun enough.

Feat Achieved: Reunite Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose (100cp), 400cp total.

'dad passed out lol'

Ah, Yang and Ruby's dad got here.

Yang's attached picture is of her laughing at her pale and unconscious father as Summer facepalms. Ruby is drawing on her dad's face. I'm happy for them.

Hearing a knock at my door, I head over with a yawn. It's early, but it's probably something important if they're bothering me.

Opening the door, I instantly try to slam it shut as the Archenemy herself shoves that damned handbag into the door, preventing me from closing her out.

"Oh no, you don't," Coco says, pushing the door open as I try to freeze it. "You didn't think I wasn't going to hear about you making magical clothes, did you?"

"Back, demon. Begone creature of darkness," I say, freezing the door shut. "Ace Ops, she's here to kidnap me. Probably working with the Grimm. Definitely has vile intentions!"

"Oi! Damn it, Akari. Open up, Mama wants her magic clothes," Coco says, fire dust starting to melt my ice.

Evil itself has come for me. 

[Profession: Tailoring] - 300cp, 100cp remaining.

Sew cloth armour and many kinds of bags using dye, thread and cloth gathered from humanoid enemies during your travels. Tailors can also fashion nets to slow enemies, rideable flying carpets and magical threads that empower items they are stitched into. Zen Master: At this level, you've mastered everything from basics to advanced. Additionally, you've expanded your knowledge of the profession beyond the mastery of both basics and advanced stuff to a complete understanding of it. You're on an even playing field with the top 1% of your profession. If you write down your knowledge, it would easily be considered a work of art in that field.

Oh, very funny.

[Arachne Silk] - 200cp, 100cp needed

An endless strand of silk from an Arachne that can be used in making clothes. Clothes made with this silk are extra durable so that even a wild beast couldn't leave even a tear on them. Stains on the cloth are easy to remove, but magical energies applied to the clothes have a trace of them absorbed and stored inside the clothes, giving off the scent of the energy.

Feat achieved: Become Coco's favourite person in the world (100cp), 0cp remaining.


Begone, extrovert. Go back to the foul darkness that spawned you.

– Weiss Schnee –

"Excuse me?!" Weiss asked, giving her father a disbelieving look. "I… even if I did have feelings for Akari, it would be no business of yours who I date. Akari is a fine young man, a promising huntsman. If I desired him, he would be more than a worthy partner for me."

"Now, now, I didn't say he wasn't a most impressive man. We owe him for saving your life, after all," Jacques said. "I simply said that while I think he's a suitable partner for you in Beacon, it would be best if your partnership remained professional."

"And Winter?" Weiss asked. Winter's pregnancy was no secret at this point.

"Winter has always been the… rebellious type, but you are the next head of the Schnee Dust Company. You need to consider how it would look for you to become romantically entangled with a Faunus, even a Faunus of such strange and powerful talents," Jacques said, his smug tone making her increasingly frustrated. 

"But you want him to work for the SDC so you can get the special dust he can make?" Weiss asked, glaring at the man's hypocrisy. 

"Of course. The SDC has the Dust and he has the talents. It would be a crime to not help such a powerful tool against the Grimm spread across the kingdoms," Jacques said shamelessly, as if he wasn't planning to use this to line his pockets. "Which is why I said I approved of your decision to forge a… professional relationship with him. I am simply cautioning you from letting it develop into anything more than that."

"And you think he'll be willing to work with the SDC, given the reputation that you have caused our family to have?" Weiss asked caustically, infuriated that he was interfering in her life. Her entire family was in Beacon, with Whitley and her mother currently touring the grounds. Winter was avoiding their father, and for good reason.

"Of course. I'm sure Akari isn't so foolish as to refuse a chance to get Menagerie a better deal for the Dust they need," Jacques said, making her scowl. She'd heard that the SDC was opening up dialogue with Menagerie, but of course he'd use it to try and pressure Akari into going along with his plans.

Even when he was doing something to fix his reputation, he was weaponising it to benefit himself. She'd heard about the improved working conditions for their Faunus workers, but she could see through his bullshit. He saw the way the winds were blowing and was changing things to save his own skin.

