Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, Beans
The Celestial Escalation
Chapter 05: Reunions
– Victoria Dallon (Glory Girl) –
Today, she had a duty. It had been entrusted to her by quite possibly her favourite person in the world, and she would not fail.
"Hi!" Vicky greeted, making the muscular girl pause in confusion.
"Hi?" Taylor replied, the Amazonian muscle mommy looking surprised at being approached. "Glory Girl, right?"
"Yup! You can just call me Vicky," Vicky agreed with a bubbly smile as Amy rushed to join them, face red and obviously nervous. Honestly, she felt like a shit sister. She'd tried to set Amy up with a dozen guys. How had she never noticed that Amy liked girls? "And you're Taylor, aren't you? Damn girl, you've gotta share your workout regime. I thought I was in good shape, but you look like you could bench-press me, no powers needed."
Taylor looked truly baffled at that, and Vicky couldn't blame her, but the other girl had a certain 'don't fuck with me' aura and didn't let her surprise throw her off. Honestly, Vicky was impressed with what she saw.
"Vicky!" Amy shouted, face burning at Vicky's upfront plan. "Sorry, Taylor. Erm, I don't know if you remember me. You were kinda out of it-"
"I remember. I never did get a chance to thank you, Panacea," Taylor said, her confused look fading into a more gentle smile as Tay pushed her hair out of her face.
Amy looked pleased at that, but her sister was hopeless as she uselessly babbled. It was actually pretty adorable for Ames and made Vicky grin.
"Then why don't you buy her lunch? We were just out to get something to eat," Vicky suggested, and Taylor blinked at her forwardness. Amy went atomic, her face turning bright red at Vicky's unsubtle suggestion. Taylor's look went thoughtful, and Vicky knew the other girl had not missed the point.
"I… umm, I was hoping to talk to you in private, but you don't have to-" Amy babbled adorably.
"That works for me. I was going to find something to eat soon anyway," Taylor cut in, a slight blush on her face. Taylor seemed like a weird mix of super-confident and yet very shy, but she was handling things better than Amy was.
Vicky beamed proudly at a job well done.
"Any preferences? And are you planning on sticking around, Vicky?" Taylor asked, making Vicky grin.
"Nah, I figured I'd go and track down Dean since Amy has someone else to-" Vicky started, cutting off at the look on Amy's face. It was a mixture of happiness, desperation and dread. "But I guess I could hang around?"
– Taylor Hebert (Nimue) –
Am I misunderstanding what is going on here?
'Nope! Panacea is a thirsty girl!'
I thought not.
100cp granted.
As we decide on a place, picking a new Sushi place that Vicky wants to try, Amy is bright red, and Vicky just babbles constantly. She's a very extroverted girl, while Amy and I are far less so. The sushi place is pretty pricey, something Amy tries to point out, but I wave her off.
I have the money, mostly thanks to Ems' decision to rob Coil. I can't say I completely approve, but having access to more money than I should ever need isn't something I can bring myself to turn down.
'I'm basically your sugar mamma! Have fun, baby!'
It turns out that being an unmasked hero means you don't need things like 'reservations' as Vicky gets us in with a short conversation (and an autograph). Vicky is very unsubtle as she literally pushes me and Amy to sit next to each other and taking one side of the private booth for herself.
It's an awkward dinner, to be honest, as I frankly have no idea how to deal with Amy's apparent interest in me, and Amy is in no rush to break the silence. I'm honestly glad that she seems just as much out of her depth as me.
"So, are you gay?" Vicky asks right as I'm taking a drink.
"Vicky!" Amy hisses, face burning as I cough up my drink. "You can't just-"
"Well, you two weren't getting anywhere. You've talked about the weather, three times," Vicky points out.
'She's not wrong.'
"I- but- shut up," Amy argues eloquently.
"You asked for my help, I'm helping," Vicky counters shamelessly. "Well, Taylor? Are you?"
"Is that why you approached me?" I ask, turning to Amy, who freezes.