Her father was a racist. He may be willing to pretend he wasn't to save face now that Akari had become so damn powerful, but she could see straight through him. The idea of having a Faunus grandchild disgusted him, the idea of her and Akari growing closer was appalling to him.

"I'll give your advice all the consideration it deserves," Weiss countered, turning and storming off. Oh, he found the idea of her being with Akari so distasteful? How bad for him because that was all the push she needed. 

– Jacques Schnee –

Chuckling to himself, he watched Weiss storm off. His rebellious daughter would be in bed with Akari by the end of the week, and Weiss had taken his words exactly how he'd expected her to do so. She wanted Akari as her husband, knowing how much he would 'disapprove'. 

Winter would have been harder to manipulate, but Winter was already pregnant, so that was a moot point. Akari was only becoming more and more important, especially given how many Grimm he'd slain yesterday, and it was important that Akari be tied to the Schnee Dust Company so they could ride that rising star straight to the top.

Whitley was eternally eager for his approval and would seek to befriend Akari himself, eager to prove that he was more useful than his more talented sisters and Willow. Well, Willow was a drunk, so who cared what she was doing? He'd only brought her because he didn't trust that she'd stay out of trouble if she were left in Atlas by herself.

Everything was going according to plan.

– Coco Adel –

"You didn't think you could hide from me forever, did you?" Coco asked, making Akari scowl as he hid behind his bed. "Come on, we're friends, aren't we?"

"Since when?" Akari asked, giving Velvet a dirty look as she giggled at her fellow introvert's troubles. "My social batteries are forever damaged thanks to your visit to Menagerie. I tried to get Chieftain Belladonna to ban you for life. I didn't have the influence then, I probably do now."

"Now, now, there's no need to be like that, Foxy," Coco said, approaching as she threw her arms around the shoulder of the ungodly powerful Faunus. "I'm just doing my due diligence as a team leader. The Schnees have been showing off the magic clothes they got from you, you wouldn't want poor little Velvet here to go out into the field with a subpar outfit, would you?"

"Oi!" Velvet said, kicking her shin as she grinned. "I told you not to bother Akari. Seems like the entire world wants his attention right now. Sorry about this, Akari."

"Mhm, it's fine. It's not your fault, Velvet," Akari agreed, giving her a smile before he turned back to her, slipping from her grasp with surprising dexterity. "...your clothes suck. I couldn't put any good enchantments on them."

"Excuse me? Do you know how much I spent on these?!" Coco asked, making him shrug.

"They still suck. I'd destroy them if I tried to put anything good on them. Weiss and Winter have their outfits made from some fancy Atlas Silk. Yours aren't made from a good material," Akari explained, but she watched carefully. His tail was swishing back and forth, and it reminded her of the way that Velvet's ears twitched when she was lying.

"And there's nothing you can do about it?" Coco asked, watching him stiffen. Instantly, her grin grew wider as she caught him out in his lie.

"...Velvet is right, I'm very busy. People to do, things to see," Akari said, once again trying to slip away as she grabbed him. She was well aware that he was scarily strong, but he was a good boy and wouldn't actually attack her as he held him in place.

"Come on, Akari, don't be like that. what if something happens to Vel because she didn't have the best possible gear?" Coco asked, making him freeze in place as Velvet groaned.

"Can you stop using me to guilt trip Akari into making you clothes?" Velvet asked with a sigh. "Feel free to tell her to go away, Akari. We've done fine without enchanted clothes so far."

"But you could make it work, right, Akari?" Coco asked, watching him hesitate.

"...I could make you new outfits with some special silk I've got," Akari admitted, making her beam. "But I'm very busy, I don't usually take commissions."

"But you could?" Coco asked, and she saw a light go off behind his eyes. He'd had an idea of how to get rid of her, his tail perking up.

"I only take payment in sexual favours," Akari 'admitted' proudly, arms crossed as he waited for her to back down.

"Deal, as long as you don't finish inside me. I can't risk getting knocked up," Coco agreed, making him pause as Velvet groaned and facepalmed. "Oh, and don't get any in my hair."