"N-No?" Amy replies, sounding very unsure about her answer. "Maybe? It's not the only reason."
"But you are interested in me?" I continue, watching her face turn increasingly red as she splutters and scrambles for an answer before she simply nods once, avoiding eye contact.
"So, are you?" Vicky asks again, making me sigh and run a hand through my hair. Amy looks forlorn for a moment, assuming the worst.
"I don't know," I admit, shrugging. "I have exactly zero experience."
"With women?" Vicky asks, making me snort.
"In general," I correct, making her blink.
"Seriously? That's such a waste. You're telling me that nobody has gotten to enjoy those long legs or firm abs?" Vicky asks, and I can't help but blush at her words. I am not mentally capable of handling this girl. "Okay, we can work with that. Do you think Amy is cute?"
"You are a very blunt girl, aren't you?" I ask, making Vicky grin.
"As subtle as a flying brick," Vicky admits shamelessly.
Turning to Amy, who squeaks from my attention, I examine her closely for a moment. I haven't had the time or energy to think about dating for a long time. I think the last time it came up, it was because Emma was telling me about her future boyfriend (a popstar from the other side of the world).
Amy is obviously nervous, a blush on her freckled face and soft brown eyes wide as she stares back at me. She is objectively cute, even with the bags under her eyes.
"You don't get much rest, do you?" I ask, making her eyes widen. "Yes, Amy is cute."
Vicky beams smugly at my words.
"Next question. Do you think I'm hot?" Vicky asks, making Amy and me sigh in unison.
"You asked her for help with this?" I ask, making Amy nod shamefully.
"I thought she'd be at least a little subtle. Should have known better," Amy agrees.
"Probably, yeah. Now, answer the question. Am I hot?" Vicky demands.
"You're Glory Girl, voted the hottest cape in Brockton Bay, which is kinda weird since adults voted for a teenager, now that I think about it," I counter.
"Okay, fair. I am hot. Don't dodge the question, do you think I'm hot?" Vicky asks again, a grin on her face. She's enjoying this far too much.
"Appreciating something for its beauty doesn't mean I want to sleep with it. I can call a painting beautiful without wanting to date it," I say, once again dodging the question. Of course she's hot. She's Glory Girl. She's unfairly good looking, making everyone around her look worse just by existing.
"Aww, you think I'm a work of art?" Vicky asks, making me groan as my head hits the table. "So, that's a yes. Amy thinks you are hot, you think she's cute, I don't see the problem."
"I never said there was a problem," I sigh, rubbing my forehead. Amy gasps quietly at that, and I give her a small, somewhat nervous smile.
I have never dated anyone, but Amy is cute. Even her body language is adorable, and with Ems whispering into my ear, I can't see a reason not to try. I let the trio stop my social life dead in its tracks, and I'm not letting them stop me ever again.
"You said this wasn't the only reason you wanted to talk to me?" I ask Amy, making her nod rapidly. She looks happy for the change of subject as Vicky pouts. Amy looks around, peering out of the booth.
"We need more privacy for that," Amy finally says. The booths are private, but she clearly doesn't want to take chances with this.
"We can use our house. Mom is working late, and Dad… well, he won't pay attention if we go upstairs," Vicky says, making me pause before I make a decision.
"Taking me home after the first date? Do I seem that easy to you?" I ask Amy, making her face go atomic as Vicky bursts out laughing.
"I- that's not- I didn't- It was Vicky who said that and-" Amy stutters, making me grin and nudge her with my shoulder.
"I'm just teasing, Amy. Sure, I'll come over," I agree, making Amy sigh and huff as Vicky smiles.
The biggest insult I can give to the trio is to leave them in the dirt. Nothing will piss Sophia off more than seeing me doing well, and even if it turns out that I don't like Amy like that, they're still a good pair to know.
The 'date' moves onto easier subjects. Vicky questions me about Winslow and all the rumours, and I confirm that whatever she has heard, Winslow is way worse. Arcadia sounds nice from her own stories, and soon enough, we're on our way to the Dallon household.
Vicky decides that the fastest way is for her to just grab us both and fly, making Amy sigh a long-suffering sigh as I yelp. She didn't exactly ask permission before grabbing us, but I get the feeling that Vicky is more of an 'ask forgiveness' girl, not used to asking for permission before she acts.
Dragging us inside, she shouts a greeting to her father, who is sitting in the living room, but Flashbang doesn't get a chance to give us more than a quizzical look as we're dragged upstairs.
Amy looks embarrassed as Vicky drags us into what I assume is Amy's room, her eyes flickering around to the mess. Clothes are littered everywhere, the wrappers from some snacks and empty cans at her desk. She desperately kicks a plain bra under her bed, and I pretend not to notice.
"Don't give me that look. Your room is way worse," Amy says, kicking Vicky in the shin as her sister giggles and sits on the bed with a little bounce. Amy joins her as she gestures to her chair, with me taking a seat.
"I know, that's why I brought us here," Vicky agrees. "At least it's not as bad as Crystal's college dorm."
"Is anything?" Amy asks with a laugh before she visibly readies herself. Moving to the door, she opens it and peeks out to check that her father hasn't followed before closing it. "I- there's no easy way to say this, but I am almost sure that you are Nimue."
Vicky's eyes widen at Amy's words, but I just freeze. For a moment, a denial is on my lips before I sigh.
"This is the worst kept secret in the city. How did you work it out? I heard you telling the PRT that I wasn't a Cape after you healed me," I admit.
"I couldn't detect your Corona Pollentia or Gemma, and frankly? Even if I had, I'd have lied. It's none of their business, and I don't work for them," Amy says bluntly, arms crossed. I can appreciate that. "Why did they call me out to you anyway? The agent gave me some bullshit, but they specifically requested me to check you over when you would have survived without me. Sure, it would have taken longer to recover, but the PRT doesn't take an interest in every crisis point."
I hesitate again, making them share a look. A brief conversation with Ems makes me sigh.
"This stays between us," I order, getting two nods. "My trigger event was caused by a 'hero', and their handler was covering their ass. They didn't want me to die in some complication and have more people look into it."
"A hero made you trigger?" Vicky asks, floating an inch off the bed as the room seems to shake.
"Vicky, aura," Amy sighs, looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and respect. Whatever that was, it didn't affect me.
'Like I'd let you get mastered, even if a fear aura is on the weaker scale of master effects. She's been putting off an 'adoration' aura all day. You're welcome!'
"Oh, shit, sorry, Ames," Vicky says, pausing. "You didn't feel that, huh?"
"I have a… unique resistance to master effects," I admit.
"It's a shaker effect, not a- whatever, doesn't matter," Vicky cuts herself off. "But seriously? A fucking hero made you trigger?"
"Shadow Stalker?" Amy asks, and I freeze. Vicky blinks and looks her way, but Amy just shrugs. "You said handler, so it's a Ward. The 'incident' happened at your school, and the only Wards I don't know the civilian identity of are Browbeat and Shadow Stalker. The rest don't go to Winslow, but I know Winslow is supposed to have a Ward there. Browbeat doesn't seem the type. Shadow Stalker does."
"Technically, it was both," I admit, making them pause.
"Shadow Stalker and Browbeat don't get along. Shadow thinks Browbeat is a coward," Vicky points out, making me snort as I realise Madison has been playing Sophia all this time.
"They're friends, in their civilian identities. I don't think Shadow Stalker knows it," I continue. It feels good to get this off my chest. "And yeah, Browbeat is a coward. They're a follower, through and through, and they followed Shadow Stalker into pushing me into that filth-filled locker."
Honestly, I've said enough that they could probably work out Sophia's identity but fuck Sophia. I doubt they'll work out Madison. Sophia has enough male friends on the track team to muddy the waters.