Akari froze, mentally bluescreening as he considered his options. Like hell she was letting the magic clothes dealer get away from her. Akari's outfits always looked fantastic, and she had a feeling he'd only gotten better since she saw his work on Menagerie last year. Clothes that could grant the wearer powers were on a different scale entirely and something any huntress would kill for access to.

Sure, she preferred girls, but Akari was cute enough that she was willing to go for a tumble with him to get her team set up.

He was a lot like Vel, and the way he had just frozen in shock was pretty adorable, even as Velvet sighed and facepalmed.

– Akari –

Wait, she wasn't supposed to say yes. 

"Oh, will I be paying for all four outfits, or is Vel paying for hers? I don't mind being the team sugar mama if you're too shy to put out, Vel," Coco added, making Velvet's face burn.

"Aren't I the sugar daddy if I'm giving you nice things in exchange for sex?" I ask, making Coco pause. 

"Huh, guess so. Should I call you Daddy? It's not really my thing, but I'm down," Coco explained with an easy shrug.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone for clothes," Velvet sighs, making me nod.

"Mhmm. I'll make yours for free because I actually like you," I promise, giving her a thumbs up. "Don't tell your mom. She'll have me making outfits for all four hundred of your siblings."

"There's only thirteen of them, but agreed," Velvet says with a snort. "There's a reason I like staying in Beacon as much as I can, no matter how much I love my family. You know Sienna Khan contacted me and hinted that I should try to get bred by you for the good of Menagerie?"

"Not surprised. I'll spank her when I go back," I promise, making Vel laugh at my confident tone. "Don't listen to her."

"Yeah, I'm not interested in becoming a teenage mom, even if it seems to be increasingly common now," Velvet agrees. "Coco, are you really going to prostitute yourself for clothes?"

"Yup," Coco agrees shamelessly. "Well, for magic clothes. They better be worth it, foxy, or we're gonna have problems."

"I'll make Vel's first, and then when you see how good I am, you can decide if it's worth paying on your back," I counter, making Coco consider it before she nods with a challenging grin. "Oh, Velvet? Take off your clothes. I need to measure you."

"I- is that really necessary?" Velvet asks, making me give her a funny look.

"Yes? That's the entire point of custom-made clothes. They're made to your exact sizes."

Velvet hesitates before she sighs, hands moving to her top as she starts to strip down to her underwear. She's got a bright blush on her cheeks, but Velvet's always been shy. Coco is grinning, but I try to avoid looking at her. The mere sight of her drains my social batteries like some kind of optic hazard. 

"I don't know why you're so shy, Vel, you're one sexy bunny," Coco praises, giving Velvet a spank on her ass as Velvet jumps in surprise.

"Let's just get this over with," Velvet sighs, watching me gather my tools. With everything that's happened lately, it feels good to be back to my roots. Velvet blushes and fidgets as I measure her, but she's a friend, so I don't use this to tease her and keep things professional.

Even if Coco is right. Vel is one sexy bunny.

"Mhm, done," I confirm after a few minutes, making Velvet give me a grateful smile. "Oi, power. If you're gonna bully me like this, at least give me something to make this easier."

"Err, Akari?" Velvet asks as I glare at the sky.

[Spirit Attendants] - 100cp, 100% discount applied.

Your state in the world creates energy constructs when you will it. These 'Attendants' are merely spiritual energy constructs formed as extensions of your will and can take a variety of shapes from lamps to hands to willow wisps and small sprites. These smaller constructs of your will have enough autonomy to do minor things on their own, and at any time, you can control them as if they were limbs, disconnection not mattering the least. The largest one of these Attendants can be is around the size of a man's torso. You can easily produce them, an effort of will and a few moments to make one, and have hundreds of them ready to attend to you or your worshipers.

You're lucky you're so cute.

"There we go," I say, making a set of hands appear as they get to work on Velvet's outfit. 

"...Akari, what are you?" Coco asks, making me shrug.

"Special, I guess," I reply with a shrug. "Come back later, you're too loud and I can't work with you distracting me."

"Are you just making excuses to get rid of me again?" Coco asks, making me pause before I nod.

"Yup," I agree, getting a laugh from her.

"You are fun, Foxy. Don't think you can avoid me for long," Coco says, making me smirk as she lets out a scream, falling through the portal that just mysteriously opened under her feet.