"God, Piggy is gonna be pissed. You know the PRT wants to recruit you? Gallant mentioned it. There was a whole meeting about it since they want their own healer," Vicky explains, making me snort.
"Yeah, that's not going to happen. I've seen enough of the PRT's incompetence, I have no desire to join the Wards," I say, a frown on my face.
"They're not all that bad. Aside from Stalker, I like all the others, but I don't blame you," Vicky agrees. "Don't paint the other Wards in Shadow Stalker's edgy black brush. Most of them are really nice people. I'll introduce you to them. Honestly, none of them even like Shadow Stalker, she's always been a mega-bitch to the rest. But yeah, I wouldn't join up in your shoes either."
"Don't you have a team, anyway?" Amy asks, making me pause. "It's you, Redwing and Sleuth, right?"
"Oh yeah! Thank Sleuth for me, yeah? I was following the thread last night, and they helped me kick some serious ass. What's your team called, anyway?" Vicky asks, making me chuckle.
"Currently unnamed, and you're welcome," I admit, beaming slightly as she blinks. "I am Sleuth, more or less. Redwing posts because she can handle the posting way faster, but it's my power that's locating the crimes."
"Man, what is your power? A healing martial arts thinker?" Vicky asks, making me snort.
"Something like that," I admit. "And you never answered my question, Amy. How did you know?"
Amy blinks before her blush returns, and she mutters something under her breath.
"Huh? Speak up," Vicky says, and Amy facepalms.
"Irecognisedyourabs," Amy almost whispers, the words flying out so fast that it takes me a moment to separate them. "I saw a picture of you on your first night out and I guess I just got lucky."
"…got lucky?" I ask before groaning.
"Huh, what's up, Tay?" Vicky asks, watching me hit my head against Amy's desk.
"You didn't get lucky. I made you lucky," I admit, despite my plans to keep that part secret. We're past the point of being coy now. "One of my powers lets me bless or curse people with good or bad luck. When I was testing it out, I used Amy as one of the people I gave good luck to. I figured if anyone deserved some good luck, it was Panacea."
Vicky pauses for a moment before she burst out laughing once more, falling back on the bed in a fit of giggles.
"Wait, is that why all my days have gone… better? Things have just been going right for me this past week. Nothing major, just in a lot of little ways," Amy asks, making me nod.
"Probably. I have a list of people who I give good and bad luck to every morning, and you're on my good luck list," I admit, making her pause before she smiles softly.
"Thank you," Amy says quietly, giving me an indecipherable look.
'The fact that you call an affectionate smile "indecipherable" is worrying.'
Shush, you.
"Aww, it's basically fate, right?" Vicky asks, making me sigh. "Hey, wait. Am I getting good luck? Is that why I haven't broken up with Dean this week?"
"I… you are on my list, yeah," I say, making Vicky let out a surprised huff. "I'm not sure how much it works on people I don't know the real names of. I mean, I try cursing villains, but it's not like I can ask them how bad their day has been. So, I tend to use it on New Wave. You guys post your patrol schedules on your site, so I just give you some luck before every patrol."
"Figures it takes parahuman intervention to keep you two from splitting up," Amy snarks, making Vicky elbow her. "But seriously, luck powers?"
"I know," I say, shrugging.
"Ooh, I've got a date coming up this week? Can you make sure it goes well?" Vicky asks, beaming as Amy sighs and rubs her forehead. "I'll text you before it starts and you can hit me and Dean with the good juju beam or whatever."
"Congrats, you're now part of Vicky's support team. She's going to bug you for good luck before she goes on any dates, and when she's gotten lucky, she'll bug me to make sure she's not pregnant," Amy drawls, Vicky smiling shamelessly at Amy's words.
"Wonderful," I drawl back, making Amy grin slightly despite her annoyance at her sister. "I- sure, give me your number, and you can text me for a luck boost."
It's better to keep them on my side.
"Sure, throw me your phone," Vicky says, and I do so easily. It barely has anything on it, and we're a little past not sharing secrets. "Seriously, Tay? Not even a background? And you have like two numbers."
"I don't take many pictures-" I start, promptly getting kidnapped by a blonde missile who pulls me between her and Amy, beaming for the camera as Amy and I look at her in annoyance. I don't miss that her subtle move leaves me sitting with Amy as she tosses me the phone and slips into the chair. "...thanks."
"Nah, thank you for the great week. I knew things just felt better lately," Vicky agrees with a beam. I don't bother pointing out that I only gave her luck once or twice. "So, wanna join New Wave?"
"Just like that?" I ask with a sigh, and she nods with a grin.
"It would be great. You can kick ass with me, and Amy could use help with the healing. Plus, having someone who can fix her up would make things a lot easier," Vicky points out.
"You have my number if anything happens to her," I say with a shrug. "I don't want to unmask, even if my secret identity feels paper thin at times. Shadow Stalker and Browbeat have worked it out already."
"If they give you any shit, you come tell me. Wait, you should give them bad luck-" Vicky suggests before she pauses. "You sly dog! You are, aren't you?"
"Only a little. They are allegedly heroes. I don't want to get them hurt, so I hold back and give them the smallest curse possible," I admit. It's also what I do for my dad, but with my good luck. I can choose which level of luck I want to give people, which will be helpful as my fortune power grows stronger.
"Nice. I'd have just beaten them up, but this is basically karma, right?" Vicky asks, sounding a lot like Ems, who is awfully smug about it. "But yeah, I get it. Mom probably wouldn't let you join unless you fully unmask, still, keep it in mind, yeah? It's not safe on your own."
Our conversation moves to safer topics, and for a moment, I remember the sleepovers with Emma, before she stabbed me in the back. Vicky is Emma but better in every way (well, no, that's Ems, but you know what I mean,) and Amy is fun. She's snarky and grumpy but not in a way that makes her unpleasant to spend time with as Vicky tells stories of her heroic deeds (with Amy correcting any embellishments and adding embarrassing details Vicky missed).
As the night comes to an end, I have two new numbers in my empty contact details. I had Ems' number, which is a little pointless since she's in my head, and home. Vicky definitely noticed, but she's got enough tact not to bring it up.
Despite everything, I can't help but be grateful for Contessa sending me here. I think I needed this.
"You sure you gotta leave so soon?" Vicky asks, pouting as I chuckle.
"I do have things to do," I say, nodding.
"Well, I've got your number now so there's no escaping," Vicky teases, making me grin slightly. I believe her.
"Still, there's something I have to do first," I say, having once more decided to take Ems advice as Amy looks at me in curiosity. "Call it a test run."
Amy blinks in confusion, but her eyes widen as I begin to lean in. She doesn't pull back, head tilting up as my hand comes to her chin. My heart is pounding in my chest, but Ems has a point. I shouldn't lead on Amy, and I don't know if I like girls, so this is the easiest way to find out.
Placing my lips against Amy's, all I can think is 'soft' as Amy closes her eyes and leans into the kiss. Her lips part, but I don't let the kiss deepen much before I pull back, seeing her bright red face and nervous look. My finger brushes against her lips for a second before I move back in and kiss her again, slightly deeper before I pull back.
"Yeah, I can work with this," I say, trying to play it cool despite my raging emotions. Amy's eyes widen before she returns my small smile with a beaming one of her own. Amy moves forward, initiating the kiss this time, and I feel her hand move under my t-shirt to stroke my abs.
And then a wolf whistle reminds us that we're not alone, Vicky beaming as we break apart.
"I do damn good work, don't I?" Vicky asks, a grin on her face as Amy throws a pillow at her. The descent into sisterly teasing is immediate, the pair squabbling as Vicky teases her sister. I don't come to her aid because I'm dealing with some teasing of my own as Ems joins in.
Feats Achieved: Befriend Glory Girl (100cp), Seduce Panacea (100cp). 200cp granted, 300cp total.