"Really, Akari?" Velvet asks, hearing a splash as the portal closes. "You really are amazing, how are you doing all this?"

"I don't know. I just keep getting more powers," I admit, shrugging. 

"You know, my mom suggested I baby-trap you. I don't think she even knows about your powers," Velvet admits with a laugh. "The entire world does want your attention, doesn't it? It's no wonder Sienna wants to tie you down."

"Don't worry. I don't forget my friends. If you need anything, lemme know," I say, giving her a soft smile. "You don't need to trap or seduce me for that."

Velvet gives me a smile at that, ruffling my hair like she used to do. She's only two years older, but I was a late grower, and Velvet is tall for a girl.

"When we have sex, it'll be because you can't resist my vulpine charms, not because you had to seduce me on someone else's orders," I continue, making her freeze and go red before she laughs. "Haven't you heard? Foxes eat rabbits."

"Oh, do they?" Velvet asks with a grin on her lips. "Careful, Akari. You've seen how many siblings I have. Us rabbits can be… energetic."

"I'm always in energy-saving mode, charging up for when it matters," I counter, making her chuckle.

"No, you're just lazy," Velvet says, nudging me with her shoulder as I smirk.

"...oh wait, I didn't need your measurements," I realise, watching her blink in shock as my body shifts to be a perfect match for hers. 

"So, I just stripped for you for nothing?" Velvet asks with a sigh, making me nod lazily. "Well, I'm sure you and Coco enjoyed the show. Where did you send her anyway?"

"Holy Lake, to cleanse her of her sins," I explain, making her snort.

"You don't have enough magic water for that. I better go and get her. She was wearing her favourite skirt, and you just dumped her in a lake," Velvet points out, giving me a quick hug before she sets off.

Chuckling to myself, I pause as I scratch my chin.

With my spirit hands working, I can take some time to look into something I found weird. When I was using Farseeing to track down large amounts of Grimm that I could wipe out with holy rain, I had a look over the Grimmlands. Everyone knows that nobody lives in the weird dragon-shaped continent because of the insane amount of Grimm… so why was there a castle?

Hm. Eh, what's the worst that could happen?

– Salem –

"...can you see me?" the floating figure asked as she stared right at it. She recognised Akari in an instant, he had become such an important figure of late, his silver eyes locked onto her as she rose from her bath.

It had been a long time since someone had interrupted her like this.

"I can," Salem agreed, watching as Akari paused in thought. His eyes briefly moved to her naked body, pale white skin on display and dripping with water. She was old, and modesty was a concept that she had long since lost as she watched him stare at her breasts for a good long moment before he nodded. "May I ask what you're doing here? You're a long way from Beacon, Akari."

"Hm. Just checking something out. I'll come back later," Akari agreed, giving her a thumbs-up. His 'ghost' vanished, leaving her standing in her private bathroom, blinking. 

Well, that was a little rude.

Still… why did Akari feel so much like the God of Light? How intriguing.

– Ozpin –

"The really pale woman with black and red eyes is the Grimm Queen, right?" Akari asked, making him stare at the Faunus in preparation for the latest bullshit.

"That would be Salem, yes. Do I want to know how you know that?" Ozpin asked.

"Mhm, went to visit her castle. She was bathing. She has really nice boobs," Akari said, making Ozpin stare at Akari in disbelief and tired acceptance. Of course Akari just wandered into the Land of Darkness. Why wouldn't he?

"She does, doesn't she? They looked better before she jumped into the Grimm Pools, and her skin turned that sickly white," Ozpin agreed, sipping his rum-infused coffee. "I've heard that there is a scale for crazy and hot, and unfortunately, Salem has long since broken the crazy part of the chart."

"...what did she look like?" Akari asked.

"Honestly? Imagine Glynda with larger breasts and no glasses, and you're basically there," Ozpin admitted lazily, making Akari make a noise of understanding. 

"...imagine me with what?" Glynda asked, making him turn to his office door, her riding crop slapping against the palm of her hand as Ozpin considered his options.

"If I give you a pay rise, will you let me skip the sexual harassment training?" Ozpin asked, watching his mug fly out of his hand as Glynda sniffed it, and her scowl only increased, smelling the booze.