I didn't seduce anyone!
Due to acquiring a girlfriend, the Celestial Bordello is now online.
The Celestial what?!
The Celestial Bordello, Free Purchase
[Begone Thots!] - 200cp
Source: Fate/Grand Master
Chaldea has only one Master but many Servants and, therefore, many rivals who might want to steal your Master's attention away from you. But they'll have to get up really early in the morning if they want to pull one over on you: simply having a romantic interest in someone is enough to hinder anyone else's efforts to intrude on that relationship, barring any who had an interest before you. A shifty snake trying to sneak into your lover's room at night finds her path coincidentally barred and her plans foiled without you even needing to raise a finger, and it only becomes harder and harder for your rivals to make any impact at all as your relationship develops and you grow ever closer to your beloved.
'Now, no one can seduce Amy away from you!' Says Em.
W-was that something I needed to worry about to begin with?
[Imperial Blade Form]- 200cp, 100cp remaining
Source: NUKENAI Seiken-chan
You can transform into a sword. While in sword form, you are ageless, have no bodily needs, are aware of your general surroundings, and can magically communicate with others. The powers you grant your wielder depend on your current capabilities; if you know tantric magic, you might allow your wielder access to your mental library of spells, while if you can mind-control others, your cut might wound their willpower instead of their body. Generally, your most 'iconic' powers are increased in strength but decreased in versatility while also being aligned with your nature as a sword, a weapon meant to be wielded by another.
You may limit the powers your wielder has access to if you so choose.
As I hit the ground, Amy and Vicky stare at me in true befuddlement for a moment.
"Taylor, I don't want to alarm you, but you turned into a sword," Vicky says, reaching down and picking me up. "Oh, wow, what the hell is this?"
"I- put my girlfriend down, damn it," Amy says, wrestling me out of Vicky's hands. "Taylor, are you okay? That is you, right?"
"It is," I telepathically speak to them both. "Just… put me on the bed for a moment."
As she does so, I pop back into my true form with a sigh.
"My powers are really annoying sometimes," I say, rubbing my head. Okay, Alternate Forms transform me on the spot, which is good to know. Roll in private in future.
"Is that a common problem?" Vicky asks, seemingly caught off guard for the first time.
"It's a new power. I wasn't expecting it to trigger immediately," I admit.
"Just what are your powers?" Amy asks, awe on her face. "You're a Trump?"
"Basically, yeah," I admit. "It's complicated."
"It's weird. Are you basically a ninja-themed Eidolon?" Vicky asks, making me snort.
"I'm hardly Eidolon. I have no real control over the new powers, and can't control them. Sometimes I get the ability to turn water into a healing elixir, sometimes I get luck powers and sometimes I turn into a sword," I say with a shrug.
"But you keep all the powers?" Amy asks, making me nod easily.
"Well, yeah, so far," I agree. "But I'm not that powerful."
[A Loving Mother(ly Figure)] - 100cp, 0cp remaining.
Source: Warhammer Fantasy: Dark Elves
An ominous shadow billows down the corridor. A cold chill burns up your spine as a voice like honeyed wine purrs your name. The dread creature that stands before you is one of the most utterly vile beings to ever come close to stealing your soul.
That's right. Your mother has come to visit you again.
At least this sultry, clingy matron seems to think of herself as your mother in spirit. If she was truly your mother, as a young boy, you will vividly remember her burying your face in her chest as she whispered huskily that after your father tragically drank two gallons of poison by accident, you had to become the man of the household. But she may be a maiden aunt oddly fond of bouncing you on her lap while telling you what a forward young man you were, or even a much older sister who insisted you learn to frisk others for weapons on her. The point is, she was rather reluctant to let you sleep in your own bed. If you ever started to.
Though no Dark Elf can be truly called fat, her breasts would make a dwarf woman proud-and her rump and thighs have the jiggle of one too many bacchanals. Sometimes, she claims one of her sister sorceresses bent her will and marred her flesh with unspeakable rites, huskily describing how it felt to be used by her almost as attractive rival before she took her exquisite revenge. Other times that a daemon once possessed her, made her embarrass herself in her own dungeon and left her with eternally inflamed needs. You're starting to suspect she actually remodelled her body with dark magic and simply likes toying with you until your heart beats like a drum. It would explain why, around you, she dresses scantily (even by sorceress standards), wearing what are blatantly strips of other outfits crudely tied around jewellery to cover the bare minimum of her body in company. And often, less.
"You really shouldn't put yourself down like that," a soft, honeyed voice says as we all freeze. Sitting in the seat I was in before, dressed in what can best be described as several tactically placed belts and nothing else, is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
With the teasing and nudges from Ems, I can't stop my eyes from lingering on her amazing pale legs first, moving up to her taut stomach and large breasts, but it's her face that makes me freeze.
Vicky charges first, not asking any questions but the woman clicks her fingers with a few alien words and Vicky's entire body freezes and she flies past the woman and crashes into the wall, groaning in surprise and pain.
"Really, Taylor, ogling your own mother like that," Annette teases. "You've become such a naughty girl while I've been gone."
Her pointed ears are new, and she didn't have a body like that, but her voice and face is unmistakable as my own mother stares back at me with a sly smile.
"T-Taylor?" Amy asks, looking between us. "I thought your mother had passed away… it was in your record."
Ems tries, she really does, but nothing could stop me as I slump off the bed and hit the ground with a large thud.
"My, my…"
— Bonus Scene — Theresa 'Tess' Richter (Dragon)
"So, you're sure that Redwing is an artificial intelligence?" Chief Director Costa-Brown asked, cutting off Director Piggot. The Chief Director was only here remotely as she made her report on Nimue and her allies.
"Correct, Chief Director. I considered that she was a Tinker or Thinker at first, but I am increasingly convinced that Redwing is artificial in nature," Dragon agreed.
"But you don't think she's a threat?" Piggot asked caustically.
"No, I do not. She has no signs of self-replicating, and her only physical form seems to be the bird drone that Nimue usually has with her," Dragon agreed.
"Do we know if Nimue is the Tinker?" Colin asked, making her shake her head.
"Unknown, so far. Nimue has shown none of the common signs of a Tinker, but Redwing remains coy about their origin. What I am convinced of is that she was programmed to serve Nimue as an assistant of sorts. If Nimue isn't the Tinker, the Tinker is likely a friend, ally or even a family member," Dragon explained.
"And Sleuth?" the Chief Director continued.
"Sleuth is… odd. Redwing claims that Sleuth gives her the information, and that Redwing simply posts it but I don't believe that is possible. If Sleuth is a Thinker, I don't believe they could physically provide the information to Redwing fast enough to explain Redwing's nonstop posting," Dragon explained. "It's also noteworthy that the posting stops during the day, especially around school time. I do believe that Redwing is getting the information from someone, but I don't understand how Sleuth is providing the information to her. What I have worked out is that Sleuth's power seems to sense people in danger. I used several similar crimes to compare the ones that Sleuth detected and those that Sleuth missed."
"Go on," Costa-Brown said, clearly curious.
"There were three very similar break-ins last night. In one, there was nobody in the store and therefore, the crime was not reported as Sleuth doesn't detect crimes that don't pose an active threat. In the second, the store owner was there and was taken hostage. This was reported and dealt with. In the third, an employee was taken 'hostage', but further investigation shows that they were working with the Empire gang members. This crime was not reported because the 'victim' was not truly in danger," Dragon explained. "This pattern persists through other crimes. Every crime that Sleuth has reported had someone in immediate need of help. Muggings are reported, even if the mugger doesn't intend to hurt the victim beyond taking their belongings, as several muggings were reported and passed without being stopped, with the victim not being harmed. I considered that Sleuth was sensing people's fear, but this has been proven wrong by several crimes that were stopped without the victim ever realising they were in danger. Velocity stopped an Empire initiation, with the gang members attempting to break into the home of a Hispanic couple. Both intended victims were asleep and only woke up after the break-in had been prevented."