As she turned and stormed out, he sighed.

"I think that was a no," Akari added helpfully. 

Maybe he could find a way to blame this on Qrow?

— Bonus Scene — Saphron Cotta-Arc

Sitting next to Jaune's infirmary bed, she sighed to herself.

What on Remnant had he been thinking? Trying to cheat his way into Beacon? Trying to do the Initiation with no Aura?! Her baby brother had always wanted to be a Huntsman, like their grandfather, but this was insane.

She'd had to come from Argus because their parents were both very busy with the farm where Jaune was supposed to be. How had he seen this going? What had he been planning to tell the family when he didn't come back from his 'short vacation'? 

She was sad she didn't get a chance to thank the student who had failed the exam to try to save Jaune, dragging him through the forest and back to Beacon at the cost of losing his place. Lie Ren sounded like a very respectable young man, and she was glad to hear that Jaune's fuck up hadn't cost him too badly since he was already in Atlas Academy.

Stroking Jaune's hair, she sighed to herself as Terra held her hand. Jaune had survived by Ren awakening his Aura, but he had some serious brain trauma which the passive healing from Aura couldn't repair. Of course he did. The idiot had been launched from a catapult into a Grimm-infested forest, and at no point did Jaune stop and think, 'Wait, maybe they were right to say I wasn't ready for this.'

"Mrs Cotta-Arc?" someone asked, making her straighten up as a stern-looking woman with white hair and icy-blue eyes entered the room.

"I- Yes, that's me," Saphron agreed. "Can I help you?"

"I am Specialist Winter Schnee of the Atlesian Military, on loan to Beacon due to a need for increased security," Winter explained, and Saphron felt her heart drop.

"Is Jaune in trouble? I-If he survives, I mean. I know he faked his way into the school, but surely-" Saphron started, pausing as Winter held out a hand.

"No. If this were Atlas, he would be facing a lengthy jail sentence, but Professor Ozpin decided not to press charges," Winter reassured her, making her let out a relieved sigh. "No, I am here to discuss a related matter with you. As you know, there have been preparations to move Mr Arc to the Vale General Hospital now that we are sure that he is safe to move, but I will be blunt. The chances of him waking up from regular treatment are slim."

"I- I know, the nurse explained the damage," Saphron agreed, a frown on her face.

"Within Beacon, there is an… advanced medical method, which has been classified. I do believe that it would be able to heal Mr Arc, but he does not qualify for such treatment," Winter continued, making Saphron and Terra frown and share a look.

"Is it someone's Semblance?" Saphron guessed, making Winter's eyebrow rise before she smiled.

"Something like that, yes. As I said, the exact details have been classified by the Vale and Atlesian Council; however, I do believe I can convince the person behind it to assist in this case," Winter explained, making Saphron's eyes narrow.

"For a price? I'm not naive, Miss Schnee. I just don't see what you would want from me," Saphron said, her tone challenging. Winter simply smiled.

"Nothing is free, Mrs Cotta-Arc. You recently applied for an artificial impregnation, did you not?" Winter asked, making her and Terra share another confused look. She and Terra wanted children, but for obvious reasons, they couldn't do things the usual way. Despite the tech being available, it was far from perfect and had its risks, but the alternative was to find a surrogate father and do things the old-fashioned way, and they didn't know anyone they could trust for that. She'd hinted at the idea of Jaune being the surrogate and Terra being the mother so their child would have both of their blood, but Terra wasn't exactly eager to sleep with her brother-in-law. Plus, she was pretty sure Jaune was a kissless virgin, and he might get too attached.

"I- what is this about?" Saphron asked, confused and slightly offended. Why did Winter know so much about them?

Winter simply smiled, beginning her sales pitch. It wasn't long before Saphron and Terra were both bright red, Winter leaving them to consider the offer. It wasn't like they were mentally prepared for this, but who could be ready for a Schnee Specialist to show up and invite you to join a breeding program?

And yet, as they discussed matters, they both found themselves leaning toward agreeing with Winter's audacious offer. Winter made a very convincing sales pitch, as it turned out. The benefits of them being bred by this Akari were vast.