"Could Nimue be Sleuth?" the Chief Director asked, making Dragon consider it.
"Possibly, if she is vastly underselling her own powers. Either Nimue has far more power than she has shown, or my other theory is that she is part of a group trigger event. Redwing's creator, Sleuth and Nimue, could have all triggered at the same time, but even then, they don't match the common signs of a cluster trigger. Nimue could be a Grab-Bag, with the varied powers we've seen, but they usually follow a theme. I fail to see how Sleuth and Redwing fit into a theme with her," Dragon agreed.
"It would explain how she managed to take down Lung if she was hiding her true strength," Colin suggested.
"She's not hiding it that much," Assault snorted. "People hiding their strength don't drop off a beaten Lung on our doorstep."
"Do we know how Lung was beaten yet?" Piggot asked, repeatedly clenching and relaxing her fist.
"He refuses to answer most questions, but from the examination when he was brought in, she took him down with several incredibly precise blows before he could escalate. Each blow was delivered in a place that would debilitate him, and it seems that they, in quick succession, succeeded in knocking Lung unconscious before he could grow," Miss Militia reported.
"So, she hit him with some kung fu bullshit and just beat him unconscious?" Assault asked.
"It seems so. Usually, he'd grow too fast for that to work, but she has been seen to suddenly gain a boost to her speed. With her skill and strength, it's not out of the question that she knocked him out before he could react," Miss Militia agreed. "All Lung has said is that he lost to Nimue, and he confirmed that nobody else was involved. He's sworn revenge, of course, but with his transport to the Birdcage already complete, that's not a concern."
"Any movement from the Empire?" the Chief Director asked.
"Stormtiger led a raid into ABB territory within an hour of word getting out that Lung had been defeated. Oni Lee responded, using his grenades to kill all the unpowered members while Stormtiger fled. Oni Lee is responding to all intrusions in ABB territory with incredibly lethal force and seems to have access to tinkertech grenades," Colin answered, a frown on his face.
"So he cracked open the good stuff for the occasion?" Assault joked, getting a wave of dirty looks.
"Even Skidmark is testing the ABB's borders. Without Lung, the ABB are vulnerable, and everyone else knows it. A gang war is already starting, and that will draw in gangs from other cities. This is no joking matter, Assault," Piggot said, scowling. "Nimue has no idea what she started."
"I want her in the Wards. She's powerful but reckless. We also need to have her healing tested. Get her in for power testing asap," Costa-Brown ordered, making Piggot nod with a scowl.
"She's not likely to want to join if she has a group already, even if they're all as new as her," Miss Militia pointed out.
"And if she isn't in a group and is genuinely just that strong, she's probably not interested in joining the Girl Scouts- sorry, the Wards," Assault continued.
"Dragon, continue communicating with Redwing. So far, she's our only in with Nimue herself," Costa-Brown ordered, making Dragon nod easily. "Push Redwing to try and get Nimue to come in for power testing."
As she agreed, the meeting continued with the plans to try and lessen the damage of the brewing war between the ABB and Empire. Even as they talked, she reached out to the 'chat room' she'd made to lure Redwing in.
'Yeah… that's gonna be hard :p'
'Any particular reason why Nimue would be against power testing?' Dragon asked, letting out a digital sigh at her friend's response.
'Well, it was one of your 'heroes' that made her trigger, so she doesn't exactly… like you. At all.'
Dragon's eyes widened at that, Redwing's font uncharacteristically black and basic instead of her usual pink comic sans.
'Sorry, no can do. If I tell you which hero did it, you'll definitely work out her identity. Honestly, she'd get pouty that I told you this much :p'
And the pink was back. At least she wasn't messaging in Wingdings this time.